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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by OREO™

  1. Zici ca-i o competite de "cine-l copiaza pe @eL DrAg0 mai bine". Mai baieti, incercati totusi sa veniti cu ceva original, ceva facut de voi din propria imaginatie, o conceptie proprie, please. on: v2 - brushes, redimensionare.
  2. La-ti cam copiat pe @eL DrAg0 baieti... la v1 e super incarcata si excesul ala de filter gallery nu da bine deloc, v2 e putin mai clean, la brushes se mai putea munci. Deci vot final - v2 - brushes, si faptul ca nu e asa incarcata.
  3. v2 - text, brushes.
  4. vote v2 - text, effects, lights, collors. (v1 poor text):P
  5. Ckeck out my new instagram profile for new artwork: https://www.instagram.com/laurvisual/

  6. Your work are very simple, at least your resize is good. I hpoe you'll be active in GFX section even you have "Administrator". Be careful! #pro
  7. v2 - text, brushes.
  8. v2 - logo, brushes (and again, fail of resize)
  9. v1 fail resize, I'm worried about those who voted for it. So I vote #v2 only for resize.
  10. v1 - text, effects.
  11. First of all, you need to know that we all started somewhere. There are a few basic things you need to know. One of them is resizing. When you resize, hold press alt+shift and drag the pic's corner. The second thing is to apply the text, for which you will have to download fonts and practice your style. I give you #contra because you need to improve your skills following the steps above. And don't forget, create your gallery topic to see your improvement.
  12. Stop vot! Announce the winner (v2).
  13. v2 - resize, text.
  14. Congrats! Locked.
  15. v2 - effects, blur.
  16. OREO™

    Request Gif

    You have your answer. Locked.
  17. His name is Max. His story...I found him on the street since he was a little puppy (2-3 months). In present, Max is 7 years (don't be tricked by this number :D), and hi's a alpha male. Proud for this friend! ❤️
  18. "it ain't much but it's honest work" Like my comrade says, you have to be active in DESIGN section, and beside that, you must cooperate with us in any situation. Anyway, we need active designers, so I give a #pro.
  19. 6-0 for me. I won with v1, congrats on you! Locked.
  20. v2 - size, blur.
  21. v2 - effects, text.
  22. I am the winner with v1. Congrats you to, drago! Lock.


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