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Everything posted by Master

  1. ¤ Numele tau:Master ¤ Numele adminului:ops! ¤ Data si ora:14:50 ¤ Motivul reclamatiei:era ultima runda la mapa x1 , intram in zombie afk sa ma infecteze ca sa folosesc ammo cat tot era ultima runda si el imi da slay , ca cica fac block,deci te bagi in zombii afk si asta insemana ca faci block ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):https://imgur.com/a/GHAfKEk
  2. ¤ Numele tau:Master ¤ Numele adminului: Neo ¤ Data si ora:12"06 ¤ Motivul reclamatiei: hibrydul era blocat in iglu, am pus lm si altul mi la distrus si el imi da slay, dupa care ii zic ca altul mia distrus lmul nu eu si imi da gag 6 minute fara nici un motiv ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):https://www5.zippyshare.com/v/aQFCrMDN/file.html https://imgur.com/a/B7d2eNQ
  3. ¤ Numele tau: Master ¤ Numele adminului: Pyscho ¤ Data si ora: ¤ Motivul reclamatiei: la intrebat daca e idiot ?? mia dat gag 6 minute dupa care ban 1000minute pentru o intrebare si acuma la 22;22 mia dat destroy,, daca ce iam scris eu insemna insulta ,dai gag pe urma ban si pe urma destroy pt o intrebare asta inseamna sa fi admin??? sau atat stie ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo): NOTĂ: Fiecare raport necesită o dovadă clară sau va fi respins
  4. I saw that there are admins who barely use a command, although they have access and yes cani :)) game for rank what can I say, me and the game for rank and I don't know which child of the mines you are
  5. for you idiot Does that mean I made him an idiot? ever said "you're an idiot" ???
  6. only in survivor and sniper mode do we freeze if you know you have to attack, why don't you attack wait all slap and slap as you said maybe slap "and why no maybe attack" ??
  7. You wanted me to slap you like a sniper, of which you were the last zombie and you were camping I gave you a freeze no slap and I told you, show me where it says I told you, "you're an idiot" I told you, make a difference to what I wrote
  8. show me where I wrote you, you're an idiot make a difference, to what I wrote on the game
  9. https://prikachi.net/image/zm-fox-v30000.22JnB can be seen in the picture when you first wrote me noob and after again master noob day thank you just for the slay next time you will receive ban
  10. imi apre aste in cosola 

    NET Ports:  server 27015, client 27005
    Server IP address
    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    1. Master


      scrie un mess

      ca vreau sa vb de paysaf

    2. myCro


      Salut, fa o cerere de unban sau discuta cu baietii mai mari, momentan pana diseara nu am cum sa te ajut.

  11. o melodie pentru totii totul vine de la sine , cine a trait viata asta melodia asta e pentru toata comunitatea cine a trait vremurile astea ma refer la romanii din conunitate,ca inteleg mai bine ca cand ei ,decat strainii aceasta melodie e si pentru mr.love si shett
  12. you played for 6 years and forgot that you are not allowed to camp
  13. Lucifer was the last human and was hidden and I kept announcing with zm attack or slay if you were new to the server I would say that's the only way you know you have to attack and not field
  14. for strangers, listen to the song, because the rest comes naturally eeeee something co-comment this song is for everyone I hope you find the English-Romanian version as well I apologize for the double post
  15. Pro is activ night
  16. I gave him slay, in the last 10 seconds, I can not wait and watch you how you are hidden, otherwise you know how to make camp you will receive slay, and see how the admissions announces with Zm attack or slap slay
  17. ¤ Numele tau: Master ¤ Numele adminului: SAVAGE ¤ Data si ora:23:08 ¤ Motivul reclamatiei: e [CENSORED] bata si andicapat ¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo): ***************************** Ban Informations: [*] Banned by admin: -SAVAGE [*] Banned for: 60 minutes [*] Banned on: [*] Ban reason is: insult.admin ***************************** The server operator has added you to banned list for 60 minutes Added to banned list for 60 minutes la ce plm imi da cacatul asta ban, sa-mi arate unde lam insultat eu pe el,plus ca mia dat si gag 6 minute inainte,copii prostii nu gluma, asa ca savage sa-mi aratati poza unde te-am insultat eu mai copile
  18. Master

    Future Mask OFF

  19. Welcome To The Family Walkingdead zombie plaguie

    1. ✘ Sørtēx ✘

      ✘ Sørtēx ✘

      Dear deleted your some massage to connect u pm

  20. Welcome To The Family Walkingdead

  21. Zombie - Walkingdead

  22. Master


    daca e banat e altceva ori are o problema pe care am avuto si eu nu ma puteam loga deloc si tot ce am facut am sters google chrome de tot si lam instalat din nou
  23. Master


    intri la my setting, pe urma vezi la gender pui femela, si pe urma o sati apara ca esti girls, doar la fete apare cu culoare , numai dacati setezi cum ti-am zis


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