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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/19/2018 in all areas

  1. We are in search for Moderators and mainly we are focus on Members Activity, if you think you have those qualities then this might be for you. We decided to make a Competition for Moderator grade, which gives us the chance to increase the number of Moderators. Your Activity is the main focus, we are searching for people who understand all CSBD Rules, understand the Warning System for how to a Report Members who break Rules, Activity in F.A.Q, World of Games and Devil's Club. Administrators and Global Moderators have been tasked to focus on Members Activity until this Competition is open, so whoever gets the grade is basically upon you by showing us your Activity and how well you understand CsBlackDevil. Administrators will take the last decision but it will be all based on your Activity REMEMBER THAT ! We Wish You All Best Of Luck, for questions the Status will be left open.
    15 points
  2. If you think this is how you will get Moderator then forget it, you post with your Multi Account to show us that you are helping ? We are not stupid we have Access to see things which Members can't, @HeNNNrY. and @bnx both are the same person. If i see this again i will make sure you never become Moderator, understand this very well. @bnx the Account is removed.
    10 points
  3. <21:22:53> "[ZNS] ☆Alex Pro☆": Nuady <21:22:55> "[ZNS] ☆Alex Pro☆": Bro <21:23:09> "[ZNS] ☆Alex Pro☆": Please give me back to VIP <21:23:22> "Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": go buy again in 5 euros <21:23:53> "[ZNS] ☆Alex Pro☆": OK but what is 5 EURO .______________________________________.'
    9 points
  4. 8 points
  5. http://prntscr.com/jjz98j OHOOHO letss goo
    7 points
  6. good morning have nice day
    7 points
  7. Mañana todo los venezolanos salgan a votar. aprietenle en bigote a maduro en la maquiña que viva madurooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
    5 points
  8. REMINDER Hello CSBD Members, I would like to notice something that may be interesting for any of you here! I decided to make a competition for Moderator. This is how it goes, since we are getting a lot of help requests and suggests about different things on our forum, we are getting also new udpates, we thought about rasing up the number of our moderators team. So its your time! Think about that. Maybe you were worried that you will never reach a rank and be part of our staff, maybe you are very good but you are afraid to show us. This is your moment, show us your activity on every part of forum, show us you are good enough to be with us on staff. We are opening this competition starting from tonight and it will be opened untill we decide to close. For every question you have (Where should i post, why this is not allowed ,we i can't post here etc..), please make a post in this Status. So Guys be activ In F.A.Q,Devil Clubs,Report [Post-Hunts,Dobule-Post etc...]
    4 points
  9. Back to the play, there was no rest and vacation, just work and more work, but here again people
    4 points
  10. <15:39:02> "DaX": hi <15:40:31> Chat partner has closed the conversation <15:42:19> "[WKDZ]Searching for Admins": hi <15:42:27> "DaX": Iwant admin <15:45:10> Chat partner has closed the conversation <15:45:15> "DaX": , <15:45:18> Chat partner has closed the conversation =))) every word Close the conversation lel
    4 points
  11. Good morning all have a nice weekend
    4 points
  12. Hello CSBD Members, I would like to notice something that may be interesting for any of you here! I decided to make a competition for Moderator. This is how it goes, since we are getting a lot of help requests and suggests about different things on our forum, we are getting also new udpates, we thought about rasing up the number of our moderators team. So its your time! Think about that. Maybe you were worried that you will never reach a rank and be part of our staff, maybe you are very good but you are afraid to show us. This is your moment, show us your activity on every part of forum, show us you are good enough to be with us on staff. We are opening this competition starting from tonight and it will be opened untill we decide to close. For every question you have (Where should i post, why this is not allowed ,we i can't post here etc..), please contact me on Forum, Ts3. So Guys be activ In F.A.Q,Devil Clubs,Report [Post-Hunts,Dobule-Post etc...]
    4 points
  13. The different between good and bad Land Explosions. https://imgur.com/gallery/42eAVP7 It look so nice but i would never like to be there when it happens.
