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  1. Since this is not the first time that Angel of Death was reported for the same thing, i will not just suspend or warn him. Last time i believed him when he said that he only used jet when there were only a few zombies left, and i chose to give him another chance, but, enough is enough. The report is and the admin will be removed!
  2. The winners for November are: 1'st Place : Ahad 2'nd Place: StefanStanciu 3'rd Place: spoik PS: since the actual 3rd place is Cronos, but he already posseses permanent V.I.P, he will also be rewarded with 5000 points! Be ready! In a few days time we will anounce the rewards for December! Good luck everyone!
  3. for now, you just got your Moderator rank, i want you to focus on that, come back with another request in a week or so.
  4. Ok, so. For example number 1. We actually had a go at that, we made zombies respawn and it was a total mess, mods were insignificant since everyone made ammo by the thousands and it was a complete disaster. For number 2. We can not do that since unlimited ammo is free on the server for everyone 🙂 For number 3. That is why we have points for, you can keep your points and buy ammo, so keeping ammo is out of the question. That being said, this proposal is But feel free to come with something else, thank you.
  5. ¤ Nickname: ¤ Name: ¤ Age: ¤ Country: ¤ City: ¤ Favorite Games: ¤ Favorite Shows: ¤ Favorite Movies: ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre: ¤ What would you like to do in life: ¤ Favorite actor : ¤ Favorite actress: ¤ Favorite juice: ¤ In what country would you like to live: ¤ Favorite football team: ¤ Which is you favorite Car models: ¤ A brief description about you: ¤ How did you find HIGHLIFEZM:
  6. Here you can post admins that violate the rules of the server! Admins who make fun of other admins or players! Report admins! Model EN: ¤ Your name: ¤ Name of the administrator who abused: ¤ Reason for report: ¤ Date/Time: ¤ Proof: Model RO: ¤ Numele tău: ¤ Numele administratorului care a abuzat: ¤ Motiv pentru abuz: ¤ Data / ora: ¤ Dovadă: Important! You can't use this model for jokes and more! Any admin who has a report is required to respond within 12 hours! Otherwise managers will take action!
  7. Hello everyone , in this topic we will vote & discuss about some new rules for admins; u can vote with ( yes ) or ( no ) with a reason why you want this rule or why you dont want this rule ; if you have a new rule to help server with , don't be shy and let everyone know it .
  8. ¤ Nickname: ¤ Grade: ¤ New Nickname: But must remember if you change your nickname to a new. You must wait 6 months to change your nickname again. And let everyone know that commenting is completely forbidden here! This is a request only section!
  9. I would like to make an important announcement for the entire WALKINGDEAD crew regarding your access on the WALKINGDEAD server. To have access on the server is a responsibility. The responsibility you have for your own actions and access, which can lead to abuses and end in suspension or removal of your access on the server. To avoid problems like this for you in the future I bring to your attention that sharing your access/password/forum username and the same IP address with a person is it: brother, sister (family), friends or even strangers (connecting from an Internet Cafe in this case), can lead to severe consequences for you if something bad happens from the same IP address. You will be considered the same person because you will share the same IP address and will suffer the consequences after your actions or the actions of others. We can not prove what kind of story would be real, if you come with explanations, words are words facts will always stay facts (covered by proofs).
