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About @CharliAviless

  • Birthday 02/27/2001


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  1. DH 1 me gusta el estilo y el uso de la creatividad
  2. Nick Movie: Fubar Time: 2023 Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: 25/06/2023 Trailer:
  3. Live Performance Title: Roast yourself en vivo 🔥 JD Pantoja (Estadio de fútbol Kraken MAZATLÁN) Signer Name: DJ Pantoja Live Performance Location: Estadio de fútbol Kraken MAZATLÁN Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video):--
  4. Artist: ELEA El DOMINIO Real Name: Luis Abner Mojica Sierra Birth Date /Place: 17 de agosto de 1988 , Puerto Rico Age: 34 Social status (Single / Married): Artist Picture: Musical Genres: Trap latino; R&B; reguetón; synth pop Awards: -- Top 3 Songs (Names): "El duro en esto", "Quien te dijo", "Scarface Boricua", "Cambio de gobierno", "Codeine Crazy", "Siempre te quiero" y "Mi favorita", Other Information: Ele A El Dominio pretende enviar un mensaje realista desde una perspectiva humilde a todos sus seguidores con su música. Piensa que es importante el respeto y entender que los seres humanos no tienen límites, siempre y cuando se hagan las cosas bien para seguir adelante, con trabajo y dedicación. Cuyos conceptos lo han proclamado como uno de los artistas más influyentes del género en tan poco tiempo de su trayectoria musical.
  5. Music Title: ELLA BAILA SOLA - Peso Pluma, Eslabón Armado (Video Oficial) Signer: Peso Pluma Release Date: 15 abr 2023 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: - Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 9
  6. The Juice Probe lifts off today for Jupiter with a long journey of nearly eight years ahead of it. Ignacio Tanco, responsible for operations of the Juice mission, has been on Radio Euskadi. The Juice Probe takes off today at 2:15 p.m. for Jupiter with a long journey of almost eight years ahead. It will do so from French Guiana with the mission of finding out if the moons of the great gaseous planet harbor habitable oceans under the ice sheet that covers them. The objective of the mission is to find out the state of the water in the frozen oceans of Jupiter's moons, since from the earth you can see the first layer of ice that covers them, but it is not possible to know if under the crust water is in a liquid or solid state. After three years of work collecting data, Juice will focus on Ganymede, where it will impact to end the mission. Ignacio Tanco, responsible for operations of the Juice mission, told Radio Euskadi's "Boulevard" how complicated it is to take off a probe that has only one second a day to do it, "today we are very busy... "We are in the countdown phase. Now everything is green to start and all the conditions are in place for the launch to Jupiter." He affirmed that they are ready, "more than tension now is anticipation. With everything prepared, the tension exists, but not like in previous days." But until 2031 they will not reach Jupiter and "once they arrive there we will have 3 years in which we will tour the moons in a very low orbit and see if there are oceans." It is a "mission is exploration, we have great uncertainties to see if there is liquid water. I hope we find evidence that there are liquid oceans on Jupiter." https://www.eitb.eus/es/radio/radio-euskadi/programas/boulevard/detalle/9170799/lanzamiento-a-jupiter-espero-que-encontremos-evidencia-de-que-hay-oceanos-liquidos-en-jupiter/
  7. For this Tuesday, April 18, a public hearing is scheduled to be held to hear the positions of civil society and the State, prior to the Constitutional Court (CC) ruling on the ruling on the constitutionality of the question of the consultation proposal. to allow the exploitation of oil in block 43 of the Yasuní ITT, located in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The judge of the Constitutional Court and rapporteur for the case, Carmen Corral Ponce, called on the interested parties to present their positions in a procedure that will take place electronically this Tuesday from ten in the morning. The proponents of this initiative, the YASunidos collective, submitted a brief to the Court on March 14 in which they requested sanctions against the magistrate, alleging that their rights to due process, to effective judicial protection, and for discriminating against them were violated. maintain an "unjustified delay" in the treatment of the cause. This is because the proposal has been waiting for a response from the State for ten years and about 200 days pending in the Constitutional Court without a pronouncement. However, the plenary session of the highest constitutional control body filed the complaint because the Constitution and the Law of Jurisdictional Guarantees and Constitutional Control (LOGJCC) do not contemplate the imposition of calls for attention to judges for the delay in the processing of a case. . “The petitioners have not invoked a norm that provides for