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  1. The Intel company has been working on them for some time. Until now the smallest processors on the market would be the current 2nm chips, however, in a very short time we will see how they are surpassed. 1.8nm, that is the objective that the company set for a long time and it seems that they are very close. Development completed? And it is that, according to a UDN report, Intel would have completed the development of its manufacturing processes of Intel 18A (1.8 nm) and Intel 20A (2 nm) This means that a new smaller processor would be very close to seeing the light. The planned dates that we talked about in past years gave 2024 as the launch year and it seems that everything is on the right track. In addition, not only UDN talks about this data, but the president of Intel China, Wang Rui, confirmed at an event that this is the case and that they have already finished production development. This does not mean that they are manufactured and ready for the market, but that they have managed to make them work and have confirmed that their features can be implemented in 1.8nm and 2nm. When will we see them? From what the company itself tells us, Intel plans to launch these chips on the market next year, the largest being the 2nm ones, the first, during the first half of 2024, and the 1.8nm ones in the next. Although this does not mean that we will not have news and possibly new data about them before they are released, since it is likely that they are not the only company that is working on them and their competitors will have something to counterattack with. For now, we have to wait and be satisfied with what we have, since thinking that a size of 1.8nm can be achieved escapes many minds since 1.8nm would be equivalent to 0.00000018 centimeters, something that we cannot compare with anything. Its size would be like 1 million fleas put together. These will use a new RibbonFET transistor structure, something that is not yet known and therefore we do not know how it will work, it is the only way to reduce their size and we understand that if they do so it will be because they have proven that everything is going well, no We believe that they want to play it in their quality for a 0.2nm difference. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger announced the following. "We continue to make progress with Intel 18A, we have already shared the engineering version of the 0.5 process design kit with our key customers and we expect to have a final production version in the coming weeks." Therefore, everything is going quite well and we will soon bring you more news about the smallest (and hopefully powerful) chip in the world. As a curiosity, the cover image is not real, since 2nm are so small that they cannot be practically even photographed, that is why we leave you this image above where you can appreciate its real dimensions, although we did not even imagine it. https://hardzone.es/noticias/procesadores/procesador-mas-pequeno/
  2. Hello, As my colleague shared, we can observe a great commitment on his part towards the projects, showing interest and dedication to them. You have my vote, keep it up.
  3. Music Title: Bye Signer: Peso Pluma Release Date: 26/05/2023 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: - Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 9/10
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  4. Artist: Chencho Corleone Real Name: Orlando Javier Valle Vega Birth Date /Place: February 19, 1979 Age: 44 Social status (Single / Married): Single Artist Picture: Musical Genres: Reggaeton Awards: - Top 3 Songs (Names): Me porto bonito - La llevo al cielo - Si no le contesto Other Information: Orlando Javier Valle Vega (Guayama, February 19, 1979), artistically known as Chencho Corleone or simply Chencho, is a Puerto Rican reggaeton singer, songwriter, and record producer. He began in 1999 forming the reggaeton duo Plan B, together with his cousin Maldy, where he released three studio albums: El mundo del Plan B (2002), House of Pleasure (2010) and Love & Sex (2014). In 2019 he released the single "El efecto" together with Rauw Alejandro, to fully start a career as a soloist. He gained greater notoriety for the songs "Desesperados" (2021) also with Rauw Alejandro and "Me porto bonito" (2022) with Bad Bunny, leading Billboard and Monitor Latino charts. This last song won a Premio Lo Nuestro for "song of the year - urban" and honorably an Ascap Award for "song of the year".
