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Everything posted by Javed

  1. Descriere : Prezentarea de fata este facuta pe un HTC M8 , din probleme tehnice nu a putut fii facuta pe un telefon Philips. Da, in timpul filmarilor au aparut cateva bug-uri, tocmai pentru ca aplicatia este facuta special pentru smartphone-urile Philips. Dar nu va faceti griji, merge bine si pe alt telefon. VIDEO : http://domaze.net/embed/UzVA7LFWpFc?html5=1&fs=1
  2. Salut azi am decis sa fac mai multe review la periferice pentru pc de ex : mousi , tastaturi , casti etc ... 1. Introducere In primu rand voi face un review la mausul SteelSeries Kana 1.1 ... Kana este acum al doilea model de buget al SteelSeries , dupa Kinzu v2, ceva mai mare ca forma si cu 2 butoane in plus fata de fratiorul sau mai mic. Despre SteelSeries stie cred eu toata lumea asa ca nu cred necesara repetarea unor informatii cum ar fi faptul ca istoria sa a inceput in Copenhaga in anul 2001 ca o mica afacere de care raspundeau doar 2 persoane... http://www.pcgarage.....kana-black-11/ 2. Ambalaj Cred ca il stiti. Aceleasi culori si design. Nimic in plus de mentionat aici poate in afara faptului ca este putin mai mare ca dimensiuni visavis de ambalajul Kinzu V2 Proffesional si ca are in plus o usita care complica putin design-ul acestuia. Mi se pare de asemenea ca ambalajul pare mai inchis la culoare fata de cel al altor modele. 3. Specificatii si software -Greutate - 72 grame -Inaltime – 37 mm -Latime – 64 mm -Lungime – 124 mm -Senzor optic ce opereaza la 3600 FPS -6 Butoane dintre care doua in laterale programabile ( producatorul spune ca ar fi pentru rapid-fire). Eu le-am dezactivat pentru ca ma incurcau. -Design ambidextru -Iluminare in 3 trepte a rotitei de scroll pentru a semnaliza DPI-ul la care este setat senzorul, scalabil pana la 3200 DPI -16% din suprafata acoperita de picioruse din teflon pentru a minimiza frecarea dintre corpul mouse-ului si pad -Conector USB, fir dublu protejat de 2 metri lungime care “nu se incurca asa usor” . Cum ar putea cand e gandit sa fie destul de rigid?? -Megapixeli pe secunda: 3.7 -DPI: 400 – 3200 -Acceleratie maxima: 30 G -Latime de banda: 16 biti -Distanta de ridicare: ~2 mm -Poolng rate: 1000 Hz Daca va asteptati sa vedeti aici referinte despre software , atunci cred ca trebue sa va deazamagesc. Software-ul este acelasi ca denumire , structura si functii ca si cel al lui Kinzu v2 astfel incat am crezut c anu mai este necesar sa ma repet. Totusi , cine ramane interesat de acesta, il invit sa viziteze aceasta sectiune a precedentului review: Review Mouse - SteelSeries Kinzu V2 Proffesional. Imaginati-va doar ca acolo scrie de fapt Kana si nu Kinzu. Restul este absolut identic. 4. Inspectia vizuala 5. Experienta in utilizare -Cred ca este inca proaspat in memoria celor care au citit la vremea lui mica mea dare de seama asupra Kinzu V2 Professional entuziasmul (destul de mare pentru un batran calculatorist ca mine) cu care l-am primit pe micut. Toate calitatile unui mouse bun la un pret bine pus pareau a se concentra in primul mouse lucios si totusi surprinzator de confortabil pe care am pus mana pana acum. Sa vedem daca frati-su asta mai mare e pe atat de bun pe cat se da. -In momentul in care pui mana pe Kana iti dai imediat seama ca este contruit intentionat pentru a fi mijlociu ca si dimensiuni in comparatie cu micul Kinzu si destul de marele ( dar totusi nu prea marele ) Sensei. Ca forma seamana foarte mult cu vechii mousi Microsoft pe care toata lumea ii admira odinioara atunci cand venea vorba de gaming. Cred ca aceasta este directia de design in care SteelSeries isi indreapta eforturile. Nu ca ar fi ceva rau in asta dar .. permiteti-mi sa zic atat: Cu noi astia cu cazmaua mare cum ramane domnu' Stilsiris ? Trebuie sa ne multumim cu acelasi Ikari de atata timp domnu Stilsiris? Noi cand primim modele noi ? Sau suntem condamnati sa mergem pe linia inscrisa de ”partid” ? “Ambidextru domnilor ca sa se potriveasca la toata lumea, daca e pre amic .. treci la un ambidextru mai mare... Si daca nu-i pe masura ta multumeste-te cu ce ai domnu' utilizator.” Bleah , si cat de mult imi placea faptul ca veneau odinioara cu modele pentru toate gusturile si