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Everything posted by bkacjya

  1. Cats more responsive if owners speak to them like babies but less so if adult-to-adult tone used, study claims. Any cat owner knows that the correct way to get their pet’s attention is to sing “here, kitty kitty”, rather than utter a flat “come here cat”. Now research suggests cats may routinely tune into their owner’s tone of voice to detect when they are talking to them, rather than to other humans. Most people automatically adopt a higher-pitched, sing-song tone when speaking to animals and human infants. Although previous research has suggested that such “baby-talk” is more likely to capture dogs’ attention, less was known about how cats react to being spoken to in this way. To investigate, Charlotte de Mouzon and colleagues from Paris Nanterre University observed how 16 cats responded to hearing pre-recorded sentences spoken by their owner or a stranger, by recording changes in their behaviour, such as moving their ears or tails, suddenly stopping what they were doing, or their pupils dilating – any of which could indicate that a sound had caught their attention. They found that the cats were largely unresponsive to hearing a stranger’s voice calling their name, but when their owner did it, 10 of the 16 cats displayed a constellation of behaviours suggesting increased attentiveness. Cats also showed more signs of interest when they heard their owner speaking sentences in a tone usually used to address their cat – but not when a stranger used this tone, or when their owner spoke the same sentence as if addressing a fellow adult human. The research, published in Animal Cognition, adds to mounting evidence that one-to-one relationships are important for cats and humans to form strong bonds. “For a long time it has been thought that cats are very independent creatures, only interested in [humans for] eating and shelter, but the fact that they react specifically to their owner, and not just anybody addressing them, supports the idea that they are attached,” said de Mouzon. “It brings further evidence to encourage humans to consider cats as sensitive and communicative individuals.” Potentially, the relationship works both ways, as cats have previously been observed to purr differently when trying to solicit food from their owners, compared with, for example, when they are being stroked – and humans judged these “solicitation” purrs as more urgent. “The fact that, in return, cats show a greater reaction when their humans specifically address them brings a new dimension to previous considerations of this reciprocal relationship,” de Mouzon said. Although it’s not entirely surprising that cats are more responsive to their owners’ voices, the fact that they appear to be filtering out insignificant information is interesting, said Roger Tabor, a biologist and author of 100 Ways to Understand Your Cat. “I’m sure a lot of human partners don’t hear what the other partner is saying a lot of the time because they’re focused on something which, for them, is more immediately significant. It’s interesting that cats are also filtering – although it’s not so strange because one thing has meaning, and the other has less meaning.” Given these findings, de Mouzon said cat owners should not feel embarrassed about speaking to their pets in this way. “I also talk to my [two] cats as if they were children – and they do respond,” she said. “People may be shy about admitting this, but I think it can help to reinforce the bond between cats and their owners. They get that we are giving them attention.” … we have a small favour to ask. Millions are turning to the Guardian for open, independent, quality news every day, and readers in 180 countries around the world now support us financially. We believe everyone deserves access to information that’s grounded in science and truth, and analysis rooted in authority and integrity. That’s why we made a different choice: to keep our reporting open for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This means more people can be better informed, united, and inspired to take meaningful action. In these perilous times, a truth-seeking global news organisation like the Guardian is essential. We have no shareholders or billionaire owner, meaning our journalism is free from commercial and political influence – this makes us different. When it’s never been more important, our independence allows us to fearlessly investigate, challenge and expose those in power. Scoure : https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2022/oct/25/communi-cat-ive-cats-attentive-to-owners-voice-research-finds
  2. The UK faces a "more difficult" era of austerity than the one after the 2008 financial crisis in order to stabilise the economy, a former governor of the Bank of England has warned. Lord Mervyn King said the average person could face "significantly higher taxes" to fund public spending. Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is scheduled to set out his economic plans on 31 October. He has already scrapped almost all the tax cuts announced under Liz Truss. Mr Hunt has said: "This government will take the difficult decisions necessary to ensure there is trust and confidence in our national finances. "That means decisions of eye-watering difficulty." Speaking on Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg, Lord King said that "it is time to front up" with the public about the difficulties the country is facing. He said "public expenditure isn't going down, if anything it will go up therefore taxes will have to rise to fill the gap which is there at present". LIVE: Sunak confirms PM bid as Rees-Mogg says Johnson will run Who are Tory MPs backing to be next Prime Minister? "That doesn't make a very happy picture for the next few years," said Lord King. "But what we need is a government that will actually tell us honestly there is a reduction in our national standard of living because we've decided to help Ukraine and confront Russia and that means that all of us are going to have to share the burden, we can't just put all of it on our children and grandchildren. After the 2007-2008 financial crisis, when the banking sector came close to collapse, the new Conservative-Liberal Democrat coalition government announced the sharpest cuts in public spending since the end of World War Two. Asked if the UK could be facing a similar period of austerity, Lord King, who was governor at the time, said: "In some ways it could be more difficult." He said: "The challenge is if we want European levels of welfare payments and public spending, you cannot finance that with American levels of tax rates, so we may need to confront the need to have significantly higher taxes on the average person. "There isn't enough money there among the rich to get it back." Mr Hunt has reversed nearly all the tax cuts set out in September's mini-budget. This included a 1p cut in income tax which was due in April. A decision to cut the top rate of tax