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  5. Live Performance Title: Tanto Signer Name: Jesse & Joy Live Performance Location: México Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): 9/10
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  6. Nick Movie: A través del mar Time: 2023 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: 1 h 50 min Trailer:
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  7. It is not necessary to have cats at home to find them fascinating due to their behavior, their eyes, the number of breeds that exist... A large number of curiosities can be told about them that attribute to them, in a certain way, superpowers above the human being. Maybe that's why they are the kings of the Internet and their videos and memes entertain people all over the world! Curiosities about the cat's ear The first curiosity about cats that we offer you has to do with their hearing. If you've ever wondered why cats are such good rodent hunters, it's because they can hear the noises they make that we humans don't. In this way, only they hear the annoying squeaks that small rodents constantly emit. In addition to picking up sounds at a much higher frequency than humans, they are also very good at focusing on the noise they need to hunt and isolating it from the rest. And all this is crowned with a great peculiarity of the ears of the kittens: each one of them has a multitude of independent muscles so that each ear can be directed independently towards the source of the noise. Although domestic cats no longer need to hunt for food, they still retain their instincts and it is very common for them to go out to explore and look for prey. Despite the fact that they no longer need it as they did when they were wild animals, they still retain their habits and a much sharper hearing than humans. That is why loud household noises such as the hair dryer or sources of noise that we cannot detect can bother you. After all this, it's easy to understand why good ear hygiene should be pursued for any cat. His ears are very important to him! It is necessary to ensure that their ears do not get clogged and take good care of them in each otitis that develops. Cats dream Did you know that small cats are great sleepers? Most of the day and night is spent sleeping! It is estimated that only around 25% of the time they are active, although this depends on many factors. For example, kittens and older ones tend to sleep more and this can also be a symptom of a disease. Although the number of hours in which they rest is very large compared to humans, the truth is that not all of them are deep sleep. In fact, most sleep is half-awake and it is easy for them to be awakened by any noise. And also they do not sleep in one go like humans, but rather their sleep is polyphasic. The place that this pet chooses to rest is significant. They usually choose places where they feel safe and are warm. For this reason, if he chooses you to have a dream, whether on the sofa or in bed, he fully trusts you. The surprising agility of the cat The agility of cats is absolutely impressive and once again surpasses humans. Thanks to the muscles of their hind legs, they can make quick and agile jumps when they feel threatened. These jumps can be several meters! His skeleton also helps a lot in this regard. It is light and resistant and also very flexible, so that the jack can fit through very narrow cavities. It also stands out for its flexible spine, which is responsible for cats being able to turn it around in mid-flight with great ease and land on its feet. This entire system means that the cat can survive if it falls from a great height, although of course it is not exempt from great damage or broken bones. It's not for nothing that cats are said to have 7 lives! If we take into account that the cat can reach almost 50 km/h and that they have powerful retractable claws, we understand why these animals are excellent hunters. Cat eyes The eyes of cats, in addition to being of great beauty, also give them some special characteristics. The most striking are the pupils, which when well dilated allow them to see much more at night than we humans do. A little moonlight is enough for them! This is possible because they have more rods in their eyes than humans and these cells can better collect light. The rods act together with a membrane called the Tapetum lucidum located behind the retina that returns the light and stimulates the rods again. I am helping you on your excursions when daylight falls and at night. It also makes its eyes shine at night in a special way, thus also serving to scare and drive away its predators. Other curiosities about kittens Did you know that unlike the rest of the senses, taste is not as developed as that of humans? In fact, it is believed that they cannot perceive sweet flavors. Did you know that the life expectancy of domestic cats has increased and that they can now live up to 20 years? According to Wikipedia, the Guinness Book of Records has documented that a michi lived to be 38 years old! The way cats walk is also very curious! Cats have characteristic gaits in such a way that the hind leg steps where the front leg has already stepped and that allows them to move forward using the least amount of energy possible. Cats have scent glands on their paws that they use to mark their territory by rubbing against objects. In fact, pussycats are quite territorial! Domestic cats are believed to be descended from the wild cats of the Middle East and were first associated with humans over 4,000 years ago. https://www.ecoavant.com/naturaleza/curiosidades-gatos_11264_102.html
