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C h i l l e a n u '

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Everything posted by C h i l l e a n u '

  1. The rain on her skin .

  2. Imi place titlul topicului si dupa denumirea sa eu unul ma asteptam sa gasesc ceva mai profund dar tot ce vad sunt intrebari banale copilaresti. Ca sa nu fiu atat de offtopic desi ma repet, e destul de confuz ce dezbateti voi aici, am sa zic ca orice om se enerveaza, dar intr un final se calmeaza. Uneori nervii devin o alegere personala, deci daca preferi sa fi ca un vulcan ce erupe 24 h pe zi iti vei da peste cap organismul si nu numai. Inca sunt confuz ce dezbateti, serios.. Ce sa te intreb? Gata stiu, ce dezbateti aici? Nu mai stau sa traduc in engleza ca e seara, tarziu si mi-e lene. Saliiuuuut
  3. Eu ma lupt cu lumea, cu sensul ...

  4. vad ca toti ziceti de counter strike, dar totusi counter strike e cel mai bun atata timp cat il joci online caci altfel... nu este prea distractiv. parerea mea: doom , rtcw , dishonored si multe altele.
  5. Damn the second track is my all time fav.
  6. Welcome to CSBD. Enjoy your stay!
  7. Ma bucur sa vad ca te dezvolti pe zi ce trece, atat ca materiale dar si calitate. Bravo!
  8. Costin sa ma anunti cand castigi la loto ca sa'mi iei si mie o "cabanuta" d'asta modesta!
  9. v1 ; Text + blur + quality.
  10. Thank you for your unconditional love my canine friend, You are missed, I love you my loyal little friend : (

  11. Thank you for your unconditional love my canine friend, I love you my loyal BOBO ...

  12. Thank you for your unconditional love my loyal BOBO ... I love you ...

  13. Bine ai venit sa ai o sedere cat mai placuta pe serverele noastre!
  14. Welcome to wonderland!

  15. dude delete your inbox! i can t send you messages

  16. It's Killzone shadow fall.
  17. Sorry for re-opening this topic but I just wanted to tell something about the video and regarding to the replies above. I'm a man who loves women, to be precise A WOMAN (my wife for 3 years) That being made clear I just want to say that i'm kinda dissapointed about some of your guys replies, being so judgmental and all. There are so many wrongs in this world and the only thing that you guys are bothered by is the relationships between gays? Try to be open minded and think that being gay isn't a choice, it's a life of a human being. Just as in some parts of the countries people marry their TREE for example. The world was created by GOD and the HUMANS too. Every individual is different, cosmic love is different in each and everyone of us, GOD made us all, either that we are straight, gay, pansexual and other things. We are all his kids. Respect every human in your life line cause that means that you show respect to yourself. Bashing people and talking trash isn't ok. Before insulting and laughing at people try to be HUMAN. Don't support violence in any form. Dangerous keep up the good work and that open mind you have! Good luck guys! And remember, respect comes from within you!
  18. C h i l l e a n u '

    De ce ?

    Salut, fara sa fiu rautacios te sfatuiesc ca pe viitor sa folosesti cu incredere punctul si virgula caci este destul de haotic topicul. Din ce am inteles problema ta este faptul ca ai primit warn deoarece ai postat in topicul de prezentare din cadrul serverului GLOBAL. Pai hai sa'ti explic ceva, daca ownerii acelui server iti dau tie raport pt ca nu te cunosc sau considera ca n'ai de ce posta acolo moderatorii sau cei ce vizualizeaza raportul in cauza n'au de ales decat sa te faulteze, in acest caz cele 2 puncte warn. Multi useri fac post hunting, +1 si spam pe aici. Doar si'a facut datoria deci nu o lua personal. Numai bine!
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