  10. amx_gag → Gag a player. === EX: amx_gag f1x!k 5 (Max 12) amx_ungag → Un-Gag a player. === EX: amx_ungag f1x!k amx_slap → Slap a player. . === EX: amx_slap f1x!k amx_slay → Slay a player. . === EX: amx_slay f1x!k amx_nick → Change player's name. === EX: amx_nick "f1x!k" "f1x!k_new" amx_votemap → Starts a vote. === EX: amx_votemap map1 map2 amx_kick → Kicks a player out of the server. === EX: amx_kick f1x!k amx_psay → Sends a private message. === EX: amx_psay "name" "msg" amx_showip → Shows info for all players. === EX: amx_showip amx_freeze → Freezes a player. === EX: amx_freeze f1x!k amx_unfreeze → Un-Freezes a player === EX: amx_unfreeze f1x!k amx_last → Shows the last 10 players - left the server. === EX: amx_last amx_banip → Bans a player. === EX: amx_banip "f1x!k" "min" "reason" amx_unban → Un-Bans a player. === EX: amx_unban "IP/SteamID" amx_destroy → Damage player's CS 1.6 === EX: amx_destroy f1x!k amx_exec → ( No example or description will be given for this cmd ! ) amx_spawn_editor → ( No example or description will be given for this cmd ! ) amx_editor_menu → ( No example or description will be given for this cmd ! ) amx_t/ct/spec → Transfer a player to a team. === EX: amx_t/ct/spec f1x!k amx_addfake → Starts a Task for server bots. ===EX: amx_addfake "1" amx_map → Changes the map directly. === EX: amx_map "map" amx_reloadadmins → Reload all admins. === EX: amx_reloadadmins zp_jetpack → Gives a jetpack to a player. === EX: zp_jetpack"f1x!k" zp_giveap → Gives ammo to a player. === EX: zp_giveap "f1x!k" "999" zp_human → Transform a zombie into a human. === EX: zp_human f1x!k zp_respawn → Respawns a player. === EX: zp_respawn f1x!k zp_zombie → Transform a human into a zombie. === EX: zp_zombie f1x!k zp_nemesis → Transform a player into a nemesis. === EX: zp_nemesis f1x!k zp_assassin → Transform a player into a assassin. === EX: zp_assassin f1x!k zp_sniper → Transform a player into a sniper. === EX: zp_sniper f1x!k zp_survivor → Transform a player into a survivor. === EX: zp_survivor f1x!k zp_lnj → Starts an Armageddon mode. === EX: zp_lnj zp_avs → Starts an Assassin vs Sniper mode. === EX: zp_avs zp_nightmare → Starts an Nightmare mode. === EX: zp_nightmare zp_swarm → Starts an Swarm mode. === EX: zp_swarm zp_multi → Starts an Multiple Infection mode. === EX: zp_multi zp_plague → Starts an Plague mode. === EX: zp_plague
  11. You will moderate World of Games and Devil Harmony. Send me a PM as soon as possible!
  12. AGAIN WE OPEN REQUESTS FOR MODERATOR RANK! !READ FIRST! Since this is somewhat an urgent matter, we will not use the usual requirements for you to make a request, we only ask that you treat this seriously and start doing your task's immediatly after you recieve your rank, furthermore, extensive checking of your activity will be done in the first week of the rank being bestowed upon you, this means that we expect more from you in helping us decide if you deserve the rank or not, thank you. !NOTE! Please still use the model found here !
  13. UnKnowN


    ¤ Nick: ¤ Ip: ¤ Ban Time: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof: IMPORTANT ! The commands "amx_addban & amx_banip" can be used by "administrators" and up! Please read the rules before using these commands! All fields are required! In Case of Using Illegal Programs to Improve the Game Level, a Video of At Least 7 Seconds must be uploaded (Obligatory) Do not ban players for no reason because you will be penalized!
  14. EN: ¤ Your name: ¤ Claimed Admin name: ¤ Date and time: ¤ Reason of complaint: ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): INFO You Must Follow this Model Or your Request Will be Rejected Direct ! You Must know the Rules Before Reporting Admin Every Report Needs a Clear Proof or Will Be Rejected RO: ¤ Numele tau: ¤ Numele adminului reclamat: ¤ Data si ora: ¤ Motivul reclamatiei: ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo): INFO Acest model trebuie urmat altfel va fi respins automat ! Trebuie sa cunosti regulamentul inainte de a face o reclamatie! Fiecare reclamatie trebuie sa aiba dovezi clare altfel va fi respinsa!
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