marimile.... Dar nu ma luati in seama, probabil ca sunt eu mai ofticos din fire pentru ca de cateva luni bune incoace aia micii cu maini mai normale tot primesc modele revizuite iar noi ceilalti stam si salivam de pe margine. Dar nu-i nimic, mi-am autodovedit ca pot utiliza cu mare usurinta Kinzu v2 in caz de nevoie asa ca, plecand de aici am vrut sa vad daca pot spune acelasi lucru si despre Kana. -Dpdv al experientei tactile Kana este si va ramane fundamental diferit fata de Kinzu v2. Suprafata lucioasa de care foarte multi se tem este inlocuita in cazul acestui model cu un aclasica , **** traditionala deja in randurile perifericelor semnate de SteelSeries. La fel de mult difera si raspunsul tactil ba chiar ( in opinia mea ) si coeficiantul de frecare a mouse-ului cu suprafata pe care este asezat. Kana are un cu totu alt feedback cam pe orice suprafata de gaming l-am testat vis-a-vis de Kinzu. Nu pot spune cu siguranta ,dar pot afirma insa conform propriei experiente extinse cu aceste doua modele ca impresia care mi-a lasat-o este ca se misca cam pe orice fel de pad un pic mai greu decat Kinzu. Poate ca , coeficientul de duritate al picioruselor difera, kana generand un strop mai multa aderenta … aceasta este impresia pe care mi-a lasat-o. De asemenea , o alta diferenta pe care am detectat-o in cazul acestor doua modele este faptul ca switch-urile Kana sunt ceva mai tapene iar click-ul un strop mai lung decat la Kinzu generand un zgomot de click mai mare. -Asta nu inseamna insa ca-i mai [CENSORED] , este pur si simplu fin tunat sa fie atat de diferit ca feeling , ca fel de a fi fata de Kinzu incat sa ii faca pe cei care il doresc si care stiu despre faptul ca este identic dpdv al senzorului si al software-ului folosit cu fratele sau mai mic sa il achizitioneze. Cu alte cuvinte diferentele pe care am sa le enumar in continuare fac suficient de mult diferenta incat sa plaseze Kana in fata cumparatorului ca un mouse suficient de diferit. Care sunt diferentele de care ziceam ? Pai hai sa vedem Suprafata de contact : Kinzu – Lucios in intregime , Kana – mat Butoane utilizabile lasand cel de schimbare a dpi-ului si rotita de scroll la o parte : Kinzu – 2 , Kana – 4 Dimensiuni : Kinzu – cel mia mic , Kana – mai mare , mijlociul seriei Fir : Kinzu – negru complet , Kana – Negru cu portocaliu ( in cazul sample-ului pe care l-am avut eu in teste ). 6. Ganduri de final Un facelift reusit al aceleiasi platforme hardware, al aceluiasi mouse in esenta . Micile diferente intre cele doua modele mentionate mai sus dau insa sarea si piperul intregii “combinatii” si pot spune cu certitudine ca sunt suficient de mari incat practic aceeasi platforma de baza multumeste un numar cat mai mare de clienti fara eforturi extraordinare din partea producatorului. |bine gandit aici...) Despre performanta deci ,cam ce ar ramane de spus ? Pai absolut fara repros. Ambele modele au indurat sute si sute de ore de gaming , de editare foto-video, de editare text, lucru in mediu office sau browsing din partea mea si nu s-au blocat nici macar o fractiune desecunda , nici cel mai mic joc al pointerului nu si-a facut simtita prezenta, adica cu alte cuvinte calitatea a ramas aceeasi cu care SteelSeries ne-a obisnuit. Fara sa mananc r..at, chiar asa sta treaba. Totul a fost cat se poate de ok iar daca ar fi sa nu mai fiu un idealist rabdator si sa nu mai astept dupa o revizie a Ikari Laserpe care il folosesc in continuare, atunci dintre cele doua modele l-as cumpara pe kinzu V2 Pro, asta daca va intrebati. De ce ? O puteti numi daca doriti preferinta personala... mi se pare mie ( sau poate asa
  3. Nu cred ca e persoana sa nu fi mancat ceva dulce,sau sa nu aiba un desert preferat. *Asadar acest topic este destinat celor ce isi indulcesc ziua cu ce altceva decat cu ceva dulce!?! Model postare: Esti dependent de dulciuri? Care este desertul tau preferat? Ai gatit/ai incercat sa iti faci singur/a desertul preferat sau orice alt desert?(daca DA-cum a iesit?): Sunt sigure dulciurile "la cutie"? Raspunsul meu: Esti dependent de dulciuri?: NU Care este desertul tau preferat?: Nu cred ca ma pot decide:)Probabil Tiramisu Ai gatit/ai incercat sa iti faci singur/a desertul preferat sau orice alt desert?(daca DA-cum a iesit?): Da,ador sa fac dulciuri.A iesit chiar bun,nu ca la cofetarie unde se pun tot felul de "chestii" dar a iesit gustos si am fost sigura de el(am stiut tot ce contine). Sunt sigure dulciurile "la cutie"?: Nimic nu mai e sigur in comert,insa intr-adevar,unele dulciuri la cutie sunt de evitat deoarece nu fac bine organismului contint aditivi alimentari si chiar chimicale ce le cresc perioada de valabilitate.