    3 points
  14. <13:43:11> El canal "Legends Office!" fue cambiado de lugar por "Mr.Love"; el nuevo canal principal es "COUNTER STRIKE : GLOBAL OFFENSIVE" <13:43:11> El grupo de canales "JWP (Join Without Password)" fue asignado a "#Wanted :x" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:11> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "[#SoRrY] #SoRrY" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:11> El grupo de canales "JWP (Join Without Password)" fue asignado a "[-DarkGeNeSiS-] HATE LEGENDS" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:11> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "Noizy^Boy" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:11> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "Legends" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "#DJ" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "Legends feo :v" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "DaNGeROuS KiLLeR" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "-Niacin's ♛" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "# X A V I" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "JWP (Join Without Password)" fue asignado a "Dark-ImmoRtal" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "JWP (Join Without Password)" fue asignado a "Hopper Android" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "BIG HATE LEGENDS" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "Guest" fue asignado a "Speed" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> El grupo de canales "JWP (Join Without Password)" fue asignado a "I HATE LEGENDS" por "Mr.Love". <13:43:12> "Nightox 会" conectado al canal "Main Channel [ Don't Idle Here ]" <13:43:17> El canal "Legends Office!" fue editado por "Mr.Love" hhhhh remove all :v
    3 points
  15. all night awake :'v I need a coffee with milk :v
    3 points
  16. 09:49:53> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": sera que sabado aceptan transbarca <09:49:56> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": digo <09:50:00> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": tarjeta <09:50:02> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": estudiantil <09:50:04> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": >:V <09:50:18> "Askor lml": hahaha eso ba pal foro :B <09:50:30> "[[N]audy] Fake [N]audy ♔♔♔": hahahaha @[N]audy si es madurista :V
    3 points
  17. Omg, mi amor administrator? CONGRATS !! Te amo xDd
    3 points
  18. ‪ Ramadan Kareem ‬‏
    3 points
  19. Besa7a FeteRouuk Khuu and Ramadan Karim <3
    2 points
  20. Welcome To CSBLACKDEVIL !!
    2 points
  21. Bad net bad :v <11:02:11> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" dropped (connection lost) <11:02:37> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" connected to channel "Server Management" <11:03:19> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" dropped (connection lost) <11:03:21> "# Z E R O ™1" connected to channel "WALKINGDEADZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM is back !" <11:03:49> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" connected to channel "Server Management" <11:04:17> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" dropped (connection lost) <11:04:54> "[! #Kh@LeD-.^] ! #Kh@LeD-.^ ♕111111" connected to channel "Server Management"
    2 points
  22. 3 days of joy for all because of Ramadan Fasting is a beautiful thing
    2 points
    2 points
  24. Felicitaciones por el vip
    2 points
  25. Felicitaciones por el vip
    2 points
  26. Felicitaciones por el vip
    2 points
    2 points
  28. creo que voy a volver a jugar en el zm me encanta ese server lo juge conta mi pta infancia
    2 points
  29. yo no lo dije tu lo dijiste es tu problema no el mio me da rabia que seas asi conmigo yo no soy cualquiera soy especial.
    2 points
  30. ya no siento nada.. no voy a ponerme sad por mrdas que siempre me ocurren de echo me hacen reir
    2 points
  31. quiero mi V.I.P tambien :,V que injusticia :,(
    2 points
  32. old photos from 4 years ago or more. photos of 31 december with my family 
    2 points
  33. 7abibi 3oomri rmdan karim
    1 point
  34. 1 point
  35. Welcome Back bro Have fun and have good luck
    1 point
  36. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  37. 1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Hello Love First Before I speak I want to say Ramadan Karim Second Where is my name why I not got VIP Love give me Administrators in Test and if you want know me you can see my activity in Forum and in ts3 24/24 hours I do not want to be in this grade this way In The End i want to say Congratulations to New VIP DevIL^. / Zeus / Nexy' / Hicham / Rayan / XZoro / Master[T] / Enmanuel / Castilo[Vanzla] / C R 7 You Know what is best Of all that : Good Friend Help everyone without any Opposite
    1 point
  41. 1 point
  42. Hola Hello Seee this status xD Salut
    1 point
  43. congratulations for the Administrators
    1 point
  44. yo soy de argel y tu ?
    1 point
  45. y mas enzima lo digo como si nada dajdjajd y lose.. se que me pasa y no ago nada pero bueno xD
    1 point
  46. por que pienso que me fui alv en la ula :,v mas enzima le dije a mi vieja y la deje preocupando.. eso me puso sad un poco nose que hacer gente.. me siento tan solo que ya ni ganas de estudiar tu..
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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