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    Hahahahahahhahahahahaha good one ive just saw it , the 3ou9 in csbd
    1. B O O G Y M A N

      B O O G Y M A N

      not the siiiiiyed version haha

      the 3ou9 is not a person, it's a mindset 🤪

  4. I did join back in 2016 , had alot of fun and still having lot of fun till today , longlife csblackdevil 🥳
  5. First ill reply to trey , gave last 10 seconds a free because i was stuck in wall so i said free , replying to neo , fledx been spamming the chat and 2 admins already did gag him not only me because he trash talked dankata as well so yea not only me , so if you are saying someone is being annoying i should gag him , when should i , plus alot of players told him to shut up , im also confident dw , but its making the game not fun anymore not for me but for other players , being childlish and spamming me for no reason calling me name and asking me same questions almost 20 times is not fun.
  6. First of all i never kill anyone I don't know how you died but i gave free while everyone was alive you was annoying to me that's why i gagged you.. and you are very disrespectful toward admins fix your attitude FedX or you will be banned next time ,i bought the mod and the last 10 secs i gave free for last 6 people to make game enjoyable and help people to progress towards their rank but Fedx kept abusing me in a bad non english language i did gag him once and dankata did gag him also , daking was trash talking to me as i am a new admin , just came to have fun and finding toxic people isnt making the game helpful , daking saying im abusing admin commands , but i told him i was new admin and trying to figure it out , instead of helping me out he trash talked me in arabic language as he is algerian and iam tunisian so we can understand each other saying he is an upper admin than me and he doesnt give a single f!$% about me being a new admin , im 21 years old im not a kiddo so a 15 years old strash talk me , im just trying to have fun and progress having better ranks but trust me those both been abusing me so hard so you can do whatever you want and i have witnesses , if you want to make me pay off for gaging someone trash talked for no reason and the other guy is just mad because im a new admin go for it , but at that time everyone should pay, thank you!
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