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  8. The Banano QCAV-4 is bioengineered to resist FOC R4T and has been tested for six years on the oceanic continent. The banana sector is considering importing the first variety resistant to Fusarium Race 4, called banana QCAV-4, which is being evaluated in Australia, where the fungus was detected in 2015. If this new variety passes the tests in that country, it would offer a safety net against the plague that affects banana plantations and other Musaceae, highlighted José Antonio Hidalgo, executive director of the Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador (AEBE). The plague has already been present in the region since 2019 when it was detected in Colombia, in 2021 it arrived in Peru and in January of this year Venezuela confirmed the appearance of the fungus. Ecuador has not yet reported the disease. Meanwhile, the banana sector, through the banana cluster, has already imported a variety, but tolerant to the pest, which is Formosana 218, which was carried out through the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the Regulatory Agency and Plant and Zoosanitary Control (Agrocalidad) and the National Institute of Agricultural Research (Iniap). The Formosana 218 variety is native to Taiwan and is already being used in the Philippines and Central American countries such as Honduras and Costa Rica. In addition, the importation of another tolerant variety, the gal from Israel, is in process. The arrival of this tolerant variety occurred after having complied with the current legal regulations of the Organic Law of Agricultural Health (LOSA) and the Organic Law of Agrobiodiversity, Seeds and Promotion of Sustainable Agriculture (Loasfas). Meanwhile, QCAV-4 bananas, developed in partnership with the Australian government and industry, have been grown in field trials in the Northern Territory of Australia for over six years and have proven highly resistant to the disease. Fusarium, reported AEBE through a statement. The new banana variant is currently being evaluated by the Australian Government regulatory authorities, the Office of Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) and the Food Standards of Australia and New Zealand (FSANZ). If the Australian Government approves this variety it would be available in about five years. Australia's world class biosecurity rules have so far limited the impact of the race 4 disease on most of the Australian industry, however it has been found in parts of North Queensland and has decimated the commercial banana industry of the Northern Territory. For his part, Hidalgo indicated that the country needs to have the largest number of varieties being tested on Ecuadorian soil due to the proper biosafety and entry processes that must be managed, in order to see the reactions that these varieties have regarding productivity in the future. flavor and that adapts to the Ecuadorian soil. “This new variety would reach the country depending on the efforts made by the MAG, there are options abroad. You have to make the arrangements, today there is only one variety in the country formosana 218, and there are others outside that just motivate to have the largest number being tested, "added the leader. However, while regulatory approval from OGTR and FSANZ would support the environmental and food safety of QCAV-4, there are no plans to grow or sell QCAV-4 bananas to consumers in Australia at this time, AEBE explained. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/economia/una-variedad-de-banano-resistente-al-fusarium-raza-4-que-se-evalua-en-australia-aparece-como-nueva-opcion-para-el-sector-bananero-ecuatoriano-nota/
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  9. Dogs, dolphins, elephants and other species display mourning behaviors at the departure of other loved ones. Dogs, dolphins, elephants and other species face the loss of their loved ones with grieving behaviors that amaze and question their sentience so often denied by humans. The mourning that you have when someone close to you dies is one of the worst situations you have to go through. For this reason, the human species, according to its different cultures, has elaborated ceremonies and rituals of all kinds to try to understand the game, bear its absence and remember people who are no longer on this plane. Sometimes talking about the subject is avoided, and even in many areas the word "death" is almost prohibited, creating customs or stigmas that pass through generations. Through experiments, scientific work and different observations, it has been discovered that the human species is not the only one that is saddened and generates rituals or special attitudes in the absence of their near and dear beings. Although we cannot get to know what they really think or feel, many animals also experience mourning and elaborate it through ritual behaviors. Dogs that live in close contact with people are capable of tracking the graves of their nearby humans and finding them even after a few days of death. That search for closeness even after death speaks to us not only of his tracking ability but above all of his immeasurable loyalty. The elephant is such a large animal that it could even surprise you because of the emotional actions it has towards its deceased relatives. Elephants can be seen repeatedly saying goodbye to the departure of another being by rubbing their trunks, as if trying to revive them. Another example is magpies, which perform perhaps the closest thing to what is known as a funeral. These birds, which normally move in flocks, come to meet at the place where their known individual died, remaining there for days, almost as if watching over it. Dolphins are recognized for their great intelligence, but they are also supportive and have a great group spirit, with a very marked sense of gregariousness that leads them to take care of the corpses of their dead relatives so that they are not devoured by other species. To talk about geese, we should put a romantic accent on it, since it has been proven that when widowed, that is, when their partner dies, they never procreate again or have another type of bond for the purpose of procreating. In one way or another, the different species demonstrate their perception of the death of others of their species or closeness and their respect for it. https://www.infobae.com/perros-y-gatos/2023/05/21/los-animales-y-el-duelo-como-afrontan-la-perdida-de-un-ser-cercano/
