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  1. How are you lel? After long time ❤️
    1 point
  2. 1 point
  3. @Sajawal™ has been added to our team. Welcome mate!
    1 point
  4. Amazing Themes gys .. good job CSBD STAFF FAMILY
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. We dressed in Christmas clothes! More details in the below link ⬇️
    1 point
  7. The theme ❤️ the best one loved it
    1 point
  8. Mohsen Shekari is the first confirmed protestor to be executed following protests in Iran however. Rabat- Iran today executed 23-year-old protester Mohsen Shekari, sparking worldwide outrage only days after the country decided to dismantle its infamous morality police. Iran’s judiciary Mizan news outlet detailed that Shekari was blocking a road on Sattar Khan Street in Tehran on September 25 during an anti-government protest; he escaped arrest but was later found and detained on October 3. On November 1 Iran’s Revolutionary Court found Shekari guilty of “moharebeh” (war or enmity against God). Iranian official media confirmed the young Iranian man was executed by hanging on December 8. Shekari was hit with the charges while he was protesting following the death of Mahsa Amini who died shortly after she was arrested for not complying with Iran’s strict hijab laws. One of the charges Shekari faced was that he harmed a military official by beating him; he was also accused of using a weapon that caused lacerations on the guard’s left shoulder which required stitches. British Foreign Minister James Cleverly denounced the execution, writing on Twitter: “The world cannot turn a blind eye to the abhorrent violence committed by the Iranian regime against its own people.” Similarly, Germany’s Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressed her outrage on Twitter, stressing: “But the threat of execution will not stifle people's will for freedom.” In a news briefing, spokesperson for France’s Foreign Ministry Anne-Claire Legendre commented that Shekari's outrageous killing by the Iranian regime came in addition to “other serious and unacceptable violations.” Activists have joined in the global outrage, arguing that Shekari was executed without proper process following what they called a “show trial.” Iran Human Rights denounced the fact that the defendant was denied the right to a lawyer throughout the interrogation process or during legal proceedings. Iran’s Far news agency aired Shekari's “confession” hours after his execution. But human rights organizations and other media outlets have noted that the video showed visible bruising to the defendant's face, and that the confession was forced. Director of Iran’s Human rights group Mahmood Amiry-Moghaddam warned: “If Mohsen Shekari's execution is not met with serious consequences for the government,we will face mass execution of protesters.” The Iranian court has also announced that a further 10 people have been sentenced to death, but no other executions have been carried out as of yet. All of those who have been handed the death penalty were arrested on similar charges to Shekari and were also protesting. However, their identities have not been released. link: https://www.moroccoworldnews.com/2022/12/352896/worldwide-outrage-as-iran-executes-anti-regime-protester
    1 point
  9. When my colleague and fellow Destiny 2 veteran Phil Savage wrote about burnout earlier this week, I almost nodded my head clean off. Phil pointed out that the Destiny 2 community tends to be at its most irascible during the final season of each year, when the sameyness of the grind really bites. But he also noted that this time around people really do seem to be over the current model, which tends to lack big secrets and surprises, and that the problem is likely to get worse before it gets better. Honestly, the mood music around Destiny 2 has become increasingly grumpy over the course of 2022 as the glow from The Witch Queen's excellent campaign faded. Aside from the staleness of doing a near-identical power climb every three months, the core playlists are also incredibly stale. PvP in particular seems to be a constant tyre fire of complaints about lack of maps, the perceived injustices of SBMM, and a detested 'aerial effectiveness' system that Bungie remains mind-bogglingly committed to making work. As much as I still love the game, and let the record state I really do, it's clear from the recent rough player numbers that many are voting with their mouse fingers and staying away. Enter stage left, Joe Blackburn, Destiny 2 game director, who took to Twitter this afternoon to deliver a thread of five messages that can be summarised as: We've heard, we don't disagree, we're working on changes, but they're going to take a while before you feel them.Probably the most important thing to note is that the seasonal content that's being worked on right now, and can therefore incorporate current player sentiment, won't hit until early summer 2023. That delay is