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C h i l l e a n u '

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Everything posted by C h i l l e a n u '

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  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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  4. Enjoy the community!
  5. You are not the only one who is having this problem. I myself I get sometimes the pages to hangout and cause the same error.It will be fixed, no worries. Just clean the cache of your browser, refresh the page ans that's all you can do for now. The vpn will not help you.I am from Romania and I have the same issue. Just be patient, it will be ok. Have a nice day!!!
  6. Salutare, bine ai venit!
  7. Tempests - Us (Naked Geometry Remix) V.P.S. Projects feat Thokozane - Thinking About You (Original Mix)
  8. La multi ani, sa fi sanatos!
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. The smell of that morning coffee, her unbuttoned shirt..

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  12. si ce ti se pare ca face gresit? face cumva reclama la servere si nu vad eu? lasa omu' in pace ca sincer nu mi se pare ca a gresit cu nimic. Tipic unor romani, in loc sa va bucurati unii pt ceilalti sunteti dusmanosi. Zau, doar isi promoveaza canalul de youtube. Nu ii interzice nimeni asta la fel cum nici pe tine nu te obliga nimeni sa te uiti la videourile lui sau sa te abonezi.Sper ca pe viitor sa nu mai vad aberatii de genul si rautati. Va salut#
  13. Good luck and may God guide your path to health cause that's the most important thing. Health for your family and you. With that you can do anything in life. Be gentle and kind to those who stay beside you no matter what. In life you will find many stones, but sometimes the most interesting ones are the ones covered in dust. Take care friend!
  14. La multi ani tuturor ce poarta acest nume (inclusiv mie) Sanatate si virtute!
  15. You have started to improve your work but still you need to work harder. At some avatars you resize them wrong, the blur is wack and the text, well I think you know. Try to forget about that pattern you use on the avatars cause it really doesn't look so good. You should focuse more on making them simple and clean, with some good blur & text. TKC now & have a nice day!
  16. Referitor la ce zic baietii pe aici, Consider ca un administrator nu trebuie sa iasa cu nimic in evidenta. Faptele fac mai multe decat o mie de vorbe. Si nu inteleg de unde au tras concluzia ca suferi de tn sau ca esti "bad guy". Poate esti mai retras, poate nu ti place sa te bagi in seama. Nu condamn asa ceva, fiecare om cu firea sa. Din propria experienta pot spune ca eu cand am apelat la tine m ai ajutat. Legat de straini, multi vor apela la tine pentru a cere accese sau diverse favoruri. Poate si de asta esti mai retras fata de ei. Limbajul nu este acelasi pentru toti, cum nici semnificatia este diferita. Tu ii poti spune ceva iar el sa interpreteze gresit. Spun din nou ca nu stiu de unde pana unde pareri atat de negative legate de tine. Zau daca pricep. Te salut cu respect si zic sa nu iei in seama fleacuri de la oameni care te judeca fara sa te cunoasca. Numai bine si weekend placut la toti!
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