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  10. Today Lamborghini is known for its sports cars with exaggerated lines and power, such as the Lamborghini Revuelto, but Ferruccio Lamborghini's company began manufacturing tractors in 1948, with parts from vehicles discarded after World War II. Of course, none as special as this one, the Lamborghini Centenario 1960. Only five units of this tractor were manufactured, to celebrate the century of the birth of Ferruccio, along with another exclusive supercar, also called the Centenario. The creator of this very special vehicle was the artist Adler Capelli, who used parts from existing vehicles in the 60s to manufacture it. Number 4 of this very special quintet was put up for sale in Switzerland and is asking for 494,845 euros. Yes, more than the cost of a Lamborghini Revuelto. It was in 2016 when the first century of the birth of Ferruccio Lamborghini was commemorated, when 40 units of the Lamborghini Centenario and the Centenario Roadster were launched. Based on the Aventador, they were powered by a 770 hp V12 engine, with four-wheel drive and steering, and a body made of carbon fiber with endless aerodynamic appendages that made it look like a combat fighter. The five tractors went more unnoticed. Of course, the aesthetics of this agricultural vehicle is as or more special than that of the supercar. The Italian sculptor dispensed with paint, leaving the veneer virgin and polished in parts to represent a very original patina, with the intention of representing the passage of time. There are details that make it akin to high-flying cars, such as the six exhausts, alternating one red and the other black, at a rate of two per cylinder. And it is that these tractors were moved by a diesel block of three cylinders and 2.2 liters of displacement, which delivered 39 CV to the rear wheels, through a manual gearbox. The maximum speed was barely 40 km/h. On the dashboard we find other details of sports cars, such as the rev counter or a small metal box with a lid... it is an ashtray for a single cigarette. Obviously, no one bought the tractors for use in the field, but all five units were sold immediately. Now this unit, number 04, with just 311 miles on its odometer, one of its original owners, has just been put up for sale at Cartech Autotechnik AG Chur, an exclusive car dealer in Switzerland. Its price is 480,000 Swiss francs, equivalent to those 494,845 euros that we said at the beginning and that shows how unique cars are revalued. https://noticias.coches.com/noticias-motor/lamborghini-centenario-tractor/492241
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  11. Winston Churchill said "An optimist sees an opportunity in every calamity, a pessimist sees a calamity in every opportunity." This phrase can be applied to the serious political moments that affect Ecuador as a consequence of the death cross that, through Decree 741 and in exercise of article 148 of the Constitution, President Lasso ordered on May 17, 2023. Cross death is a mechanism of political control between the Legislative Power and the Executive Power in Ecuador and results in "everyone leaving." The National Assembly can remove the President, and the President can dissolve the National Assembly if the conditions of Articles 130 and 148 of the Ecuadorian Constitution are met. If either of the two options occurs within a maximum period of seven days after the publication of the dismissal resolution or the dissolution decree, the National Electoral Council convenes for the same date early legislative and presidential elections for the rest of the respective periods. So, each Power has the ability to “take out the other”, but when it does so, it also leaves: that is why it is called cross death. President Lasso was the subject of a political prosecution by the National Assembly, for an alleged crime of embezzlement related to a contract between the Ecuadorian Oil Fleet (Flopec) and the Amazonas Tankers Conglomerate. On May 16, he went to the National Assembly to defend himself and, the next day, dissolved the National Assembly based on his constitutional attribution. This was very likely to happen, since the tension between the president and the National Assembly —where he did not have a majority— was increasing. The consequence of the dissolution of the National Assembly is that, during the time that Lasso continues in power and until the appointment of the new president and legislators —both Lasso and the assembly members can apply again—, the still Ecuadorian president gathers in his hands the Executive and Legislative Powers and can, therefore, legislate through Decree Laws of economic urgency, with the prior ruling of the Constitutional Court. For this reason, the new protagonist in this political tension that affects Ecuador is its Constitutional Court. Through the judgment of May 18, 2023 in Case 41-23-IN, the court immediately rejected a claim of unconstitutionality against the Decree of dissolution, with which it considers that the president legitimately exercised the power of cross-death and can legislate temporarily through Decree Laws. As a consequence, the Constitutional Court will be the only one capable of controlling Lasso's actions at this stage. This is where the Ecuadorian political crisis intersects with the gaming industry. The first Decree Law issued by President Lasso after dissolving Parliament is Decree 742, called "Organic Law Decree for the strengthening of the family economy", whose purpose, according to Lasso's own words, is to reduce by USD 200 million the taxes that affect Ecuadorians and, for this, one of the main measures was the modification of the Internal Tax Regime Law to incorporate a new tax: the single income tax for sports forecast operators, whose practical effect is that legalizes the activity of providing sports betting services to the Ecuadorian market, whether online or retail, whether from abroad or from Ecuador. As recalled, on May 7, 2011, then-President Rafael Correa organized a constitutional referendum and po[CENSORED]r consultation of ten questions, one of which, the seventh, was: Do you agree that business be prohibited in the country? dedicated to games of chance, such as casinos and game rooms? and that led to the closure of casinos and gambling halls, causing considerable damage to investors and mainly to workers. This was formalized with Executive Decree 873, published in the Official Gazette Supplement 546 of September 16, 2011 and, later, on February 10, 2014, in the Official Gazette, Supplement 180, the Comprehensive Criminal Organic Code (COIP) was published. ) of Ecuador, in whose article 236, within the crimes against the rights of consumers, users and other market agents, the crime of operating casinos, gambling halls, betting houses or businesses dedicated to carrying out gambling. However, later, before a consultation formulated by the Guayaquil Charity Board in 2019, the State Attorney General declared that the crime established in article 236 of the COIP and the prohibition must be understood in its literal sense, that is, referred to businesses dedicated to the realization of games whose result is defined exclusively by luck. As I have already indicated on several occasions, a big mistake in Latin American legislation is that it limits its scope of application to games of chance, when there is a greater number of games that impact the financial situation of the participants that cannot necessarily be classified as games of chance exclusively and, therefore, are excluded from any regulation aimed at allowing, prohibiting or regulating games of chance. And this happened in Ecuador, companies that provide sports betting services or sports forecasts began to appear, both online and physically, without any regulation or authority or specific taxation, because the constitutional framework allows it. Currently, there are many sports forecasting operators in Ecuador, both domiciled and not domiciled —among the main ones are Betcris, Ecuabet, Bet593, Sportbet, Latribet, Aciertala, etc.