just the nature of making these sorts of games, and also probably why Blackburn didn't opt to write one of his voluminous 'state of the game' blog posts. Bungie knows what it needs to do, the issue is actually getting it done. Blackburn closed in collegial fashion, saying: "I wanted to make sure everyone knows that your words are not falling on deaf ears." Whilst the phrase 'we're listening' has long since reached meme status among Bungie's detractors, I've interviewed Blackburn and he's always come across as incredibly smart and sincere, so my immediate reaction is that the burnout issue is being taken seriously. Live service games are supertankers and it's incredibly hard to change their direction mid-voyage. Those looking for the best of what Destiny 2 has to offer right now should direct themselves to the new dungeon, which drops this Friday at reset. Designed for three-player teams, dungeons tend to be some of the coolest challenges in the game. The new one is called Spire of the Watcher and is rumoured to have something of a western theme. Yee, and also, haw. https://www.pcgamer.com/destiny-2-game-director-responds-to-complaints-about-player-burnout/
    1 point
  10. Nickname: @FazzNoth Video author: Gamer's Little Playground Name of the game: Mirror Forge Link video: Rate this video 1-10:-
    1 point
  11. A dedicated renewal for an already-legendary game. Seven dwarves set out from the Mountainhomes to establish a new colony in world rife with gods, monsters, and ancient legends. Though small, these dwarves are the heroes of our tale: Short, sturdy creatures fond of drink and industry. In their ingenuity they will craft incredible artifacts, face great evils, and establish a citadel to stand the test of ages... or they'll dig a little too close to a volcano and flood the whole thing with lava. Then you'll generate another world, with brand new gods, monsters, and ancient legends, and do it all again.All that and more is par for the course in Dwarf Fortress, perhaps the most cult in the pantheon of cult-classic video games, has been generating stories of triumph and tragedy for nearly 20 years already. Its incredible depth has long been locked behind an accessibility barrier of text-based ASCII graphics, arcane keyboard controls, and an inscrutable maze of fan-created mods and tilesets to make it more approachable. And while that admittedly high wall was already worth climbing over, its premium release on Steam brings new graphics and a slew of quality-of-life improvements that fundamentally enhance this amazing game for the next generation of storytellers. Even if you never dared these intimidating tunnels yourself, you’ve almost certainly felt Dwarf Fortress’ impact elsewhere. Developer Bay 12 Games effectively founded the genre we now call the Colony Sim with its initial release in 2006, paving the way for games like RimWorld while influencing countless others, and it's still a reminder of how this combination of procedural generation and rules-based, reality-driven simulation can create unparalleled stories on the fly. Even today, among its many successors, nothing creates a world and fills it with interesting characters so reliably as Dwarf Fortress, and it is a sublime experience to watch this simulation of a world at work as you play your part in it. Doing so is far easier now. The refreshed graphics use a system of sprites, dynamically assembled, to show the dwarven world in all its glory. There are graphics for hundreds of different animals and animal-men, not to mention for dragons, hydras, unicorns, and the like. Even the special Forgotten Beasts, Titans, and Demons, randomized and unique as they are, have generated appearances to match. Beyond improving on ASCII symbols, the sprites and tiles – both static and dynamic – are a superb example of the pixel artist's craft. https://www.ign.com/articles/dwarf-fortress-review
    1 point
  12. Hello Sarah I hope you are well take care of yourself
    1 point
  13. Marvel’s Avengers fell short of expectations, but developer Crystal Dynamics have doggedly continued to update the game, adding Jane Foster’s version of Thor and the Winter Soldier, along with the long-promised Cloning Lab in 2022. That said, according to proven Avengers leaker Miller Ross, the party finally comes to an end in 2023 with no new content planned for 2024 or beyond. That said, according to Ross, there may still be a decent amount to look forward to in 2023. Dataminers have dug into the most recent update and discovered audio lines referring to the likes of Captain Marvel, She-Hulk, Ironheart, and the new movie Black Panther, Shuri. There’s no guarantee any of these characters will be added to the game, as Ross says the situation is still developing, but at least in the case of She-Hulk and Captain Marvel, the characters have been in the works for a while. As for why Marvel’s Avengers has struggled so much to provide a decent flow of live-service content, Ross says one