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Hong Kong is backkkkkk in business ?
Hello everybody, i am looking for a web designer. If anyone is willing to help or wants to consider about it seriously. Please contact me as soon as possible. Thank you!
Willing to help a server in need in anyway.
Message if Require Assistance!
★ Your Nickname: HAYYAT★ Your Age: 16★ Your Skype name or/and Steam:no have★ Languages that you can speak: English French★ Your Current Location: Algeria★ Do you have experience as admin: 2years★ Where did you had past experience as admin: Other servers★ How many hours can you play per day: 7 h★ Link with hours you played (minimum 30 hours): here (You must write your own nickname before copying the link) (http://www.gametracker.com/player/(HAYYAT)/★ Reason that you want to become admin:-★ Other extra information about your request that you want to add:-ty
my Ferind AnA!_!baba
Hi i Need Admin In This sv give me form
★ Your Nickname:PiKaChU
★ Your Age:16
★ Your Skype name or/and Steam:NO HAVE
★ What grade do you want Helper / Administrator / Moderator:ADMINISTRATOR
★ Languages that you can speak:Urdu----English
★ Your Current Location:Pakistan
★ Do you have experience as Admin, If yes, where and how long:4 Years
★ Will you be online in our server? If yes, how many hours per day? 3--5
★ Reason that you want to become admin:Reason:To help the server to be more good,
★ Other extra information about your request that you want to add:Thanks to all
Hello !
Today , I Decided ! I Want Fouder Of GFX Designer Section Of life ZM Can You Help Me On GFX sec... Of Life Zm !?
If You Want See My Gallery Co Click Her !