—, but there was no specific regulation that recognized their activity. With Decree Law 742, this sector is institutionalized and the Tax on sports forecasts is created, which will only come into force on January 1, 2024. This means that there will be no special tax on sports forecasts until that date, but Their legality can no longer be questioned because, formally, with Decree Law 742, the government is recognizing them as an economic activity on which it can create and collect taxes. Regardless of agreeing or not with the tax methodology to demand taxes on this activity, which in my opinion violates the principle of equality under the law and the non-confiscation of taxes, which may be analyzed by the Constitutional Court when evaluating the constitutionality of the Decree, what is important is the legal recognition of this activity as something other than the one prohibited by the Po[CENSORED]r Consultation of 2011 and the criminal conduct typified in article 236 of the COIP. Now comes a new agenda. Within a period of one year, the General Legal Secretariat of the presidency will work together with the Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society, and the Internal Revenue Service to regulate the activities of forecast operators. sports. It is recommended that the errors that have occurred in the laws of other countries in the region are not made. If President Lasso wants to use the tax on the activity of sports betting provision as a mechanism to achieve the objective of strengthening the family economy and saving USD 200 million, it is necessary to correct some unconstitutionality defects in the aforementioned Decree. For example, the unjustified and discriminatory distinction in the tax treatment of non-residents. As already stated in Judgment 110-21-IN/22 and accumulated, "equality before the law and the principle of generality of the tax exclude the possibility that the legislator establish unjustified tax privileges or benefits and distribute the public charge in an unequal way between equals” (foundation 252). Therefore, it is not reasonable that if the source of income is Ecuadorian, some operators pay 15% of the bets of the users and other operators pay 15% of the bets less prizes. The first case is confiscatory, since it seeks to tax a non-existent or fictitious contributory capacity of the operator. Let's give a simple example: if a user bets USD 10 and wins USD 1,000, and then bets that USD 1,000 and loses it, he will only have increased the operator's equity by USD 10 and it would be fair for him to pay a 15% tax on that USD 10. However, with the tax methodology established in article 35.6 of the Internal Tax Regime Law, according to the aggregate established by Decree 742, the operator would have to pay 15% of USD 1,100, that is, more than what was received. It is necessary to make these new taxes compatible with the Ecuadorian Constitution. https://www.yogonet.com/latinoamerica/noticias/2023/05/22/94659-ecuador-la-crisis-politica-y-sus-inesperadas-consecuencias-para-el-mercado-de-apuestas-deportivas
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  12. The results of a study, in which researchers from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the University of Alicante have participated, confirm a clear global pattern towards a less dynamic lifestyle throughout the world since the 1960s. According to the answers offered by millions of people in the countries for which data are available, the lifestyle in the world since the 1960s has been less and less dynamic. This is the main conclusion of an investigation with global data from time use surveys in which scientists from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and the University of Alicante (UA) have participated. These experts have developed the Lifestyle Dynamics Index® (abbreviated as LDI), a novel index that captures lifestyle dynamics based on activity information provided by daily time uses. “From the results, the trend shown by the UK, the Netherlands, Spain and, especially, the US is that there is evidence in favor of less dynamic lifestyle worldwide. This means that, since the 1960s, an individual seems to be carrying out fewer activities and more repeated routines in daily activities”, they point out in a statement from the UPM. The Lifestyle Dynamics Index could be an effective instrument for making relevant socioeconomic decisions. Said term has been used in relation to family and environmental studies and refers to how it evolves over time, where lifestyle is how we refer to the way people live. Likewise, this concept shows socioeconomic and domestic implications, as well as effects on public health or household energy consumption. From the calmest day, to the most chaotic day In the study, published in the journal Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, the novel LDI index has been applied to the contents of the Multinational Time Use Study (MTUS) and the American Time Use Survey (ATUS). The index orders the activities on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is a lifestyle in which only one activity is done in the whole day, and 100 where all are done. Specifically, it tells us the position in order of an average day within a country: from the calmest day, to the most chaotic day possible. "Spain only has two surveys on time use at a national and official level, and it does not collect data on time use from 2008 to 2009," says Raúl G. Sanchis, the UPM researcher who has participated in the work. “As more time-use survey data is published around the world, the potential use of the Lifestyle Dynamics Index for welfare and socioeconomic policy purposes can be better exploited,” he concludes. The paper analyzes the case of the USA because it is the only country in the world that officially collects statistical data annually through the ATUS. In the 21st century, the American country also shows a general drop in the index in the decade from 2003 to 2012, with an annual drop from 2008. https://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Nuestro-estilo-de-vida-es-cada-vez-mas-rutinario