  4. i'm over here . for you.

  5. The Stomping Land is a multiplayer survival game about living in a world with dinosaurs. About the Game: The Stomping Land is a multiplayer survival game about living in a world with dinosaurs. Form tribes, setup camp, and hunt down Earth's historic beasts with the goal of becoming the dominant tribe on the island. You are a hunter and a scavenger. You survive in a world with dinosaurs, and if any one of them catch you, they will end you in an instant. In fact, you can't kill most dinosaurs with ease, and the ones that you can don't provide plentiful amounts of food. It's the large ones that matter. The ones with bone crushing jaws and skull smashing tails that roam the island and fight each other, who provide the food you want. It's up to you to find methods of surviving for as long as possible, so you can tame these creatures to protect you from the relentless threatening engagements. The Stomping Land game is currently under development, and we recommend to read the developer commentary above to get a solid insight on what to expect with your purchase. Screen Shot's GameTrailer System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Windows XP Processor: Intel Dual 2.4+ Ghz Memory: 2 GB RAM DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 2 GB available space Recommended: OS: Windows 7, Windows 8 Processor: Intel Quad 3.2+ Ghz Memory: 4 GB RAM DirectX: Version 11 Network: Broadband Internet connection Hard Drive: 4 GB available space
  6. "Hunt bigger game on a bold new adventure with Magic 2015—Duels of the Planeswalkers! Hone your skills as you battle your way across the planes of the Multiverse. Beware though, Planeswalker. Your biggest danger is one of your own ... Garruk Wildspeaker, the greatest hunter known, is now hunting you! About the Game Hunt bigger game on a bold new adventure with Magic 2015—Duels of the Planeswalkers! Command powerful creatures and wield devastating spells to defeat your opponents in this epic game of strategy. Hone your skills as you battle your way across the planes of the Multiverse. Beware though, Planeswalker. Your biggest danger lies ahead. Garruk Wildspeaker, the greatest hunter known, has fallen under the curse of the Chain Veil. He now mercilessly stalks his own kind. Find him and stop him ... before he finds you! Explore the rich storyline of Magic 2015 and sharpen your game: • The best way to learn to play Magic: A detailed tutorial makes it easy to get started. • Deck building: Open virtual booster packs of Magic cards to build decks and battle in single- and multi-player modes. • Hours of gameplay: Travel across five different fantastic planes, battle incredible creatures, and save the Multiverse from a terrible fate. Screen Shot's
  7. welcome to CsBlackDevil Have a great time with us
  8. n order to install a Counter Strike 1.6 server, you need: Quote Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7, processor 1000 ghz, 256 ram memory Internet connection 300-400 MB free disk The steps that you have to do to install Counter Strike 1.6 server 1. The first thing you need to do is to download the installer SteamCMD Update Tool. Two. Unzip the archive and follow the steps: Double click on the executable steamcmd.exe. Black CMD window will appear. The application will update to the latest version. Written in black command window: login anonymous and you Enter Write command: force_install_dir. / HLDS / and you enter (HLDS is the main directory folder of your server). Write command: app_set_config 90 cstrike mode and you enter Write command: app_update 90 cstrike way you validated and Enter Write the command: quit and give Enter to close the CMD window HLDS folder can be copied or moved anywhere on the computer! 