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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/2015 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone! I made this thread because I seen many spam intentions in the International Forum - Discussions section. I think you knows about who I speak here. So, it's about ours members: and . You can see their work right there (pg1, pg2), of course they try to working here, it's not a problem but when you break one of our important rules, this is bad. I seen most of yours topics from there are about youtube videos, well you can replace this category (Discussions) with this right category (YouTube) for posting of these kind of subjects. Any questions you can ask us here.
    10 points
  2. Salutare, Voiam sa va anunt ca eu si cativa designeri am facut un grup pe whatsapp si l-am numit "CSBD" si m-au rugat sa fac un topic si sa va intreb cine ar vrea sa ni se alature grupului. Grupul a fost facut pentru socializare nu altceva deci pot adauga pe oricine daca vreti sa vorbiti cu staff-ul sau chiar membrii CSBD. In concluzie, cine ar vrea sa il adaug in acest grup este rugat sa imi dea un PM cu numarul sau de telefon si il voi adauga. O zi buna tuturor!
    5 points
  3. Chiar faina melodia. Felicitari pentru cine a realizat-o.
    4 points
  4. Joc: Counter-Strike 1.6 Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): red.csblackdevil.com Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: Clasic. / Deathrun / Csdm Contact proprietar, administrator ( FACEBOOK / ORANGE ) = facebook.com/haRd.andu - / - 0740 294 454 [ Nu raspund la Private No. ] Am nevoie de : 2 Owneri care sa ma ajute financiar cu 40 Lei ( acces FTP + Mananger ] 2 Co- Owneri care sa ma ajute financiar cu 25 lei . Eu ma voi ocupa de boost , cand voi avea dar caut si oameni care pot dona !
    3 points
  5. Blood Bowl, you're probably aware, is football but with Games Workshop races like dwarves and orcs. This is one of the most brilliantly silly ideas in human history, I feel, and it's resulted in two video games since the tabletop original was released back in the 1980s. People seem quite fond of Cyanide's 2009 game, and now they're making another one, using a new engine. It's due for release this Spring, which is rapidly running out, but before then here's a new video showing the Chaos side in action. You'll find it below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=131ti-NpUS0&feature=youtu.be "While human teams are able to adapt to any kind of game—passing, running, or blocking—Chaos teams have a natural predisposition to a certain type of play style when it comes to a Blood Bowl match, favouring one very specific tactic amongst all: crippling, maiming, injuring, trampling, and killing as many opponent players as possible. And, when only few or no survivor is left, finally caring about the ball to score a touchdown."
    2 points
  6. They spamming so much because they want an UP but guys, copy-paste and spamming is not a solution to get an upgrade to journalist or moderator. You have to show us that you are smart and prove that you are capable to have that rank. Have a good day and please stop spamming!
    2 points
  7. 2 points
  8. REJECTED ! Contact Me On Skype: Osama.choudary2 REJECTED !
    2 points
  9. Hello dear, Server Is Open By Sethhh And Tonight When Sethh Came He Will Add Server In Forum If You Dont Know Any thing SO Dont Make Here Reply Please! Its Better For You. Thank You! Delete This 2 Reply Please ..
    2 points
  10. ACCEPTED As Prince! ACCEPTED As Moderator!
    2 points
  11. ø Produce name: Cont Stem cu jocurile Grand Theft Auto 4 + Grand Theft Auto : San Andres + 10 euro in cont. ø Design: Valve ø Value: la 50 Euro. ø Produce desired: Cont cu CS:GO + Wallet Activat, de preferat un rank la competitiv mai sus de Silver. ø Product details: Clean,Nebanat. ø Contact: Y!M : god.1061 / Skype : diavol232 ø Images: http://postimg.org/image/6sbxg487d/ ATENTIE : OFER si E-mailul pe care este facut contul. SAU DE VANZARE - 10 Euro Paysafe/Paypal.
    1 point
  12. 1. Loading is right about this ! 2. We have many spammer in this forum not only this 2 ! (I was also a spammer) 3. The forums games are full with spam there was a time when i was playing forum games then i pay for that mistake ! 4. You both apologize for the spam so i know you both will not do it again ! 5. If you want a grade you can get it with helping not spam, help people how much you can and be your self, we need honest people not double face ! Good luck & Have a nice day
    1 point
  13. Adm, When i suggested rules about journalists 1 month ago , mr.pulse said that we don't need them and now ur making them just in time bravo, for more info take a look at journalist desk. And about spamming mr.loading , Finally you evaluated our work , because i see in this forum are to many staff members and im pretty sure none of them joins to watch our post not even one of them , dont say all. Mr loading i think in your forum work of members its not evaluated what it needs to be , I apologize for "spamming". And about Pulse that said , their are trying for UP (moderator) Mr.Pulse tell me one member that posts to much to be active and doesnt want to get a grade ? For what do you think he posts? , And im pretty sure you got active to get your grade.Dont missunderstand please. P.S: Im not trying to blame any member here or to harm anyone. Have a nice day.
    1 point
  14. and that is why Journalists need a regulament ... we are working on it
    1 point
  15. You can see also there (Resurse, stiinta si tehnologie) another spam intentions. There you can see, three members posted 3-4 topics in a period of 5 minutes, we call this intention as spam.
    1 point
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcGGYuLRjoc haha the best one is on 1:44
    1 point
  17. Maybe forum didn't worked that time when you tried to enter. If you posting here now what's the problem? If it's another problem post a snapshot because we are trying to help you but without snapshot we can't.
    1 point
  18. all know is thunderzm from 1 week server up from rank 300 to rank 13 and tommorow will be in rank1 on GT
    1 point
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