for people earning £150,000 or more had already been scrapped. Uncertainty remains, however, about public spending, as the Conservative Party undertakes another leadership race to choose a leader and prime minister to replace Ms Truss. Last week, Ms Truss said she was committed to a Tory manifesto pledge in 2019, made by the then Prime Minister Boris Johnson, to raise pensions in line with prices. The triple lock means state pension payments rise by whatever is higher - inflation, average earnings or 2.5%. On Sunday, Rishi Sunak declared he was in the running to take over as Tory leader and prime minister and said he would "deliver on the promise of the 2019 manifesto". Leadership rival Penny Mordaunt said: "We have a majority and a mandate to deliver a true 2019 manifesto." Mr Johnson is also expected to announce his candidacy, according to Business Secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg but is yet to make a formal statement. On Sunday, Lord King also reiterated criticism of central banks for failing to curb inflation which is now running at a 40-year high of 10.1%. He said major central banks, including the Bank of England, had continued to "print money" - through a measure known as quantitative easing - to support their economies during Covid lockdowns. This, he said, had contributed to rising inflation. Lord King was governor of the Bank of England between 2003 and 2013 during which time it launched quantitative easing. But he said there was a difference between that period when major economies were dealing with the global financial crisis and the impact of Covid lockdowns. "Engaging in quantitative easing in 2009 was to stop the economy from going into another recession because the amount of money in the economy was going down," he said. "Here in the last couple of years the amount of money in the economy has grown very rapidly and at a pace that was bound to lead to higher inflation." Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/business-63364240
  3. Growing urbanisation takes a toll on Mandana paintings. Once a po[CENSORED]r folk art, that used to adorn mud walls of homes in rural Rajasthan is quickly disappearing. Once a po[CENSORED]r folk art, Mandana designs that used to adorn mud walls of homes in rural Rajasthan are quickly disappearing. Reason: The rapid urbanisation with the construction of concrete houses. Mandana designs are mainly drawn on mud smeared walls with white lime liquid called "khadiya" by rural women on auspicious occasions like Diwali, Holi, birth and wedding ceremonies. The designs include pointed stars, six-petal flowers, lotus and swastika. (Also read: Mandana paintings: This artist is struggling to keep the tradition alive ) Sita Devi Sharma (85) says the folk art that was once used to decorate walls and doorsteps disappeared as people started constructing concrete houses at her Talwas village, around 30 km away from Bundi. There is hardly a single Mandana painting drawn on house walls in the village now as locals have constructed concrete houses and buy wallpapers and wall paintings for decoration, says Sita Devi’s son and village development committee member Mulchand Sharma. Another Mandana artist, Bhagwati Saxena of Bundi too expressed disappointment over the disappearance of the ages-old art form. Fortunately, the art is still surviving in remote rural areas where concrete houses are not being constructed, she adds. However, there are some women artists who are trying to preserve the art for future generations. Koshaliya Devi Sharma (81) of Baran city has painted over 140 Mandana designs on wooden boards, of which 100 were preserved by the Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) in its central library. Koshaliya Devi also sang folklore attached with various Mandana designs and these were recorded by INTACH for its collection. Besides, she has also set up Rajasthan School of Mandana Art, where at least 26 women are currently being imparted training under the supervision of Koshaliya Devi. Source : https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/art-culture/rajasthans-mandana-paintings-suffer-due-to-increasing-urbanisation-101666702598492.html
  4. For six months, homes in Ukraine's southern coastal city of Mykolaiv have been without clean drinking water. Military and UN experts have told a BBC investigation they believe Russian forces deliberately cut off the water supply last April. Satellite imagery and data suggest the pipeline to the city was deliberately destroyed while under Russian control. Destroying resources vital for civilian life is widely regarded as violations of international humanitarian law. But in recent weeks Russia has further targeted Ukraine's power and water infrastructure, prompting shortages across the country. Queuing in the street in Mykolaiv to collect clean drinking water is dangerous as the city is close to the front line and is often shelled. Since Russia's invasion it has remained under Ukrainian control. "You are standing in line. It's terribly scary to go out, God forbid something will fly in now," says Anya, a 36-year-old mother who fled to Mykolaiv from the neighbouring Kherson region under Russian occupation. Residents like Anya, who also cares for four other members of her family, do have access to what is called technical water in their homes, but it can't be used for drinking or cooking. Even washing in it inflames their skin. "It is really very salty. It has a brown, greenish colour," she says. These are the conditions that residents have had to endure for six months after the water supply to the city was cut off. Evidence collected by the BBC points to this being a deliberate act by Russian forces. In April this year, a Ukrainian news outlet published the above images which it says show damage caused by Russian forces to Mykolaiv's only water supply pipeline. The BBC has analysed satellite and social media pictures which back up this claim. We obtained the satellite image below, which multiple sources confirm shows the same location as the Ukrainian news outlet's photos. It reveals that the pipeline was damaged at its most fragile point - where it comes to the surface from beneath the ground. A source in Mykolaiv told the BBC that the pipeline had leaked for around eight hours after it was broken on 12 April, losing an estimated 40 million litres of water, before the supply to it was cut off. Analysis of the topography of the area indicates the water from the leak should have flowed south of the pipeline. The below image, from the messaging app Telegram and geolocated by the BBC, confirms that an area in the path of the expected flooding was indeed saturated by a huge amount of water. Source : https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63383605