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  13. You may not see it in the price of cars or household appliances in your country, but the yuan, the currency that China promotes as an alternative to the dollar, is opening up a growing space in Latin America. Some signs of this have emerged from the south of the region in recent weeks. In Argentina, the government announced last month that its purchases from China would begin to be paid for in yuan instead of dollars, to preserve its weakened international reserves. And in Brazil, where the yuan has supplanted the euro as the second largest foreign reserve currency, the government has also announced an agreement to trade with China in the currencies of both countries and avoid resorting to the dollar. These changes in two of Latin America's largest economies are pointed out by Bolivian President Luis Arce as part of a regional "trend" that his country could join. But they are also seen by experts as reflections of China's commitment to make its currency more international, amid its increasingly intense struggle with the United States. "There are several mechanisms that China can use to introduce its currency in different markets; it is a regional phenomenon, not something exclusive to Brazil and Argentina," Margaret Myers, director of the Inter-American Dialogue's Asia and Latin America program, told BBC Mundo. a regional think tank based in Washington. However, she cautions that it remains to be seen how far this Asian currency push will go. "A Chinese Strategy" Beijing has shown its intention to achieve a greater presence of the yuan in Latin America over the last decade, after becoming a key trading partner in the region and a source of financing for some countries. In 2015, the Chinese authorities signed investment and currency exchange agreements with Chile, where they announced the opening of the first yuan clearing bank in Latin America. A few months later they did the same in Argentina. The objective of these institutions, also known as clearing houses, is to facilitate international transactions between the local currency and the yuan, without having to go through the dollar as is usually the case. China has struck yuan offset deals in other regions and in February announced one in Brazil, its largest trading partner in Latin America with a bilateral exchange that in 2022 reached a record $150 billion. Operated by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, a financial heavyweight that guarantees Brazilian businessmen the immediate conversion to reais of deals closed in yuan, the compensatory mechanism in Brazil processed its first cross-border settlement operation in April asian currency. With a considerable volume of bilateral exchange, this mechanism can theoretically make operations in yuan more attractive because it avoids double conversion through the dollar, explains Welber Barral, former Brazilian Secretary of Foreign Trade. "It is a Chinese strategy to try to make its currency convertible and more widely used," Barral told BBC Mundo. But he points out that more than 90% of Brazilian foreign trade is still carried out in dollars. Although the yuan could gain more weight as the second currency in Brazil's international reserves with recent agreements, it is still marginal compared to the dollar (the Chinese currency occupied less than 6% of that basket in December, and the US more than 80 %). For his part, the Argentine Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, announced in April an agreement to stop paying imports from China in dollars and start doing so in yuan, after activating a swap or financial exchange agreement with the Asian country equivalent to $5 billion. In this way, Argentina officially calculated that during May alone its companies would pay with yuan more than US$1.04 billion for imports originating in China (from electronics to automobiles) and then an average of US$790 million per month. The Argentine government sought with these agreements to preserve the country's international reserves, which fell to disturbing levels in the midst of an economic crisis and as the Central Bank sold dollars in the exchange market to contain the devaluation of the peso. In Bolivia, where international reserves have also been reduced and dollars have become scarce, the president cited the new use of yuan in the foreign trade of Argentina and Brazil as a possible way forward. "The two largest economies in the region are already trading in yuan in deals with China," Arce told a news conference this month. "The trend in the region is going to be that." "Who decided?" Of course, geopolitical factors also play a role in all this. Different analysts believe that China has redoubled its desire to internationalize its currency not only as a catapult for its foreign trade but also to erode the power that the US dollar has had for decades. International sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine seemed to open an opportunity for the Chinese currency to advance. The yuan displaced the dollar as the most traded currency in Russia this year, after it accounted for 23% of Russian import payments in 2022. And China for the first time in March used more yuan than dollars to pay for its international transactions, even though its currency moved less than 5% of world trade. Some experts believe that by trying to reduce dependence on the dollar, Beijing wants to shield itself from the risk of future dollar sanctions. China has also recently struck deals with other trading partners — from Pakistan to companies in France — to facilitate yuan exchanges, developed its own digital currency and an alternative to Swift, the global interbank messaging network. In parallel, questions have also arisen from Latin America about the primacy of the dollar. Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva suggested adopting a different currency from the US to finance trade between the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). "Who decided that the dollar should be the currency after gold disappeared as parity?" Lula asked during a visit to China in April. "We need to have a currency that transforms countries into a slightly calmer situation," she said, "because today a country needs to run after the dollar to be able to export." But, according to specialists, the key here is that the dollar tends to attract international demand for safe assets and it is difficult for the yuan to compete in this regard without China easing its own capital restrictions. Myers considers an explosive increase in the use of the yuan in Latin America unlikely after the announcements by Argentina and Brazil, even though the currency has a greater presence in the region. "We see growth in (the yuan) use and a real push from China to make it happen," she says. "But the degree to which it will be used as a global currency depends on China's own internal reforms and how much it opens up its financial markets. And that's not happening." https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias-america-latina-65579660
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  14. The head of PlayStation Studios, Hermen Hulst, says that the company is taking advantage of Bungie's knowledge for its next titles. PlayStation has big plans ahead, or at least it seems so after learning about the talks regarding its latest fiscal results. Data such as the number of PS Plus Extra and Premium subscribers or the intention of the Japanese to recover in the cloud gaming market have been extracted from these documents, and now we know more in detail their first impressions with Bungie after completing its purchase valued at 3,600 million dollars. Leaving aside the good relationship that has been established between the two companies, with statements by Jim Ryan that you will find below in this same news, VGC points out that the head of PlayStation Studios, Hermen Hulst, has taken the opportunity to recall the potential of Bungie in the plans of the Japanese. Because, it seems, the experience of the Destiny creators is essential to improve future games as a service of the PlayStation brand. "Bungie's learnings have been very substantial in many areas. Of course, when you're developing games as a service, you need capabilities that you don't have when working on single-player narrative titles," explains the manager. "And those capabilities that we've established at PlayStation Studios have been helped and guided by Bungie. We also have a deeper understanding of what it means to be successful in Games as a Service. Historically, our games have always worked towards a goal, and this is a big change. cultural… The release of the game is just the beginning, and it comes with a huge range of different performance indicators.” "We also work with Bungie through a rigorous portfolio review process that we apply to our 12 as-a-service titles we have in production, and these are just a few brief examples of some of the learnings we've gained from working with Bungie." Jim Ryan, happy about the relationship between PlayStation and Bungie For his part, Jim Ryan claims to be impressed with Bungie. In addition, the boss of PlayStation ensures that the creators of Destiny can also learn from the procedures of the Japanese brand when it comes to expanding the presence of their IP in the world. "We've been working with Bungie for almost a year, and the learnings in both directions have been very significant," says Ryan. "They've exceeded my expectations, and by the same token, I think Bungie is extremely excited about what they can take from SIE in terms of market reach, marketing, collaboration, and the ability to amplify their IP." "We have brought a lot to Bungie, just as they have certainly brought a lot to us. Historically, they have been a distributor strongly focused on the US with their IP little exploited in key markets in Europe and Asia," continues the manager. . "SIE is extremely strong and extremely experienced in Europe and Asia, and we are only beginning the process of reigniting Bungie's presence and knowledge in those regions." "I would also say…we have a marketing machine that, from my perspective, is world class and by giving them the job of activating Bungie's games, IP and branding, I think it's going to take the presence and size of their business to a size that they've never seen before." https://www.3djuegos.com/pc/noticias/superaron-mis-expectativas-playstation-tiene-claro-que-padres-destiny-clave-para-mejorar-su-proxima-gran-apuesta-juegos-como-servicio
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  15. Cultural differences between HoYoverse and the community generated unprecedented controversy. Genshin Impact became the first major worldwide success from a Chinese developer. A video game that broke revenue records shortly after its release and that almost three years later is still in top form. Players are not only waiting for the next news that will come to the title, but also for any announcement about the future of HoYoverse. A developer that already boasts fame all over the planet. However, there is something that has become clear in these almost three years. They were not prepared for a triumph of such dimensions. It's not a particularly bad thing because, to be honest, these things can only be learned as you go. The day the whole world hated the creators of Genshin Impact Just a few months ago, one of the most controversial episodes in video game history took place and the fault lay with a single sentence. Since the launch of Genshin Impact there have always been tensions regarding the content available in the game and, above all, its nature. HoYoverse has focused all of its efforts on adventure, exploration, and events. However, the game has a whole system to increase the combat power of the characters. This is a facet that a part of the community likes a lot. Above all, it is important for players who are keeping up with the main story and want to get the best artifacts or level up talents to get the most out of battles. The problem with this way of understanding Genshin Impact is that the game does not offer real motivations for us to focus on this way of playing. We can spend months trying to get our characters to offer their true 100% in battles. However, there is no postgame alternative demanding enough to take advantage of it. It is true that we have the Spiral of the Abyss at our disposal, but completing the twelve floors with all their stars does not require an excessive level of characters. Also, this