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pulse.exe last won the day on October 5 2023

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About pulse.exe

  • Birthday 11/08/1998


  • VGR Project Coordinator



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  1. Rejected.
  2. pm me buddy

    1. pulse.exe


      Stop being pushy, I need proof not just messages.

    2. Profesoruツ
  3. Welcome to CSBD Staff

    1. ぁ Ꭷbito-

      ぁ Ꭷbito-

      Thanks sir 🥰

  4. Request accepted. Keep your activity like this and don't let us down, take it as a big responsibility. Congrats!
  5. I will try my best to be on point and to not make a story out of it. Dear "Devils", each everyone of you is keep asking these questions: "How can I get Moderator on forum?", "How can I get upgraded to Global Moderator?", "How can I get Administrator?" etc. In this topic you will have all the informations you need to know about this subject. Before I'm going to explain every grade you can get and how to get I'm going to say a few words of how I got up here. I can't say through hard work but I placed a big part of my time on this community and I know I'm not the only one that does/did that but with a little work there & here, being old on the community, respecting and getting the respect back, you can do whatever you want, not only here! Remember, just through work and respect you can be recognized, not for asking the grade. Now, I'm gonna' put here some grades that I'm gonna tell you how to get them and informations about them. GFX Designers - If you want to achieve this grade, you have to be quite good in what you're doing in Photoshop and most important, active at the Design section (answering to requests, making GFX Battles, making a gallery with your works etc.) Premium - The only ways to get this grade it's to join AOTM/SOTM competitions (at Design category) or to buy it with 5 euros. If you want to buy it, "click here" for a tutorial. Journalists - Being active with useful topics at the World of Games category, you have to know every game like a book. Moderators - Every member needs to start with this grade first, the duty you have to get this grade it's to have a good english because you represent our community if you will be in our CSBD Staff, you have to report members that doesn't respect our rules, you have to make useful topics at different sections at Devil's Club, you have to help people that need help at the section named F.A.Q. Global Moderators - This is not that hard to get but if you have competition, it is. The things you have to do to get an upgrade from Moderators to Global Moderators is to do the same things you need to get the Moderator grade because once you get to have Global Moderator, you need to clean & solve all the reports that members/moderators are making. Administrators - I will be honest with you, not everyone can get this grade, you need full trusting from all of the Administrative Team to be a part of us, you have to know how to solve Support Tickets, you have to provide a big quantity of activity, staying in our Staff as Global Moderator for too long already and got tired of solving just reports etc. It's so many duties you can't imagine, BUT, if you show us that you can handle this grade and you're old here, especially in our Staff, you can get it for sure! I want to add one more grade here even if it's not about moderating. Ex Staff - Not every member that was in our Staff can get this, so stop asking for it. This grade can get only the members that really helped the community grow up with useful things. I hope I helped you guys with all your questions, don't hesitate to leave me a message via PM or on teamspeak about something you didn't understand from here. PULSE, Administrator of CsBlackDevil
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  6. Salut, Inca esti interesat? Nu de alta dar ca sa nu pierdem timp cu topicul in legatura cu inactivitatea, te-as ruga sa te folosesti de butonul de BUMP odata la cateva zile.
  7. Are you still selling? 🙂
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