of the crucial issues is Crystal Dynamics' dated and inefficient Foundation Engine, which many new hires struggle to work with. A lot of work on post-launch content had to be foisted off on the (now defunct) Square Enix Montreal and even then, late nights and crunch were required. As a result, a lot of people have left Crystal Dynamics or moved to other teams, like the ones making the next Tomb Raider or assisting with Microsoft’s Perfect Dark revival. Of course, take all this with a grain of salt, but again, Ross’ word when it comes to Avengers is largely reliable. Honestly, it’s kind of surprising Avengers is still going at this point, so the game finally calling it quits in 2023 is not shocking. Marvel’s Avengers can be played on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PS4, and PS5. https://wccftech.com/marvels-avengers-ends-in-2023-rumore-she-hulk-captain-marvel/
    1 point
  14. Developers are hoping to make the game's big PvP wars more accessible to everyone. Amazon's MMO New World(opens in new tab) enables players to create and join companies—basically the same thing as guilds—which confer various benefits to members: Money, access to services, that sort of thing. As with most player-run videogame organizations, they almost immediately resulted in trouble. Players who weren't part of large companies were largely excluded(opens in new tab) from the game's ballyhooed PvP wars, while those who were in the club quickly set about screwing each other(opens in new tab) out of huge amounts of gold. Another, less overt company-related problem has also been causing headaches, and it's not the sort of thing you'd associate with videogames: The scourge of shell companies. In the real world, a shell company is one that exists entirely on paper and often for nefarious purposes like tax evasion or money laundering. In New World, well, it's basically the same thing, and it's been a problem for a long time. "There seems to be a serious issue with shell companies on our server," redditor IYELLVALHALLA(opens in new tab) wrote back in May. "That is: a company that makes other small companies with 5 or so members so that they can hold multiple territories and have different siege times. So no other companies can split their forces to even have a chance in taking those territories." "They don't only lead the wars but the whole server," EasternWolverine348 said in reply. "On my server, 2-3 big companies own everything under shell companies. The only territories that are somewhat taken care of are WW and EF. These are the only territories with some buffs (1 or 2 ) the others are only hale and hearty. These companies don't care about invasion, don't pay taxes, don't upgrade the towns just the fort. They also make it that everything is super pricy on the market by buying the whole thing and putting it back for a lot more." In its newest update(opens in new tab), Amazon Game Studios said it's finally making some changes to tackle the problem. "The first one we're doing is a 'company leave cooldown'," game designer Rachel Barnum said. "So for 72 hours after you leave a company, you won't be able to participate in any territory control activities with another company ... We want to prevent that. It's not really how we intended that gameplay to be made." Developers are also placing a limit on the number of mercenaries companies can hire to join their efforts, so that companies will be forced to do their own heavy lifting. And to ensure that the same people aren't hogging all the fun, accounts will also be limited to one offensive and one defensive war per day, per game world. "Our goal is to allow more people to participate in war, and not to have a small group of people be able to control multiple, multiple territories," creative director David Verfaillie said. "Hopefully these make meaningful changes, and if not, we'll make some more." Today's update also touches on changes coming to crafting and town projects, and offers a look at the New World development roadmap for 2023, which you can see below. link: https://www.pcgamer.com/new-world-is-finally-cracking-down-on-shell-companies/
    1 point
  15. The Stained Soil locations quest is the first thing that truly stumped me in Midnight Suns. It's not exactly an Easter Egg hunt: you're looking for evidence of the remains of witches killed by Hiram Shaw, the cruel Reverend of Salem in the Marvel universe. Had I unlocked enough of the Abbey locations to be able to locate the Stained Soil samples? Did I need to complete the Standing Stones puzzle? Midnight Suns doesn't give a ton of direction. The good news: if you're struggling with it, there's no hurry to complete the quest. The Abbey stuff, for the most part, runs independently from the campaign, and I was able to do a bunch of story missions even though I hadn't made progress on finding the Stained Soil. If you need help, though, here's a step-by-step walkthrough. Right before you start the Stained Soil