  5. Virtual reality continues to grow by leaps and bounds. And traditional computer companies, and especially hardware companies, already have to think about it. A clear example of how one of them accompanies innovation is Logitech. They have recently released a developer package called 'BRIDGE SDK'. This kit includes a keyboard that allows you to enter text in virtual reality environments, as well as an accessory called the Vive Tracker, which is inserted near the keyboard. It is 100% compatible with apps that use the SteamVR environment. Logitech apparently with this measure is trying to ensure that the physical keyboards that have been accompanying us for decades are not lost in this maelstrom of new inventions and advances in virtual reality and artificial intelligence technologies. His goal is that both in reality and in virtual reality, entering letters, numbers and symbols from a keyboard feels as natural as possible. As Logitech spokesmen have commented, the BRIDGE SDK will allow, through software development, to change the appearance and way of operating of the keyboard in what will be the virtual reality environment where it is in operation. It is in beta testing and only about fifty lucky developers will be able to access to work with it, after paying a bonus of $150 dollars each. https://tecnomagazine.net/logitech-teclado-realidad-virtual/
  6. You already know how processor launches work: AMD or Intel launch a new product, the conventional José Manuel installs it in his computer to play better or gain productivity, and the overclocker on duty grabs his little bottle of liquid hydrogen to try to get ahead AMD's record and its FX-8370, which dates back to 2014. The overclocker on duty, in this case, is Elmor, an expert who has managed to break the eternal record with the Intel Core i9-13900K reaching 8.812 GHz using, effectively, liquid nitrogen. The previous record was held by The Stilt, a legend in the world that managed to take that FX-8370 to 8.722 GHz thanks to lowering the thermometer to -186 ºC. To locate ourselves with the Intel processor, let us remember that it is a product of the very high range of Raptor Lake with a morrocotudos 5.5 GHz as standard in its P cores, and that it can reach 5.8 GHz in loads of wire work. Wow, the i9-13900K is already Intel's highest clocked chip to date. It makes us laugh to go back to that news in which we told you that Intel predicted lots of records for the Raptor Lake family, but let's remember that this has only just begun. Elmor has achieved that record on the very day of launch. This means that once the experts get used to the new chips and unravel their secrets, we will surely see Intel move up the list of records again. Furthermore, Intel still has one more ace up its sleeve, a successor to the Core i9-12900KS that promises to have 6 GHz boost frequencies as standard. If the blue one is working to get the best silicon for this processor, the future of the Gen 13 will be well awarded... https://www.3djuegos.com/pc/noticias/intel-le-arrebata-a-amd-record-mundial-su-procesador-potente-fecha
  7. Robotic systems are set to be introduced in a wide range of real-world settings, ranging from roads to malls, offices, airports, and healthcare facilities. To perform consistently well in these environments, however, robots should be able to cope well with uncertainty, adapting to unexpected changes in their surrounding environment while ensuring the safety of nearby humans. Robotic systems that can autonomously adapt to uncertainty in situations where humans could be endangered are referred to as "safety-critical self-adaptive" systems. While many roboticists have been trying to develop these systems and improve their performance, a clear and general theoretical framework that defines them is still lacking. Researchers at University of Victoria in Canada have recently carried out a study aimed at clearly delineating the notion of "safety-critical self-adaptive system." Their paper, pre-published on arXiv, provides a valuable framework that could be used to classify these systems and tell them apart from other robotic solutions. "Self-adaptive systems have been studied extensively," Simon Diemert and Jens Weber wrote in their paper. "This paper proposes a definition of a safety-critical self-adaptive system and then describes a taxonomy for classifying adaptations into different types based on their impact on the system's safety and the system's safety case." The key objective of the work by Diemert and Weber was to formalize the idea of "safety-critical self-adaptive systems," so that it can be better understood by roboticists. To do this, the researchers first proposed some clear definitions for two terms, namely "safety-critical self-adaptive system" and "safe adaptation." According to their definition, to be a safety-critical self-adaptive system, a robot should meet three key criteria. Firstly, it should satisfy Weyns' external principle of adaptation, which basically means that it should be able to autonomously handle changes and uncertainty in its environment, as well as the system itself and its goals. To be safety-critical and self-adaptive, the system should also satisfy Weyns' internal principle of adaptation, which suggest that it should internally evolve and adjust its behavior according to the changes it experiences. To do this, it should be comprised of a managed system and a managing system. In this framework, the managed system performs primary system functions, while the managing system adapts the managed system over time. Finally, the managed system should be able to effectively tackle safety-critical functions (i.e., complete actions that, if performed poorly, could lead to incidents and adverse events). link
  8. Cyberpunk 2077 may be sliding down the sales charts after its wild month post-Edgerunners and patch 1.6, but there’s one more figure that’s worth taking note of. On Steam, Cyberpunk 2077 has now hit 90% “Very Positive” reviews for the first time since release, nearly two years ago. While it’s overall number remains “Mostly Positive” at 77% including all the old scores, the most recent reviews are at 90%. I will note that Cyberpunk 2077 was reviewing with 71% positive reviews back during the launch of 2020. That already indicated that fans were enjoying it a little more than the anti-hype news cycles would have suggested back then, though it’s important to note that the game looked and performed best on PC. It still does, of course, but consoles were way, way rougher than they are today. You’ll recall that Cyberpunk 2077 arrived with 9s and 10s from many critics who again, were given only PC review copies, and none of them played on console. Still, hitting 90% here, two years later, is certainly a moment of significance, and represents the larger turnaround effort that CDPR has orchestrated for the game and the IP. Edgerunners being good on Netflix isn’t responsible for the scores, but it is responsible for herding people to play the game after patch 1.6, which was the culmination of many, many patches before it, fixing some of the game’s biggest issues. There are now debates about whether Cyberpunk 2077 has experienced some sort of “No Man’s Sky” type turnaround, which is the gold standard for