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#ZoG last won the day on January 11 2017

#ZoG had the most liked content!


  • Retired.

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. DiDИ

    Yo friend , i miss ya :')))

  2. Congratulation :lol:

    1. jayden™


      Saying somthing like this, makes me think you derserve to be banned, not him.

  3. R.I.P #ZoG we'll miss you dear x)))

  4. i will miss you forever my brother <3♥ i will be waiting for you 

  5. you deserve more ma #nigga ♥

  6. Between authenticity and creativity - We love Algeria ♥ 



    1. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      How do you put the background image?

    2. Sw@R's #psycho
    3. GUCCI™


      123 vive algeira 

      DZ <3 

  7. #ZoG retired in 


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      my dear watson why :(

    3. #ZoG


      just stay here more few time then you will understand everything 

      i came to that community just because newlifezm , 5 years passed to fast  in that server 

      and i'm glad that i enjoyed there ..

      ps: to be clear if newlife wasn't here , who cares about this community ;) 

    4. Sw@R's #psycho
  8. Profile updated .!

  9. <14:20:03> You were banned for 12 hours from the server by "Spawn" (Sethhh told me.)

    great work you did ... , i don't know even why ...

    i will give you good suggestion :) just make it permanent , cuz i will not use ts3 anymore


    1. Spawn @ CSBD

      Spawn @ CSBD

      Hello Man sethhh told me dont be nervous calm down. :);)

    2. #ZoG


      humm rlly ?,

      bcs isn't my problem anymore bb 

    3. jayden™
  10. Searching for admins who can stay between 6AM until 4PM time Ro ?
    if you are interested pm me !

  11. leicester city VS atletico madrid

    monaco VS borussia dortmund

    real madrid VS bayern munich

    barcelone VS juventus



    who will qualify ::d , hard matches xd

  12. wlcm back my #nigga :yuhu::lol:

    1. Sw@R's #psycho

      Sw@R's #psycho

      ♥ ♥ zogi


  13. R.I.P my friend xd

    1. Sw@R's #psycho

      Sw@R's #psycho

      -.- sucha best friend 

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