quest, Midnight Suns asks you to "Search the Study" in Shaw's Church, a centuries-old building on the east side of the map. Agatha keeps going on about "There must be something we're missing." Not very helpful, ghost grandma! Turns out, you have to cast the second Word of Power, "Atum," at the desk in the middle of the room, where a magnifying glass overlooks an otherwise empty table. The first clues ("Coven Suspects," as sketched contemporaneously by Shaw), about the location of the Stained Soil are revealed once you do this.Find Stained Soil A, B, and C The same photographs you found in Shaw's Church are magically transported to the library room of the Abbey, adjacent to the Mirror Table. You can revisit them there to put the image fresh in your mind, or find the solutions below. Stained Soil A location Fast travel or jog over to the Standing Stones. While standing on the stone monument surrounded by large vertical totems, look north to find a cave in the distance (you can use the map to orient north by looking at the Hunter's icon), down the hill from the Standing Stones. Shaw's sketch, I eventually figured out, was not of the more prominent cave to the east. This one was the hardest to locate for me. link: https://www.pcgamer.com/midnight-suns-stained-soil-locations-quest-solution-search-the-study/
    1 point
  16. Hello all CSBD Family Members Today my Dad Birthday Any 1 who replies to this comment or likes my post will get 20 Likes reputation + bonus surprise gift Thanks and Have a Nice Day 😊
    1 point
  17. Happy birthday my dear friend [N]audy I wish you a long life full of happiness and joy and I miss the days we worked together You are truly a legend I hope to see you again here Take care of yourself <33
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. BRAINERD — The Brainerd area Ace Hardware will host a Teacher Appreciation Day from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 13. Pam Vogt, assistant manager of Brainerd Ace Hardware, said they will be raising funds to help area teachers purchase supplies for their students this school year. The event will feature a dunk tank where people can donate to have a chance to send a teacher or school resource officer into the water. Along with the dunk tank, the event will have a showcasing of the Big Green Egg with free samples and Pit Happens will have food available for purchase. Brainerd Ace Hardware is located at 214 W. Washington St. in Brainerd.Our newsroom occasionally reports stories under a byline of "staff." Often, the "staff" byline is used when rewriting basic news briefs that originate from official sources, such as a city press release about a road closure, and which require little or no reporting. At times, this byline is used when a news story includes numerous authors or when the story is formed by aggregating previously reported news from various sources. If outside sources are used, it is noted within the story. Hi, I'm the Brainerd Dispatch. I started working a few days before Christmas in 1881 and became a daily paper two years later. I've gone through a lot of changes over the years, but what has never changed is my commitment to community and to local journalism. I've got an entire team of dedicated people who work night and day to make sure I go out every morning, whether in print, as an e-edition, via an app or with additional information at www.brainerddispatch.com. News, weather, sports — videos, photos, podcasts and social media — all covering stories from central Minnesota about your neighbors, your lakes, your communities, your challenges and your opportunities. It's all part of the effort to keep people connected and informed. And we couldn't do it without support. Link : https://www.brainerddispatch.com/news/local/ace-hardwares-teacher-appreciation-day-offers-chance-to-dunk-a-teacher
    1 point
  20. Starfield Reddit has become a slightly arid place, as fans pick through scant rumours, details, and footage from the first gameplay trailer trying to find clues about Bethesda’s upcoming space RPG. They say if you deprive a society of just three meals, it will collapse. Perhaps it is also true that if you withhold news from a gaming subreddit, it will inevitably start debating sex.