challenge only refreshes once every fortnight, so it's not much of an incentive Last October 2022, the developers of Genshin Impact spoke about this situation in the GameSpot medium. Asked about the possibility of adding more endgame content to complement the Spiral of the Abyss experience, they responded with the following: "Spiral of the Abyss is the most effective way for players to test their team composition and attack strength. combat. Designing another type of permanent endgame similar to Spiral Abyss could create too much anxiety for players. Not everyone is interested in Musk's Reef." The response from the community, especially around the phrase "could create too much anxiety for players", was tremendous. It was dismissed as a ridiculous plot, pointing out that the game's real anxiety came from its own monetization system, time-limited events, or other aspects of the title generally criticized by Western gamers. It was a massive response from users, opinion leaders, and even those players with little interest in Genshin Impact who took an interest in the topic. It cannot be said that they were not partly right, although there is much more to this story. The reason behind the most controversial decision of Genshin Impact Asian companies often have problems communicating with Western players. It's not something unique to HoYoverse and it happens even in the largest and most experienced companies. Niantic is in the throes of a reputation crisis after the changes to Pokémon GO. Nintendo also suffered for years – and still does from time to time – from criticism for its more restrictive policies. This is mostly due to culture shock. Weren't you surprised the first time Genshin Impact gave you Porotogems after server maintenance? Many games created in Asia, and particularly in the Chinese hinterland, have a monetization system similar to that of Genshin Impact. Players are used to feeling pressured to complete the content of each update to get the rewards, but they don't blame the 'gacha' system as it is understood as the norm. In this sense, the media and opinion leaders in this part of the world gave a very different approach to the idea of this supposed excessive anxiety that could cause players. HoYoverse's words were not understood as something negative. Rather the complete opposite. Players from certain countries simply don't want more content that might take too long to complete. They prefer somewhat simpler events and simple things, not an overly complicated endgame that can block access to rewards. Play their way without feeling that they are missing something and, precisely, that is the key. Those Protogems lost due to content that does not fit with their way of understanding Genshin Impact are what generates the "excessive anxiety in players" to which those responsible for the video game referred. More than fun, many players would understand it as an obligation. In January 2023, the developers of Genshin Impact acknowledged in an interview with the Chinese outlet The Paper that "the domestic and international challenges for the video game industry are great" and that they were still "in the process of learning, adjusting and moving towards internationalization. ". It is an extraordinarily complex process. We just have to take a look at the video game itself. Some characters are very po[CENSORED]r in one region and fail in another. For example, Venti is po[CENSORED]r in China but not very interesting for Japanese players. Xiao is hardly liked in Europe, but he does well in other parts of the world. It is very difficult to design that Raiden Shogun that players from all over the planet like and conquer every territory in which he steps. The problem comes when we go from something optional, like the characters, to the very philosophy of the game. Gacha monetization, poor 'postgame' and many other gameplay design decisions are criticized in the West. However, they are liked or not perceived negatively by most players. This doesn't mean we can't and shouldn't complain, because that's our responsibility as players, but it's interesting to know why developers can make these kinds of decisions. Everything always has an explanation. https://www.3djuegos.com/juegos/genshin-impact/noticias/podria-crear-demasiada-ansiedad-jugadores-fue-frase-polemica-creadores-genshin-impact-tiene-explicacion-muy-sencilla
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  16. Take-Two is aware that the release of a new installment presents a challenge for the team. Although it is a very distant launch, there are not a few players who plan to pre-order GTA VI as soon as Rockstar opens the reservations. Because we are talking about an iconic franchise that has surprised us with all its installments, which is why the community is attentive to any official announcement related to the game. And, although we still do not have great details from those responsible, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take-Two, does not doubt the philosophy that imbues each Grand Theft Auto title. In an interview published on the YouTube channel Aarthi and Sriram (via TweakTown), the manager has addressed a complex issue even for one of the largest developers of the moment: balancing the idea of taking a franchise forward and preserving the authenticity and classic tone. Of the brand. Because, although it is true that we are talking about one of the most important sagas in the sector, it turns out that Rockstar has found itself at this crossroads on numerous occasions. "I think it's a challenge that the Rockstar guys face every time there's a new iteration of Grand Theft Auto," Zelnick begins. "On one hand, it needs to be something you've never seen before, and it needs to reflect the feeling we have about Grand Theft Auto. That's a big challenge for the team. Now, Rockstar's response is simply to seek perfection; seek nothing less than perfection, and we will achieve it." More details of GTA 6 Official information about the highly anticipated GTA 6 is scarce, so there is still a lot of mystery surrounding Rockstar's development. However, we know that the studio would already have a rather long release window in mind, and when it comes to his experience, we heard from a rapper who had the chance to see the game firsthand. https://www.3djuegos.com/juegos/grand-theft-auto-vi/noticias/objetivo-perfeccion-gta-6-va-a-todas-siguiendo-filosofia-clave-grand-theft-auto
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