redemption stories. I’m not sure we can go that far, as No Man’s Sky added just absolutely massive amounts of free content and Cyberpunk’s patches have mainly been about fixing what was broken or adding obvious QoL improvements. Its first real DLC will be next year’s Phantom Liberty, and it ain’t free. They Inherited Billions Upon Billions: Meet America’s Richest Heirs Overwatch 2’s First Limited-Time Event Is A Great Preview Of PVE, But The Monetization Is Still Rough The Legendary London Hotel, Claridge’s, Opens New Spa But yes, you can certainly say that to at least some degree, among those who have come back to play it, the perception of the game has shifted, and many are finding themselves enjoying what has become an industry cautionary tale about releasing before you’re ready. Unlike No Man’s Sky, I don’t think CDPR is ever going to patch in every feature missing from the game over time, as after this DLC, they are going to be working on an actual, full sequel. But with 20 million sales and now the “vibes” swinging back into positivity around Cyberpunk, I don’t think it has to live forever as the pariah it’s been for the last two years. Something has indeed changed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/paultassi/2022/10/25/cyberpunk-2077-hits-90-positive-reviews-on-steam-for-the-first-time/?sh=4e182db86752
  9. Lilith Games has just announced the date for the upcoming open beta of its visually breathtaking mobile RPG Dislyte. Right now, pre-registrations are open on both Android and iOS for those in USA and UK. On May 10th, the open beta launches officially on both platforms and players who have pre-registered by then will receive heaps of rewards at launch. They will not be available by other means. Dislyte has an urban theme with a stunning story that is set sometime in the future but also possesses strong roots to the past. It is set in the year 2027, where the world is plagued by evil and enemies can be found at every corner. To save this dying land, a bunch of heroes called Espers rise to the occasion. They derive their powers from mythological beings belonging to the Greek, Chinese, Norse, and Egyptian civilisations. How did it all begin though? Somehow, god-like entities called Miracles manifested themselves into this reality and along with it came Miramon, an old and wicked god who only sought destruction. The Espers were able to get their powers due to their increased sensitivity to the Miracles, transforming them into super-powerful heroes who have skills similar to Odin, Hermes, Medusa, Loki, and more. They are the only people who can save humanity from Miramon. The combat system makes things even more awesome, allowing players to create teams of five heroes with special powers. Rendered in 3D, these stunning Espers will fight in a turn-based style defeating hordes of enemies to some rocking music. In addition to this, Dislyte also allows for automated battles, letting players browse on their phones while battles take place. If you’re interest then sign up quick for Dislyte on the App Store and Google Play to gain some exclusive freebies on May 10th.
  10. The MSI Vigor GK50 Low Profile gaming keyboard may have been on the market since 2019, but a TKL model hasn’t shown up until this year. Forgoing the numpad may seem sacrilegious to some, but this trimmed down edition of the GK50 has some undeniable benefits over its full fat counterpart and competitors. In fact, it could be the best version to go for if you’re hunting for a competent compact keyboard to complete your setup that won’t break the bank. I’ve spent the past three months or so with the MSI Vigor GK50 Low Profile TKL, and it’s proven to be a solid travelling companion. Whether I’m using it with my personal gaming PC or with another device on the go, I’m yet to encounter any real problems with it. However, there are a few things that I’d like to see improved in future revisions of the keyboard. <Design> There’s a lot to love about the design of the MSI Vigor GK50 Low Profile TKL, such as the gunmetal grey brushed metal top plate that pleasingly contrasts the matte black octagonal key caps. This helps the keyboard to subtly pop, and the lack of branding gives it a generally clean aesthetic, save for the somewhat subtle inclusion of the company dragon ‘G’ logo next to the arrow keys. A removable USB Type-C cable is a welcome sight, especially on a gaming keyboard that sits firmly in the mid-range of the market with its $84.99 USD / £89.99 GBP price point. This not only makes the GK50 TKL easier to transport, but should also help prolong its lifespan, as you’ll be able to swap out the wire with a new one if it breaks instead of binning the entire keyboard. On the GK50 TKL’s underside, you’ll find five rubber feet that help it steady as you fervently reposition yourself in a game of Call of Duty: Warzone or rapidly pull off your champions’ abilities in League of Legends. Suffice to say, you won’t have to worry about the keyboard wobbling during any sort of high intensity gaming, even if you deploy the retractable plastic feet to increase its incline up to 11 degrees. Shaving off its numpad gives the GK50 TKL a smaller footprint than its standard size brethren, but it’s the low profile mechanical keys that contribute the most to this keyboard feeling both petite and powerful. I’ll take more about the performance of its Kailh Low Profile White switches later in the review, but for now I’ll say that they have a wonderful tactile and clicky feel to them. This will suit many folks, but you might want to consider another option if you’re in a shared gaming space or prefer quieter keys. The only real negative thing I have to say about the keyboard’s design is its typeface. The font on the GK50 TKL’s keycaps leans a bit too much into a ‘gamer’ aesthetic for my tastes, but my partner found it difficult to make out several letters due to their dyslexia. Obviously, this isn’t much of an issue if you can confidently touch type, but it’d be great to see MSI design future peripherals with this kind of accessibility in mind. <Features> Don’t let the GK50 TKL’s size fool you, as MSI has managed to cram in a surprising amount of versatility. Let’s start with the most obvious feature: RGB. There’s the usual assortment of preset modes and per-key customisable lighting, which can sync with other MSI Mystic Light peripherals like your gaming mouse. Additionally, games that support Ambient Link like Far Cry 6 or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will be able to take control of the LEDs to provide more immersive lighting. This is all fairly standard stuff, but I’m happy to report that you can control a great of the RGB without needing any software whatsoever. Using the function (FN) key on the GK50 TKL, which MSI has stylised as its dragon ‘G’ logo, you can control the mode, brightness, colour, direction, and speed of its built-in lighting effects. At first, I didn’t think I’d use these features all that often, but sure enough, I’m now making full use