“We see this in, like, literally every big AAA RPG nowadays,” writes one Starfield fan, “from Mass Effect, Dragon Age to Witcher. Even that Terminator game has sexy scenes in it for you to choose. Yet I always found it funny that Bethesda continued to keep their games so PG-rated even until this day.” If you check out our guides to Starfield skills and Starfield traits, there are dozens of ways to customise your own, intrepid space person, though the possibility of ‘romance’, and how certain characteristics might affect that, has yet to be officially revealed. If we look over the Starfield mods that we want to see, admittedly, we haven’t included any that are related to – how should we say – going supernova, but fans might argue that some of the best Skyrim mods and best Fallout 4 mods are created specifically with that in mind. Nevertheless, that’s a far cry from Bethesda implementing zero gravity love as an official feature, and some Starfield fans are less than impressed with that possibility. “The only one that ever looked right was Liara in the first Mass Effect game,” explains one Starfield Redditor. “That blew my mind. Never seen something like that in a game. But every other game? Nope. Stiff, no emotion, no feeling.” “You claim it makes sense from a marketing standpoint,” argues another Starfield fan, “but it absolutely does not. Starfield will sell with no issue whether it has sex in it or not. The majority of gamers aren’t lonely people who rely on pixels to get any sort of gratification, that’s just an outdated stereotype.” Other commenters, however, are more open to the idea of Starfield sex, suggesting possible ways that it might be illustrated and deployed by Bethesda’s team of animators.“They should be like the ones in Fable 2,” says one Starfield Redditor, “fade to black and cheesy dialogue.” “I think the closest you’ll get,” replies another, “are the docking sequences when boarding another ship.” Whether or not the game will feature scenes of a passionate comportment, we are still waiting for news on the Starfield release date. In the meantime, we do, however, have a good idea about the RPG’s various locations, so be sure to check out our guides to Neon City and New Atlantis, two places where it’s possible you will find the romantic partner of your subreddit dreams. Link : https://www.pcgamesn.com/starfield/reddit-sex
    1 point
  21. Live Performance Title: Nouamane Lahlou - Oujda ( Vid Officiel 4K ) نعمان لحلو - وجدة Signer Name: Nouamane Lahlou Live Performance Location: Morroco, Oujda Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): 9.5/10
    1 point
  22. Music Title: Ayoub Africano - Ya Lmra ( (Exclusive Music Video) ) | أيوب أفريكانو - يا لمرة Signer: Africano Release Date: 05/08/2022 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: Music artist Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 8/10
    1 point
  23. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  24. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  25. Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is the latest PlayStation Studios game making the jump from PS5 and/or PS4 to PC. Bearing in mind that the Xbox Game Pass list of titles includes more than 400 PC games, including several being added this week, will Spider-Man Remastered be coming to Game Pass this week or in the future? When is Spider-Man Remastered coming to Xbox Game Pass for PC? Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered is not coming to Xbox Game Pass for PC on day one on August 12. The likelihood of the game ever coming to Xbox Game Pass are extremely slim too. For a game to be added to Xbox Game Pass, it needs to be released on the Microsoft Windows Store. While Spider-Man is coming to PC, it is only being released on Steam and the Epic Games Store and not the Microsoft Windows Store, making it impossible for the game to be added to Game Pass at the moment. The chances of Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered eventually being released on the Microsoft Windows Store are also extremely slim. None of the PlayStation Studios games that have been ported to PC have been released on the Windows Store — including Horizon Zero Dawn, Days Gone, and God of War — nor has the PlayStation-owned IP Death Stranding. While San Diego Studio’s MLB The Show franchise has made it to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One for the past couple of years, this was at the insistence of MLB rather than Sony and it is unlikely that any other franchises will follow suit. Spider-Man Remastered hit the headlines just a few days ago when a pricing error meant Steam players in some regions were due to receive refunds. The price has also been changed on Epic Games Store now. In other news, the most recent Steam Client beta update added compatibility for Nintendo Joy-Con controllers. Link : https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gamerevolution.com/guides/712228-spider-man-remastered-pc-game-pass%3famp
    1 point
