Hey , Hattrick
I hope you like my suggestion
1 - Mod Name "Zombie OutSeries" or "Zombie Fabolous" or "Zombie Miracolous" or "Zombie Paranormal" or "Zombie AbNormal"
2- Extra Items
Nades - 1 Explode. 2 Fire. 3 Frost.
KillBomb (For humans) = 42 Ammo
Classic Diffrent Weapons
Jetpack + Bazooka Ammo & Damage (in Hud + Chat) = 30 Ammo
Multijump x2 = 10 Ammo
Unlimited Clip = 10 Ammo
Armor + HP (100 Ap) (20 HP) = 8 Ammo
Armor + HP (200 Ap) (50 HP) = 12 Ammo
Tryder ("with 666 Ap + 666 HP + 6 Weapons") = 32 Ammo
Golden Ak47 = 42 Ammo
Golden CrossBow = 35 Ammo
Trip Mine ( Ammo + Damage , Hud + chat ) = 6 Ammo
Buy Survivor (Give Automaticly 1 tripmine + 3 weapons "remove Jetpack if have" ) = 180 Ammo
Buy Nemesis = 140 Ammo
Buy Sniper (Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Weapon skin + silenciator ) = 165 Ammo
Buy Assassin = 150 Ammo
Extra Zombie team
Antidote (same)
Madnnes (same)
Infection Bomb (same + limited 4 in 1 Round) = 26 Ammo
Knife Blinks (+ 5 blinks) = 10 Ammo
Buy 3 Blinks ( when 1 zombie buy this , gives all zombies +3 Blinks) = 40 Ammo
Blow Scream (Zombie make a blow + "Scream Sound" + effect Glow in Yellow with Radius damage +ammo + when blows humans got away with a ScreenShake "like tripmine explode" )
3 = Shop Menu (with "Ammo Packs" only cmd /shop)
God Mode = 150 Ammo (deactivated in Armagedon )
Double Damage = 60 Ammo
Buy Admin Model = 890 Ammo
Server Slot = 300 Ammo
+1,000 HP = 45 Ammo
+2,000 HP = 65 Ammo
Aramgedon Round = 130 Ammo
4 - Zombie Classes (removed raptor class & addet Smoker -> effects Below)
Classic (same Details liek outstanding)
Mutant (same)
Pretador 4 (same)
Frozen (2 Jumps)
Regenerator ( regeneration Hud + Effects same )
Smoker (Hp & Grav & Speed same as raptor + Effects = "when infect 1 human blows a little bit white smoke around + White Glow when infect someone) Abillity 3 have 3 Knife blinks.
Hunter (same)
5 - Game mode plays (Removed Assassin & Snipers , Addet Apocalypse Round)
Normal Infection
Nemesis (same)
Survivor ( 3 guns + 1 Tripmine "if have jetpack automatic remove" )
Sniper ( Special Skin "like alpine snipers skin" special Sniper gun Skin + option silenctiator + 1 Tripmine )
Assassin (same)
Apocalypse ( this makes with equal percentages "Snipers & Survivors & Assassins & Nemesis & Humans & Zombies)
6 - V.I.P Features (Add Accses for Give 3 Nades every 20 seconds)
300 Hp Acces "H"
VIP Model Access "M"
50 Ap Access "A"
Increased Damage Access "D"
Multijump x3 Access "J"
Unlimited Clip Accses "U"
3 Nades Every 20 Sec Accses "N"
Show Spec (Gold Member @) Acces "G"
7 = Messages HUD and Chat
Every Item Bought Show Message who Bought in HUD !
Advertising HUD & Chat messages like Outstanding
8 = Admin Tag's
Add Option to make Tags With ColorChat like this [ CsBlackDevil ]