Hello dear player's and staff - team, i would like now to Announce the Winners:
1. @Pisces = Won CS 1.6 (Steam).
2. @WHAT IS GOING ON = Won 2x Week's VIP + VM + 1K Point's.
3. @for the lin kuei = Won 1x Week VIP + VM + 500 Point's.
Video Proof - Winner's
We hope you enjoyed it and we hope you'll join us again next time!
Those who didn't win, there will be more competition's in the future.
Best regards
Founder VollmeR.
Loyalty is not just a word; it's a lifestyle. It's a choice to remain devoted, committed, and steadfast even in the face of adversity, temptation, and change. True loyalty is a rare gem that shines brightest in the darkest of times 💎
Nickname : CrimeBOSS
Age: 24
How much time you can be active on TS3: As long as I can.
Link of Reviews you have posted recently:
How much you rate VGame Reviewers Team 1-10: 10-9 because this section is very interesting and I wanna be part of it.
Why do you want be part of the Reviewer's team: There is lot to learn in this section and as I was said very interesting.
Any suggest you want to make for your Request: N/A