of these shortcuts instead of diving in to the MSI Center application to make adjustments. The LEDs on the GK50 TKL aren’t as blindingly bright as those found on the Ducky One 3, but they easily rank among some of the best I’ve seen on a gaming keyboard. Lights shine brilliantly both through and around the keycaps, which should greatly please anyone brave enough to call themselves an RGB aficionado. Personally, I’m someone who sticks with a static colour and calls it a day, but it’s hard for me to deny the quality of the lighting here. In lieu of dedicated keys, media controls are also included as part of the FN ensemble, giving you an easy way to access the usual assortment of volume, skip, and play/pause commands. There’s even a built-in function to bring up MSI Afterburner, if you don’t have it launch on startup for whatever reason, which I think is a nicely inspired touch. If you install the MSI Center software on to your system, you’ll find a macro programming suite for all you power users out there. Aside from that, though, ther While not strictly a part of the keyboard, I do want to quickly mention how much of I’m a fan of the included drawstring travel bag. This accessory handily keeps the keyboard nice and snug inside my backpack as I ferry it between the office and my gaming desk, and it’s a large part of what makes travelling with the GK50 TKL such a joy. <Performance> So, the MSI Vigor GK50 TKL certainly looks the part of a gaming keyboard, but does it feel like one? The short answer: yes. The star quality of the GK50 TKL is its Kailh White Low Profile switches, which boast a total travel of 3.0mm rather than the 4.0mm typically found in other mechanical keyboards. This may not sound like a lot, but this effectively makes inputs 25% quicker, which is something players of all skill levels should be able to appreciate. After many competitive and single player sessions using the GK50 TKL, I can’t say it’s made climbing ranked ladders or overcoming difficult challenges any easier, but it never felt like it hampered me either. Like the best gaming keyboard, it felt like a seamless extension of my will and never noticeably let me down in any situation. This also speaks to the good implementation of 6+N key rollover, which is naturally at its best when it goes unnoticed. It’s a comfortable keyboard for extended periods of time thanks to its ergonomic design, whether gaming or typing. However, I do wish that MSI had included a detachable wrist rest in the box, just to give you the extra added level of comfort. Seriously, it’s hard to give up the kind of support that the Razer Huntsman V2 offers you once you’ve got used to it. While I can’t speak to the quoted 50 million keystroke lifespan, I didn’t notice any noticeable wear on my review unit after heavy use over three months (including stints in my backpack in the included travel bag). And despite only weighing 560g, the GK50 TKL continues to feel as surprisingly sturdy as the day I pulled it out of the box. The GK50 TKL is an extremely performant gaming keyboard, but the 50gf operation force can make it a little difficult to type on even after using it for some time. This combined with its tenkeyless form factor makes it less suited as an all-in-one solution for those looking to game and be productive with a single keyboard. <Verdict> I am thoroughly impressed with the MSI Vigor GK50 Low Profile TKL, it offers fantastic build quality and a surprisingly versatile feature set that you’d expect from more premium gaming keyboards. For $84.99 USD / £89.99 GBP, it’s hard to argue with the amount of value you get from it. It’s not perfect, mind, and I do hope that MSI can address some of the issues I’ve highlighted in a successor to the GK50, particularly the gamery and somewhat inaccessible typeface. Lastly, while it’s easy enough to find in UK and EU territories, the TKL model doesn’t appear to be widely available in the US yet. If you can get your hands on it, however, the positives far outweigh the negative here, and I can happily recommend this keyboard.
  11. When Amber Sizemore and her family went out of state to celebrate her birthday last week, she had hoped her toddler daughter, Raegan, would try swimming. But the 15-month-old, normally energetic and adventurous, wasn’t herself on Saturday. “She hated it, and she normally loves water,” Sizemore said. By Sunday, when the family was heading back to Ohio, the little girl was “coughing like crazy.” “She coughed so hard, she threw up,” Sizemore said. Raegan also stopped eating and developed a fever. When Tylenol didn’t help, Sizemore took her to urgent care and told them that RSV or respiratory syncytial virus, a common cold-like virus, was going around at Raegan’s day care, where Sizemore also works.The test came back positive, and Raegan’s vital signs prompted the staffers at the urgent care to tell Sizemore to take her daughter to the hospital. As soon as they saw her vitals, the staff at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital in Cleveland knew they had to admit Raegan, her mom said. She needed oxygen. “They’ve been great here and taken good care of her, but the scariest part is, had I not already known she was exposed to RSV, I may have just let her cough it out,” Sizemore said. “I’m glad I didn’t wait.” Most kids catch RSV at some point before they turn 2, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, and it’s usually mild. Symptoms may look like a common cold and include runny nose, decreased appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing. They typically last a week or two, and clear up with rest and fluids. But in some children, especially young infants, RSV can be dangerous, leading to dehydration, breathing trouble and more serious illnesses such as bronchiolitis or pneumonia.Now, there’s an “unprecedented” rise in RSV cases among children in the US, some doctors tell CNN. The CDC does not track hospitalizations or deaths for RSV like it does for flu, but it said Thursday there has been a rise in RSV cases in many parts of the country. Several children’s hospitals told CNN that they’ve been “overwhelmed” with patients at a time of the year when it’s unusual to have a surge of RSV patients. Overall, pediatric hospital beds are more full now than they’ve been in the past two years, according to federal data. The US Department of Health and Human Services does not specify the reason for hospitalization, but about three-quarters of pediatric hospital beds available nationwide are being used now. By comparison, pediatric hospital beds were about two-thirds full on an average day over the past two years.‘Never seen this level of surge’ With the RSV surge, UH Rainbow Babies has had so many patients, it went on diversion for a couple of days in early October, meaning it couldn’t take external emergency admissions. It’s taking patients again now, but it’s still slammed with RSV cases.There has been such such a dramatic increase in cases in Connecticut that Connecticut Children’s Hospital has been coordinating with the governor and public health commissioner to determine whether it should bring the National Guard in to expand its capacity to care for these young patients. “I’ve been doing this a long time. I’ve been at Connecticut Children’s for 25 years, and I’ve never seen this level of surge specifically for RSV coming into our hospital,” Dr. Juan Salazar, the hospital’s executive vice president and physician in chief, told CNN. In Texas, where RSV cases usually spike in December or January, the emergency department at Cook Children’s in Fort Worth and its urgent cares are seeing a significant number of RSV cases. Nearly half the ICU is filled with RSV cases, hospital spokesperson Kim Brown said; between October 2 and 8, there were 210 RSV cases at Cook Children’s; a week later, there were 288. Jeff and Zoey Green’s 4-month-old, Lindy, was admitted to Cook on Sunday. At the hospital, Lindy’s fever was so high at one point they said they used ice packs to cool her down. LINK
