Am a Addons/pluins/kits maker
Si imi sunt placut mult IPB forum mod
Am vazut cine comunitate e mult po[CENSORED]r si plac counter strike
am intrat pe GM si am vazut pentru mai bun sv si era **
Am vazut comunitate si era bun dar eu nu am avut mult chances pentru moderator
Dar am creat Clan si avem mult membri acum
Am vazut Cine era Kap[0]n3
Si pentru el am vizitat mult comunitate si imi e placut mult si server One e bun
Pentru asta mine fac parte si acum a asta comunitate
I am a addons/plugins/kit maker
and i like much the ipb comunity mods
i was looking for a comunity ipb,and he have csservers
i go to Gm and see for the best counter strike 1.6 server and i was se **
i see the comuniy and i like it much but i see are much members and i dont have chances to be moderator
I creat my clan
And in that moment is Kap[O]n3
It was a good member and he lie this to much and my clan,and i like the comiunity too
now i want to be moderator but i know i need much