3. Install Metamod and AMX Mod X. An unzip and copy the addons folder in HLDS \ cstrike. If HLDS folder has less than 722 MB (approximately) will have to resume the installation from step 2. 4. Activated now need basic plugin: Metamod 1.19. To do this go to HLDS \ cstrike \ liblist.gam and get there the next line (as others): Save the file and exit. 5. Now we must make the server to be accessible to all players - and those who do not have steam. If you want the server to just be Steam, skip this step. Uirea Server Patch for No Steam can be done by two methods. Choose only one of them: 6. Intri in HLDS\cstrike\server.cfg(il deschizi cu Notepad sau Wordpad: adica : dublu click pe el , selectezi Open with , “select the program from a list”, iar acolo cauti Wordpad sau Notepad – click pe el si OK), stergi tot ce este acolo si copiezi liniile urmatoare: 6. because your server is running on the Internet and to see the game list, you have to go all in server.cfg, look for a line sv_lan 1. 0 instead of 1 pass then you add in all the following lines are there: Save the file and exit. At this point, if you have followed the online instructions, you have a Counter Strike 1.6 server running. For a sample you can start it as follows. Looking for HLDS your file, executable hlds.exe (as shown), you right click on it and "Send to desktop". Will appear on the screen the same icon as the HLDS. Double click opens the console. Now you Start Server. You can enter the server. No rush though, because it's not ready. Your installer automatically installed AmxModX 1.8.1. AmxModX is plugin that helps to give orders for you to have server control, displays your stats and effects and you introduce some specific sounds (such as monsterkill or headshot). At this point you have three options: 1.Lasi server to run the AMX Mod X as installed! Recommended! 3.Install AdminMod and in this case you need Statsme Statistics and sounds. 2.Instalezi ClanMod, in which case you also need Statsme. If you opt for ClanMod, see page ClanMod installation. If you want to install AmxModX then AdminMod installation page. Activation messages and sounds of events (headshot, prepare to fight, monstrekill) If you opt for the first option when you configure something to AMX Mod X. First add an admin (or more). see tutorial on adding admins AMX Mod X here. Secondly you have to activate the plugin miscstats.amxx to view event messages and can hear sounds (monsterkill, doublekill, prepare to fight, etc). To activate this plugin go to HLDS \ cstrike \ addons \ amxmodx \ configs and open plugins.ini file there with Wordpad or Notepad. Down to line 40 and remove; front line with misctats.amxx. Save and close. Then when you put the maximum level admin AMX Mod X, you enter the command server and amx_statscfgmenu. a menu will appear on the screen. From that menu sounds, and command posts and rank and top 10 players. What should I do to go / rank and / top10 Go to HLDS \ cstrike \ addons \ amxmodx \ configs where you open with Notepad or Wordpad amxx.cfg. Go to line 161 where you csstats_rank one and replace with 0. August. Specialized in importing Another step is adding maps. Since the installer you just installed base map (of dust, the inferno etc) must manually install other maps, if you want of course. The easiest way to do this is to copy the file from the folder where you have maps installed the game, the file server. Eg you Intal game (Counter Strike 1.6) in C; go there until you open the cstrike \ maps; from there you "copy" the file maps and go to HLDS \ cstrike (so the server) where you "paste". But before saves maps folder in HLDS \ cstrike anywhere on disk, to be sure. Checking the IP address of the server If somehow you have problems connecting to the server, that the players try to connect but fail and the game tries several times the connection and fails to see the tutorial connect IP check here. i think so you enjoyed. and it helps you.
  9. Salut ionut Welcome / CsBlackDevil
  10. http://domaze.net/watch?v=HTHf7-PeQGo
  11. salut welcome to CsBlackDevil
  12. hey Welcome to CsBlackDevil ENjoy Your Stay


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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