  12. Rebecca Humphries’ honest and forthright column (My partner cheated on me on Strictly, but it took another heartbreak for me to quit toxic love, 15 October) struck a chord with me when she said: “My heartbreak ... had come from the inescapable knowledge that, though they had been very different men, I had behaved the same in both relationships ... I had prioritised their needs to the point where I couldn’t remember what mine were.” Putting oneself to one side in that way is almost a textbook description of codependency. In coming out of an emotionally abusive marriage of nearly four decades, and while noting some red flags in a new relationship with an exciting but unavailable man, reading it reminded me that I still have difficulty in telling the difference between the twin states of arousal and fear.I’m an adrenaline junkie who grew up in a disastrously dysfunctional family of origin, and so as an “adult child of” I’m having to actively learn how to tell the difference between excitement and an uneasy state of hypervigilance in myself. I’m being made more aware of, and gradually changing, my own patterns of behaviour through following the Codependents Anonymous (CoDA) 12-step programme, whose entry point is anyone who wants learn how to have healthy and loving relationships. That’s most of us, isn’t it? In common with other 12-step programmes, CoDA doesn’t advertise itself, but relies on personal recommendations. So here’s one from me. In my experience, CoDA is neither self-help nor therapy, but rather a highly effective transformational programme that is free of charge and widely accessible to all via face-to-face and online meetings. It’s helping me to free myself from the codependent patterns, traits and conditioning that lead me to embark on toxic relationships in the first place, and it’s giving me the tools not to do that again. Name and address supplied Thanks to Rebecca Humphries for distilling into words the feelings that I have struggled with for years – an “insidious loss of joy, opinion and confidence” that’s been my life over the past 20 years. Like her, I thought that these were just the bumps in the road encountered within any relationship. Having always thought of myself as a little feckless and impulsive, I punished myself for these “faults” by making myself work harder. You made this bed, now you shall lie in it. Be just a little more flexible, give just a little more, accept it when he tells you that you are too sensitive and that you always see the worst in things.I consider myself an intelligent woman. Life traumas skewed my perspective, creating a vulnerability that left me open to making poor choices. Now I can see the patterns. Shrink myself, my world and my opinions to fit. Use alcohol to obliterate the voices of reason. Ignore the concerns expressed by loved ones. Accept all manner of unreasonable behaviour, and often take the blame for it. I turned 60 recently. Like Humphries, it took two painful experiences for me to understand the impact of toxic relationships and gaslighting. I got there in the end, with a lot of help. I hope that Humphries’ article will enable other young women to see the writing on the wall and to act. Name and address supplied Heartbreak comes in many forms. I think I am one of those “broken-bird boys” that Rebecca Humphries refers to – heartbroken by my daughter’s refusal to accept that her mum and I were not able to stay together after 24 years of marriage – my fault, it appears. She has refused to talk to me for the last three years. So though her mum and I are still close, I am lost. When I meet somebody who wants to take things further, I am terrified and end up breaking it off before I can cause anyone else the hurt I have to my daughter. I am determined to heal, but it has taken leaving behind everything and everyone I knew and going somewhere completely different. I do now feel better and happier. Name and address supplied Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication. LINK
  13. A pioneering rewilding project has had an early surprise: a bouncing baby bison. It is the first wild bison to be born in the UK for thousands of years. Three bison were released in Kent in July but, unknown to the rangers, one had a secret passenger on board. Bison conceal their pregnancies to prevent predators targeting pregnant animals or their offspring. The female calf was discovered after a couple of days when rangers did not see the mother, who had found a secluded location to give birth. “The calf has come on leaps and bounds – literally,” said Tom Gibbs, a bison ranger. She loves to run circles around the adults, he added. The project is a collaboration between the Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust and they had hoped the new herd would breed in due course, but the new baby is a bonus. A bull is expected to arrive from Germany to join the three female bison by the end of October.“There were a couple of days when we didn’t see female 2 and that was sort of an alarm bell, because she’s normally very confident and the one up at the front. I hoped she was OK,” said Gibbs. “The other two females were also a bit more on edge and defensive, warning me about something.” “I went off to try and to find her and after about an hour, I could hear some rustling in the tree line,” Gibbs said. “I didn’t want to get too close, so I used my binoculars, and I could see her tail swishing. I thought I saw a muntjac deer behind her, and I thought: ‘What’s that doing, so close to this female?’ “Then, lo and behold, this little face popped out from behind the female, and that was the eureka moment. It was just unbelievable to think this is the first wild born bison here in England. It was just a monumental moment.” Gibbs and fellow ranger Donovan Wright had an inkling something was afoot in the days before the birth. “She had definitely been increasing the amount that she was eating,” said Gibbs. “She’s normally pretty picky, but it turns out she was eating for two.” Her udder was also slightly swollen, but the rangers thought she may simply have been coming into her fertile period, as calves are most commonly born by July. The calf has developed fast, Gibbs said: “It’s amazing, within a week she was so sure on her feet. She now seems to absolutely love the rain and she’ll hare around in circles, doing donuts.” She was also eating solids, by nibbling at leaves.The new arrival has been welcomed by the other adult bison, who clean her and screen her off if they perceive a threat. They also keep an eye on the calf when the mother is resting, akin to babysitting, said Gibbs. The calf was probably born on 9 September, but the announcement was delayed owing to the death of Queen Elizabeth II the previous day. “We also wanted to make sure that the calf was healthy,” Gibbs said.The project has issued an appeal for donations to continue its work assessing how bison act as “ecosystem engineers” to restore wild habitat. “This is going to be a blueprint that will hopefully act as guidance for other interested organisations and landowners,” said Gibbs. The matriarch came from a wildlife park in Scotland, while the new mother and another young female came from a park in Ireland, where the calf will have been conceived. The bull’s arrival has been delayed by Brexit-related complications. The bull will be introduced gradually, but the rangers do not expect problems. “The matriarch rules the roost – she’s top of the hierarchy at all times and he’ll conform to what she dictates. His interest will be in the older females, not the calf.” The project site is licensed for up to 10 bison and in future, it hopes to provide bison to found other sites in the UK, as well as exchanging animals across Europe. All 9,000 bison now living in Europe are descended from just 12 zoo animals, which saved the species from extinction in the early 20th century, so maximising genetic diversity is important. LINK
  14. The House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol announced on Friday that the panel has officially sent a subpoena to former President Donald Trump as it paints him as the central figure in the multi-step plan to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. The committee issued the subpoena to try to compel Trump to sit for a deposition under oath and to provide documents. The panel is ordering Trump turn over documents by November 4 and “one or more days of deposition testimony beginning on or about November 14.” Unlike with previous subpoena announcements, the committee released the entire subpoena it sent to Trump along with the documents it is requesting. While it is not clear if Trump will comply with the subpoena, the action serves as a way for the committee to set down a marker and make clear they want information directly from Trump as the panel investigates the attack. “As demonstrated in our hearings, we have assembled overwhelming evidence, including from dozens of your former appointees and staff, that you personally orchestrated and oversaw a multi-part effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election and to obstruct the peaceful transition of power,” the committee wrote in its letter. The panel summarizes what it presented in its hearings to demonstrate why it believes Trump “personally orchestrated and oversaw” the plan. Trump and his legal team have been discussing how to respond to the subpoena, a source familiar with the situation told CNN, stressing that no firm decisions had been The former president posted a lengthy response criticizing the committee on Truth Social after members voted unanimously to subpoena him but did not say whether he would comply. Trump also recently shared a Fox story on Truth Social that claimed he “loves the idea of testifying.” But Trump could also fight the subpoena in court, and such a legal challenge would likely outlast the committee’s mandate. The House committee latest public hearing, where members voted to subpoena him, served as a closing argument to the American public ahead of the midterm election that Trump is at the center of the multifaceted plot to overturn the 2020 presidential election. “It is our obligation to seek Donald Trump’s testimony,” the panel’s chairman, Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, said ahead of the subpoena vote during the hearing. Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming, the vice chairwoman of the committee, said during the hearing that seeking Trump’s testimony under oath remains “a key task” because several witnesses closest to the former President invoked their Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination in response to their interactions with Trump. “We are obligated to seek answers directly from the man who set this all in motion” Cheney said, referring to Trump. LINK
  15. What you might not expect is that the government of a country like Iran, where a new draconian internet law will further reduce online freedoms and criminalize circumventing software, is somehow linked with an overseas VPN provider. That's why allegations that Hamid Rezazadeh - son of Vice President for Women and Family Affairs Ensieh Khazali - is behind the Vancouver-based Betternet VPN have sparked many concerns, both at home and across the global VPN sector. However, it wasn't difficult for Iranian social media users to get deeper into the story by finding the Rezazadeh's profile on the professional website Rocketreach. This clearly describes him as the software manager, chief executive officer and founder of Betternet VPN. Despite the post now disappearing from the site, the vice president's brother Mehdi Khazali confirmed the truthfulness of such accusations. "He closed his company in Iran and moved to Canada where he created another company that is active in the field of VPNs," he told to RFE/RL(opens in new tab). LINK
  16. Owing to requests from the law enforcement agencies, Binance crypto exchange froze account access for a Tezos staking rewards auditor named Baking Bad. This corporate account had a sum of $1 million (roughly Rs. 8 crore) in the form of Bitcoin, Ether, Polygon, and Tether. Baking Bad, in a thread of tweets claimed that no information was shared by Binance before the crypto exchange decided to restrict access to Baking Bad's account. For now, it is also unclear as to which law enforcement agency ordered Binance to take the action. As per Baking Bad's LinkedIn page, the entity claims to be based in Estonia. In a Twitter conversation with Baking Bad, Binance claimed that the entity was aware about the law enforcement request. Binance was replying to Baking Bad on a Twitter thread that claimed that its account had been sealed shit since July 1 without any explanations and that their balances of over $1 million (roughly Rs 8 crore) were set to zero. The crypto sector, that usually prides itself on giving its community members the freedom to access their deposits anytime and from anywhere, has been seeing several cases where exchanges have frozen accounts, defying the sense of freedom they promise their customers. In April, the exchange restricted accounts of Russian nationals and residents so they could not deposit or trade using Binance amid Russia's war with Ukraine. Not just Binance, other crypto-related firms have also come into the limelight for restricting account access for users. After Celsius lawyers recently claimed that custody account holders may have lost the ownership of their assets, these users have joined forces against the crypto lending firm to get the collective amount of $180 million (roughly Rs. 1,415 crore) in question back. Celsius filed for bankruptcy earlier in August. The company is trying to retain the funds of custody users who used Celsius for storage, not to put their money to work. For now it remains unclear how Binance and Baking Bad will handle the situation going further. Given these back-to-back incidences of accounts being frozen by exchanges, industry experts have advised crypto community members to use self-custodial wallet services or hardware crypto wallets. lINK
