Before you apply for a Devil harmony make sure to read the following requirements!
You must be active in our categorie " Devil Harmony " and in our contests
You should read our rules carefully to avoid any kind of problems
You should have an experience in Teamspeak and how to use soundboard
You should be active in our teamspeak channel
You should have a good experience in music styles , and be a good listener
In case your request got rejected you're allowed to create another one after 7 days above otherwise it will be auto rejected or even blacklisted
Your recruitment tittle must be like this : [ D-Harmony] Request PREDATOR
We do not accept you if you are in more than 2 projects .
In order to get accepted you must be active in our sections Battles 1v1 , Billboards , Artist Biography ,Musicians and Live Performance.
Model :
Your Nickname:
Your Age :
How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? :
How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? :
Other information about your request ?:
Last request link :