  26. We all love our electronic devices and use them a lot, but we just kind of accept that eventually the batteries are going to wear out and that we're going to have to buy new versions. Is that just how technology works? Nope, that's how tech companies make more money from us. That's according to The Washington Post's tech columnist, Geoffrey Fowler. He's been researching the life spans of some of the most po[CENSORED]r gadgets and asking, why do they seem to be designed to die? Geoffrey Fowler, welcome. GEOFFREY FOWLER: Hello, hello. ESTRIN: So give us an example of one of your favorite devices that you researched, and what did you learn about it? FOWLER: Well, let's talk about one of the most successful Apple products of the last couple of years - the AirPods. So these things are super convenient. You pop them in your ears. There's no wires. But something kind of happens to them after about two years - or at least happened to mine. I started hearing that (vocalizing) sound, which means that the battery is no longer good. And, you know, soon enough, it can only really keep going for maybe five, 10 minutes before you hear that sound. This happened to me. And so I went to the Apple store. And I said, hi, could you replace the batteries in these? And they said no. All they would do was sell me new AirPods and throw away the old ones. And the reason is the batteries inside those AirPods are glued inside. And it's like, why did they have to design these this way? But then I realized, aha, this is all part of the master plan - get us to buy a new pair. ESTRIN: So is this a master plan by the tech companies to get us to keep buying things, or is it just that batteries are not physically made to last? FOWLER: Lithium rechargeable batteries are going to die. The question is, what do you do about that fact upfront? When we buy products with rechargeable batteries sealed inside of them, it's like buying a car with tires that you can't change. Companies could design these products differently. They could - and used to, in many cases - design them to have a little hatch in the back that pops open. You take out the battery when it's dead, you put in a new one and you're good to go. ESTRIN: Let me ask you, what does this matter if - you know, if technology keeps updating, every few years we want to buy the next and latest, greatest update of some device. I mean, isn't that just what technology is about? FOWLER: Look, you're talking to the gadget guy for The Washington Post. Of course I love new gadgets. But the thing that we're not talking enough about is it's also an environmental disaster. So first of all, the materials that go into making these devices are rare. Some of them have to be mined in places like Africa - like cobalt - in ways that are really damaging to the people that have to do this mining. You know, gadgets like phones or even laptops don't use a lot of energy, you know, over their life. However, most of the energy that's consumed over their entire lifespan goes into simply making them - about 70%. So every time we buy a new thing, that means something new has to be made. And that's where the damage is being done. ESTRIN: So you have some ideas for compelling companies to, you know, tell consumers up front how long their devices are actually going to last and some ideas for how to change this. What are your ideas? FOWLER: You know, the FTC already is able to put regulations in place to require companies to do things like list where products are made - made in China, made in the U.S. Why not require them to say, what is the battery recharge count on this product? And also, what happens when the battery dies? Is there a service to get it replaced, and how much does that cost? That seems like information that should be known to every consumer upfront. ESTRIN: Geoffrey Fowler, tech columnist at The Washington Post, thank you so much for joining me. Hope you don't have a gadget funeral anytime soon. FOWLER: Thank you. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR. Link : https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.wamc.org/2022-08-07/why-batteries-in-modern-gadgets-arent-made-to-last%3f_amp=true
    1 point
  27. Planfocus’ AI based cash optimization software significantly deepens Sesami software solutions offering and expands existing global client portfolio AMSTERDAM, Aug. 9, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Sesami Cash Management Technologies (“Sesami”), a global cash ecosystem integrator and technology company, is pleased to announce its acquisition of Planfocus software GmbH (“planfocus”), a leading global fintech offering a highly advanced cash optimization technology. “With this acquisition, Sesami becomes the global leader in cash optimization solutions, with an unrivalled technology stack now up-scaled with the addition of planfocus’ cutting-edge cash optimization software,” said Steph Gonthier, Chief Executive Officer of Sesami. “Integrated to our enterprise cash ecosystem software platform, planfocus’ AI based technology and strong team will further enable Sesami to deliver the only true end-to-end tech-enabled cash ecosystem solution to financial institutions and consumer businesses,” he added. Founded in 2004 and based in Munich, Germany, planfocus’ leading cash optimization software solutions help reduce logistics spending and cash holding costs, while improving availabilities and service levels for clients. Its technology empowers financial institutions and consumer businesses worldwide in driving up process optimization and bringing tangible cost and service efficiencies throughout their cash ecosystem. “We are extremely proud to be