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Everything posted by Loading

  1. I need a cat like this :X

    Fotografia postată de George Cristian.

  2. In Eastern Europe, Romania has an Anti-ballistic missiles by Nato. Poland will finish another shield like Romania in 2018. I like your topic, is wonderfull.
  3. Welcome to my inventory :)


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Mr.SnaPeR


      are you Terrorist xd

    3. Loading


      Anti-terrorist of course. I will never shot in inocents peoples, or citizen, or to became a mercenary to kill for money. I wanted to go in Legion Foreigh (Legion Entrangere), but there you are a mercenary..


    4. Mr.SnaPeR


      it was just a jock  xd 

  4. S.P.Q.R

    Fotografia postată de George Cristian.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      marhab a5oya we habiby :default_good_job-1300:

    3. Loading


      Allah y5alik a5oy! Shorkan!

    4. #DVO


      @Loading allah y5lilk a5ok :) & WELCOME BACK :)

  5. Fratello hai ps4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Loading


      Vendi il tuo iphone 7 e compra una playstation 4 :))))

    3. JoKeR-™ @ CSBD

      JoKeR-™ @ CSBD

      Ma ti droghi...? hahahah

      se vendo il mio iphone 7 mi posso compro 2/3 ps4 hahahah

    4. Loading


      tu fumai l'erba? :)) anch'io

  6. FIFA 18 <3


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pedro's Klinefelter

      Pedro's Klinefelter

      Te extraño tambien :ashamed0004::ashamed0004:

      lol i see all of your guns ahaha

    3. Loading


      I love army, I love weapons, I know how to control many recoil of weapons. A true man must to know how to shot with a real weapon.

    4. Loading


      Of course I love Counter-Strike!

  7. Fifa the best feeling FIFA18
  8. Nice avatar :D 

    1. PranKk.


      haha it is your job i like too :D

    2. Loading
  9. I don't know why my topic was closed *

    Anyway, someone knows some good arabic music like in this topic?


    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Wis


      Loading still the king to know =)

    3. Loading


      You are the sheik :D 

    4. Wis
  10. Loading

    Arabic music

    Hello! Glad to post again I need some Arabic music like this
      • 6
      • I love it
      • Haha
  11. Do you like Mortal Kombat?







    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mr.Lucian


      A iesit foarte frumos @Loading , esti foarte bun pe desen ;)

    3. ₣ΛGΛЯ -(+18) ♔
    4. Fagar


      yeah i like it  

  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yJvmZMTSSGI The resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, described in the New Testament as having occurred on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary. The light may be with you all! Christ Risen! Hristos a înviat! Χριστὸς ἀνέστη! Христос воскрес! Христос васкрсе! Христос възкресе! Krishti u ngjall! Christus is opgestaan! Le Crist est ressuscite! Cristo ha resucitado! Cristo e risorto! Al-Masih-Qam!
  13. But this is an Orthodox Christian chant in arabic language. We have same in our Easter Europe (Greece, Serbia, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Macedonia) West of Europe is Catolic Christians like America.
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