  17. Xur has returned again to Destiny 2, complete with new exotic and legendary gear for players to check out for a limited time. In the meantime, things got a little spooky at the Tower this week as the annual Halloween inspired Festival of the Lost event finally made its return. Haunted Lost Sectors and Headless Ones have again invaded the game and it's up to players to don their various masks and collect candy to stop them. Unfortunately, the big Festival of the Lost also introduced more than a few bugs, though unrelated to the spooky season. This includes high priority problems such as spectral pages not manifesting as expected, essentially blocking the Gone but Not Forgotten quest entirely. Bungie has quickly updated the game to resolve a lot of these issues, but Destiny 2 fans continue to run into issues including cosmetic related quirks as well as bright dust not being fully awarded for certain bounties.In addition to collecting candy, players can also visit the weekend merchant Xur who has arrived again in Destiny 2 for a limited time. Follow this guide for his most current weekend location, news on his exotic cipher quest, as well as a review of all the exotic and legendary gear he's brought for the weekend of October 21, 2022. Where is Xur? This weekend, players should head to will need to head to the Winding Cove in the European Dead Zone.Fast travel to the Winding Cove zone and immediately head towards the back where the Fallen typically patrol. Climb the cliffs back here to find Xur standing on a ledge not too far from a crashed ship. Xur's role continues to offer the usual weekly quests, exotics, and legendary gear. Not only are these quests required to purchase a second fated engram, but they're necessary to acquire legacy exotic gear from the Tower kiosk. Players can earn a new cipher by completing strikes and winning crucible or gambit matches. Gain bonus points for playing with clan mates or finishing more challenging activities. Xur continues to sell even more gear outside his usual content. In addition to his normal exotic gear, Xur now has Legendary Weapons and Armor for sale in exchange for Legendary Shards and Glimmer.Karnstein Armlets - Warlock gauntlets These are a strong Warlock exotic item, that gives the player added survivability thanks to its exotic perk. Upon a melee kill, Vampire’s Caress restores a large portion of health while also continuing to restore health for a short duration afterward. This is an item that all Warlocks should have as it’s a very strong item in PvE situations and activities like Gambit or Blind Well where there are large groups of enemies to overcome. There are much better options for PvP players, but it can be a fun exotic to play around with otherwise. Even coming in at a very impressive 67 total, the strange aspect to this exotic is the roll itself. An extremely high mobility is unfortunately a stat that isn't a priority for Warlocks, so this one isn't a priority this week.Known by most in the community as "Frosties", they come with the Rapid Cooldown perk which increases ability regeneration rate when the player sprints, while dodging also increases sprint speed. For missions that require lots of movement, these boots pair well with particular subclasses that rely on melee abilities such as throwing knives for Solar Gunslingers. Being able to recharge the throwing knives by killing burning enemies as well as sprinting makes it, so the Hunter has a nearly unlimited supply as long as they hit and kill the target. The roll this week is pretty solid across the board, also coming in at a 67 total. Unfortunately, the exotics themselves really are not high on the Hunter exotic list. They have their uses, but players are probably not using these over certain others at the moment, so they can safely be skipped.At one point, these were the go-to exotic for Sentinel Titans, though things have changed over the past year or so. Ultimately, these were heavily impactedd by Bungie's decision to nerf super generating exotics that arrived alongside Season of the Lost. Regardless, Ursine Guard is the intrinsic perk which enables the player to move faster when guarding with Sentinel Shield. However, the best part of this perk is that blocked damage will convert into additional super energy once the super ends, similar to other class exotics like the Shards of Galanor for Hunters. As previously mentioned, the returned energy has a cap now, so it's not nearly as useful as it was previously. The unfortunate part of this exotic is with the stats, which prioritize mobility, not something associated with Titans. The total roll is also the lowest of the three at 62, so these are safe to skip for those not trying to complete their collections.The Arbalest is a weapon that hasn't been seen with Xur in a very long time, and considering that it's a very po[CENSORED]r weapon, this will likely be a big pickup for many. A kinetic linear fusion rifle that was introduced during the Rev LINK
  18. Earlier this year, we caught wind of a hush-hush announcement from Blizzard that the studio is developing an untitled Warcraft project for mobile - today, we finally have the much-awaited answer in the form of Warcraft Arclight Rumble. The action strategy game on mobile will feature fast-paced battles where players can collect more than 60 heroes, monsters and villains from the vast Warcraft universe and duke it out in single-player, co-op and PvP play. Coming to both iOS and Android devices in select regions later this year, Warcraft Arclight Rumble boasts made-for-mobile gameplay where players can build armies and unleash their tactical prowess in challenging missions. Characters are aptly designed to look like sculpted tabletop miniatures, and players can tinker around with them in over 70 missions set in the po[CENSORED]r franchise's universe
  19. Title : Focus Director(s) : Main cast : Official YT trailer:
  20. bkacjya


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