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Everything posted by =.S.A.S.=

  1. Phenomenon occurs when the moon gets bigger and brighter than normal in a full moon The Russian astronaut Oleg Artemyev did amazing photos of the super moon on Sunday (10) from space. The phenomenon occurs when the moon gets bigger and brighter than usual on a full moon. The cosmonaut, who is aboard the International Space Station (ISS, its acronym in English), had a sequence of photos of the event and posted it on Twitter. The images were made ​​hours before the phenomenon is visible on Earth. The super moon happens when the moon reaches its closest point of the Earth. The event was photographed by cosmonaut even more rare because the moon was at the full and passed the closest point in its orbit around the Earth at almost the same time (difference of approximately 30 minutes). The Super Moon is scientifically called "lunar perigee" and happens because the moon's orbit is oval, not round. The opposite phenomenon, when the Moon is farthest from Earth is called apogee. Full Moons also vary in size because of the oval orbit. The elliptical path has one side (perigee) about 50.000 km closer to Earth than the other (apogee). To an observer on the planet, the perigee that the moon appears 14% bigger and 30% brighter than normal on a full moon day. Although the lunar perigee pass by every 29 days, the next time that this passage will coincide with the full moon will be only on September 28, 2015, when the difference between these two events will be 1 hour. The phenomenon is also repeated on November 14, 2016 (with a difference of 2 and a half hours). But an approach to the difference in just half an hour (from Sunday) occur only on November 25, 2034. Super moon view of earth
  2. I ask my god all days, Why this lucky dont happen with me ?!
  3. This is really funny to you ? I think total stupidity people who SUPPORT the war, is these people who make the world a place BAD AND DANGEROUS. If there was no war the world would be a great place where we would need not worry about others or have fear. With respect =.S.A.S.=
  4. Happy birthday Mr.Silence~ Enjoy your day ! La multi ani to Dilly-Bau-Bau too
  5. Hello, Be Welcome, Here's a model. ¤ Name in game : ¤ Age : ¤ Name : ¤ City : ¤ County : ¤ Country : ¤ Favorite Games : ¤ A short description about you : ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil : ¤ Server preferred (server only from community!) : ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):
  6. Nick: =.S.A.S.= Name Of Server:ThunderZm.Csblackdevil.Com Picture Of Score:
  7. Bine ai venit / Welcome Mr.Sykes =]] ( NICE !!!)
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