joining forces with Sesami, a state-of-the-art innovator and disruptive global leader, to offer a true end-to-end and fully integrated cash software solution enabling financial institutions and consumer businesses to seamlessly manage and outsource their entire cash ecosystem. As part of Sesami, we will now be able to truly scale our next generation technology and bring our unmatched cash optimization solutions to a broader global client base,” said Dr. Joachim Walser, CEO and Co-Founder of planfocus. The integration of planfocus further expands Sesami’s global client portfolio to include some the world’s leading financial institutions and consumer businesses. The integration to its existing technology stack will also expand its cash optimization offering for its existing client base. Currently, planfocus optimizes the operations of over 78,000 bank branches, ATMs and cash processing centers, and driving over 300 billion Euros in physical cash shipments every year. ABOUT SESAME Sesami, an independent entity of Garda World Security Corporation, is the only true end-to-end global cash ecosystem platform, offering software, intelligent devices and managed services that help financial institutions and consumer businesses optimize their cash ecosystem performance through a single custody solution provider. For more information visit www.sesami.io Media Contact: Maxime-E. Illick, PELICAN PR, media@rppelican.ca, (514) 845-8763 Link : https://technode.global/prnasia/sesami-becomes-the-global-leader-in-cash-optimization-software-solutions-with-acquisition-of-fintech-planfocus/
    1 point
  28. The visually striking hardware monitor that [Mangy_Dog] recently put together for his new custom PC build might look like something out of the Alien franchise, but the hardware he’s built it around actually comes from a very different science-fiction property: Star Trek. Or at least, from a very impressive line of Star Trek props, anyway. Given the incredible amount of time and effort that [Mangy_Dog] has put into developing his Star Trek: Voyager tricorder, it’s no surprise that he would decide to reuse its graphics chip and microcontroller. But while the familiar hardware might have helped jump-start this build, this was no weekend project. He’s steadily been working on it for several months now, and even entered it into the 2022 Sci-Fi Contest back in April. Obviously he wasn’t able to complete it before the Contest deadline, but looking at the final results, we’re happy to see he kept chugging away at it. Of course, with a project like this, the hardware is only half the battle. In the video below, [Mangy_Dog] explains the challenges involved in creating not only the firmware that runs on the monitor, but the accompanying PC-side application. This included modifying existing libraries to add support for the device’s unique flash storage arrangement, and pulling the relevant system status information out of the operating system and into a series of customizable widgets. As impressive as the project is, [Mangy_Dog] says he’s not done yet. A second revision of the hardware and software will address several issues and add new capabilities, and considering the high degree of polish we’ve come to expect from his creations, we’re not surprised Link : https://hackaday.com/2022/08/08/pc-hardware-monitor-uses-tricorder-derived-tech/
    1 point
  29. Live Performance Title: Ali Ssamid - Sololo (Official Music Video) Prod.Ziyech Signer Name: Ali Ssamid Live Performance Location: - Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): I liked the video clip so my rate is 9/10
    1 point
  30. Artist: Saad Lamjarred Real Name: Saad Lamjarred Birth Date /Place: 7 April 1985, Rabat Age: 37 years Social status (Single / Married): now Single Artist Picture: Musical Genres: Moroccan music American pop music Awards: Year Title Award 2017 Murex D'or Best Arabic Song 2017 Daf Bama Music Awards Best Social Artist 2017 Moroccan Music Awards Best Music Video 2018 Arab Nation Music Awards Best Singer in North Africa Top 3 Songs (Names): LM3ALLEM , GHALTANA , ADDA ELKALAM Other Information: Saad Lamjarred is a Moroccan singer, dancer, actor, lyrics writer, composer and producer. He grew up in an artistic family, as he is the son of Moroccan artist Bashir Abdo and Moroccan actress Nouzha Regraki. He became famous after his Arabic songs in the Moroccan dialect broke records in viewership rates on YouTube
    1 point
  31. Music Title: ElGrandeToto - Gueule Tapée (Prod. by Ludafrick) Signer: ElGrandeToto Release Date: 5/08/2022 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer: ElGrandeToto or Toto, real name Taha Fahssi, born August 3, 1996 [ref. desired] in Casablanca, is a Moroccan rapper. In 2021, he is the most streamed artist in the MENA region on Spotify, with over 135 million streams in 178 countries. Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video): 7/10
    1 point


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