the infraction and sanction that they request, this body considers that if the request presented is accepted, the principle of legality in sanctions matters would be violated. Consequently, the request is inadmissible”, the Court concluded and rejected and archived the request. The po[CENSORED]r consultation proposal arose in 2014 and more than 753,000 signatures of citizen support were collected to formulate the following question: "Do you agree that the Ecuadorian Government maintains the ITT crude, known as Block 43, indefinitely in the subsoil?". At that time, the National Electoral Council (CNE) responded that YASunidos did not obtain the number required by the Constitution and the Democracy Code to carry out the process. But, after several legal appeals filed by the group, in September 2022 the Electoral Contentious Tribunal (TCE) ordered the CNE to grant the certificate of democratic legitimacy on the verification of the signatures and send it to the Constitutional Court to issue its constitutionality ruling on the question. In this context, the judges will decide if the question raised meets the requirements established by the LOGJCC and if so, they will refer it to the National Electoral Council to call an election; otherwise, it will reject the proposal. In addition to the summons to this hearing, Judge Carmen Corral gave a term of three days for the National Assembly, the Presidency of the Republic; the Ministry of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources; the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition; the Ministry of Economy and Finance; the Ministry of Women and Human Rights; Petroecuador; the Agency for the Regulation and Control of Energy and Non-Renewable Natural Resources; and, the authorities of the municipal governments of the cantons of Aguarico, Orellana and Pastaza, as well as the prefectures of Orellana and Pastaza, send you "information, reports and updated inputs that, within the scope of their powers, have strict correspondence with the technical management, legal, environmental and financial, with respect to the hydrocarbon exploitation of block 43 of the Yasuní National Park ("PNY"), especially in relation to the subscription and duration of oil sale or pre-sale contracts, public indebtedness associated with said contracts, life usefulness of the declaration of national interest for the exploitation of blocks 31 and 43 of the PNY, amount of crude oil reserves, expectations of total extraction of said reserves, estimated period of completion of extractive activities, environmental and social impacts”. Those who participate in this Tuesday's proceedings will have 20 minutes to present their arguments for or against the referendum; while, the institutions of the State will be able to do it in a time of ten minutes; there will be another five minutes for aftershocks. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/politica/corte-constitucional-escuchara-en-audiencia-a-proponentes-y-detractores-de-la-consulta-po[CENSORED]r-para-explotar-crudo-en-el-yasuni-itt-nota/
  8. Santi, the dog that lived in the building of the Presidency of the Republic, lives with three other dogs in his new home. Despite being long-lived, he now runs after the horses and llamas of a farm, in the province of Bolívar, where he was transferred once the tests were carried out and he was officially handed over. Who adopted Santi, shared a video on his social networks with the first experiences that the dog has lived since his arrival. Nature is the main plane of the scenes, an environment very different from what the dog that was rescued from the street was used to. Mounted on horseback, getting acquainted with the other dogs, barking at the llamas and exploring among some crops are the images that are exposed in the publication. On social networks, Santi's departure from the Presidency went viral, as several users claimed that he had been evicted. However, the Animal Welfare Unit (UBA) reported that he was an elderly dog that had been rescued by the workers of this building. It was also mentioned that he would have behaved aggressively, so they decided to have him transferred, although most of the people who knew the dog assured that he always had a docile and calm attitude. Dog that lived in the Presidency went viral due to transfer to the Animal Welfare Unit The animal was transferred to a Veterinary Care, Shelter and Temporary Foster Care Center (Cavrat) to carry out a clinical and ethological evaluation. Since then he began a search for a home that provides the necessary care, since he is considered an older adult. On March 31, the official delivery of the Municipality of Quito to Herdocia was made, who assured that he will have a full life, full of nature and with the affection he deserves. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/ecuador/santi-perro-presidencia-denuncia-municipio-quito-bolivar-adopcion-nota/


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