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Everything posted by tsemaa

  1. Done.
  2. Accepted!
  3. ★Nickname: Je ★CSBD username: @Jee23 ★Rank: Semi-Elder ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them Note: rank received after buying permanent vip
  4. tsemaa

    [Rejected] Tag

  5. Too low activity man... Contra
  6. Accepted! Good luck!
  7. Zombies have abilities now + other stuff to keep up with humans that have unlimited clip and 200 armour. This will not be modified, rejected!
  8. Really? you came again even though you were removed for inappropriate behavior? Rejected! Next time you request, you will be blacklisted.
  9. Rejected! Next time be patient and wait for someone to accept it, dont bug me every hour to accept it!
  10. This will not be implemented. Its too hard and weird.
  11. ★Nickname: John Go ★CSBD username: @John Go ★Rank: Semi-Elder ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them!
  12. And if they kick you out what? Maybe they have a solid reason for that. Contra and rejected. Haris already told you what to do. Good luck!
  13. Vei primi tag cu tot cu admin, daca e cazul. Nu e nevoie de 2 cereri
  14. Ok, a pro from me
  15. First of all, you made your tag request a few days ago, and it was accepted. You must wait 7 days until making a new one So , rejected!
  16. ★Nickname: MarkyTucoff ★CSBD username: @DeffLeX01 ★Rank: Administrator ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them!
  17. Accepted. PM to me
  18. Rejected. If you want admin respect the model
  19. Rejected. Old habits dont change, it seems! 🙂
  20. ★Nickname: bloodychuck. ★CSBD username: @bloodychuck. ★Rank: Legends ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them!
  21. We wanna thank you all for reading and commenting here to celebrate a decade of gaming, professionalism and implication. Like all things in this world we had our ups and downs, but the thing that matters is that we are here, and we continue with the same thing like before: playing, gaming, relax etc. All of you that commented in the post received free vip for 1 month. Good luck, "see you" next year!
  22. ★Nickname: kAy ★CSBD username: @kAy_97 ★Rank: Administrator ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them!
  23. 2014 Cautam servere de zombie care sa fie mereu cu multi playeri pe ele. Si am gasit vreo 3 chiar, toate de aici 🤟
  24. Accepted, pm me
  25. Rejected! Wrong section
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