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Everything posted by Abhinash

  1. Adding these mods and making these changes are not a hard thing to do. They can be added and changes done in 2 days. But the thing is existing players and staffs will stay and keep playing in server but we need new players. Who's going to bring new players.
  2. Proposal is good and the system is also easy to make. But the question is will players keep playing cause it's 2022.
  3. 1. Good 2. Good 3. Good 4. RPG's damage will be balanced 5. Good 6. Bad 7. Bad 7.1. Bad
  4. Sorry. Founder is paid only.
  5. Knife Blink works by both Left and Right mouse click. Learn how to use it properly. Don't be noob
  6. 1. All Premium weapons will be limited to buying 2 times per round. 2. Damage of Premium weapons will be randomised, in order to avoid chaos.
  7. Competition ended. Nobody guessed.
  8. amx_help and amx_last are fixed in the next update. Send me a screenshot of the old status screen. Multi-jump doesn't works on Nemesis because it's prohibited for Super Classes to have multi-jump cause they already have big leaps. If someone misses to press E and fall down they get fall damage which is usual in CS and in real life. About bug spawn is because the Addon uses a different algorithm to generate spawns randomly which is why some maps having bugged spawns have issues. Note down the maps having bug spawns and remove them.
  9. It's working. It just needs a password. Usage - zp_points <name> <amount> <password> amx_points <name> <amount> <password>
  10. Hey guys. Tonight we will be having a small update. Your task is to guess what will be the update and if you are correct you win 1000 Points from me. This event starts from 8:00 PM GMT +5:30 and ends tomorrow 8:00 PM GMT +5:30. Let's go.
  11. Alright. No one has any new ideas. Fine.
  12. From developer point of view I would like to give both Pro and Contra. Pro because - 1. Good Idea and also informative. 2. Easy to implement in main plugin. Contra because - 1. Incase of big tags it will not look nice and clean. 2. If you go for trimming the TAG / NAME then it won't look good. 3. It will take up a lot of space in low resolution pcs.
  13. Hi everyone. As a game developer I have the best solution for your issue since I have dealt with this issue myself in my servers in past. Let's straight ahead move to the solution. Instead of banning them from entering the server, break them and thier mind psychologically. My psychologically, I mean make them fed up, tired and annoyed. Q. How to do that ? A. Punish them by thier IP, everytime they join the server. Q. What kind of psychological punishment ? A. Good question, we punish them by simply doing 3 things. 1. Fade thier screen to black permanently. 2. Gag them permanently. 3. Set their next attack time to very large amount such as 99999999999. Note. The above 3 things can be easily done by a simple plugin, but keep in mind that the victim should not get the idea that he is being punished. You gotta frame it in such a way that for the victim it makes him feel like something is wrong with his game or something similar. To that do not include and sound and chat messages when you punish the victim. That's it. This solution is 100% tested and it works. If you need the above plugin then I can provide it too. Just dm me server manager. 😎 Thank you for your time.
  14. Hey guys. I am a game developer by passion and profession. Cs was the first game with which I started my journey. So, I think it's my duty to give back the cs community something which would be remembered atleast for sometime and some people's So, I thought why not create a new and last ZP mod for Cs & CSBD Community. So, I need all of your ideas. Note. The mod will be completely profesionally made with modules ( .SO & .DLL ) to ensure extreme smoothness of the server and experience. I am waiting for all of your ideas. Thanks you for your time.
  15. Hey guys. Since we all know very less players play Cs 1.6 these days and all the mods which are on the internet are way old to keep the cs community addictive, alive and refreshing. So, I am going to make new Zombie Mode to bring something new and exciting. So, please one by one drop down your suggestions and ideas, and I will work on it. Note. Please don't tell me to create new modifications of 6.2 or Zombie Outstanding because as I mentioned above we need something new. By this I don't mean that the new mode can't contain features from 6.2 or Z Outstanding. Waiting for your ideas. Thanks.
  16. Hey Mr. Love, I want to buy a server. What will be the settings ?

    1. Mr.Love


      Krond server - 12 euro - 32 slots

  17. YASSIN OR ANA HEEK.. If you have Zombie Outstanding Original by Claudiu ( Hattrick ) . Then please give me
  18. YASSIN. Can you give me Original Zombie Outstanding ?
  19. ok... YASSIN Can you give me the original Zombie Outstanding ?
  20. This Server already exists in another Gaming community named CsOutstanding .. Its already online there and working fine.. Then why you need it again in CSBD ?
  21. Cam someone give me full zombie plague 6.2????


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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