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Everything posted by tsemaa

  1. It seems that you've made 2 requests in 24 hours with someone else nickname as hours played on server. Please do understand that in order to have admin here you need to be active in-game on a daily basis with your own nickname, not someone else's. Contra and closed.
  2. This seems a good idea. But i don't think we have such plugin Also, we have to keep track of those that vote the server daily
  3. It seems that this will never end. + 1 warning for both of you. Mr Devil you will receive warn because of your language and you keep on provoking him Also...why did it took you 2 days to make this report? Those facts happened 48 hours ago and i'm trying to understand why so late @Archea + 1 warning for you and 5 days suspend (25.06 - 30.06), you really need to calm and take it easy. You've said it yourself, when you get angry, you forget everything Please try to understand that, as admins, it's our duty to apply the rules correct and objective, not provoking others.
  4. So after all, does any of you have solid evidence to support this report/complain? Because Mr.Devil says one thing, Tedy says another thing. And it seems kind of confusing... Also @Archea you have 1 warning already
  5. Man, i asked the question to understand. Please read again my answer...it seems that we don not understand each other. In a short note, i am trying to understand what happened, because based on your evidences, you both are wrong That's why i wanna see his side of the story and other opinions
  6. Wow...this is a long one So, in order to understand. You and that girl Sara were playing and discuss between you 2 and made jokes between you 2, right? Then, Tedy intervened and he thought that you insulted her or what? After all, you are presenting just fragments of your discussion on chat, it seems pretty hard to understand exactly what happened there. But i do see some provoking from Tedy Tedy, lets "hear" your side of the story 🙂
  7. I suppose that you want to know exactly how many minutes. But, like @OrangeOG said, the rules are specific about this. Any kind of hack = 5000 mins ban, in the first instance If the same player gets back to the server and still uses hack, after ban expire, he will receive permanent ban. For other things, like insults and spamming and so on: ban from 60 mins to permanent ban, depending on the severity of the situation and the player behavior We had some players that constantly insulted and they received permanent ban So, i don't think this is a good idea, re-editing the minutes for banning a player and most of the admins already know how many minutes to apply 🙂
  8. 12 contra 2 pro Based on this, it seems irrelevant to keep this request open. On-topic now: improve your activity, stop abusive camping on zm rounds, pay attention on what admins are announcing - rules and other things; and come back when you'll have a better behavior on the server and more activity. Rejected for the moment*
  9. You already got rejected one time. Come back when you have solid activity and implication. Contra and closed.
  10. PRO from me. But, if you get accepted, you will be on probation for 1-2 weeks, so make sure you improve your activity, dedication and make sure you know the server rules
  11. Contra. Your activity...not quite constant. For admin you need to be active on a daily basis, help others etc Also...please read the rules and pay attention when admins say: zm attack or to get down from the map (on zm_vendetta) :)
  12. CONTRA ! Why? because you used hack, we removed you, and now you have the guts to come back and ask for admin, again. I don't agree to give you admin, at all, but, as we try to be better humans 🙂 if it will be accepted, you start from helper and make activity and implication to go up to higher ranks So: if you want more, prove that you deserve
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  21. nickname: tsema grade: moderator tag: for the moment i have the [enmanuel] tag Please remove the tag due to the fact that i can't write - help players etc on public chat (y) and that's frustrating sometimes Thank you!
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