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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2015 in all areas

  1. Well I was planning to only resign from StreetZM but here it comes that I will resign from the whole community ; the reason for being is that I play other games. I would like to thank @Javed - @Ghost95V - @Cunning i really appreciate your trust in me and I hope I never let you guys down. You will still see me from time to time in Streetzm server I would like to thank these people for the never-ending support; @Jaguar @*Ha©ker'S* / @Crassto / @revo' / Saci / and im sure theres like 30 more that I cant remember whilst in bed... Special thanks to Mr.Dr0p & TheMadWolf for being my "best-friends" since ive been playing Streetzm and good luck with the server! Good Bye Mates!
    4 points
  2. http://domaze.net/watch?v=HTHf7-PeQGo
    2 points
  3. :'( why bro :'( good luck hbiibi ♥ aymt w nlh9k
    2 points
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. Numele oponent: dev Tema de lucru: Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece): avatar Marime: 150x250 *Text: Sergio Watermark: csbd Timp de lucru: 24 ore
    1 point
  6. Good bye! I just want to told you that here you have your family,your friends! You will come back anyway. T/C
    1 point
  7. How Will Be The World in 2020 watch this and us your opinion.
    1 point
  8. i'm here since 13June , 2013 i can't leave without sad feelings
    1 point
  9. Who`ll cry for you ) , Man , CounterStrike , CsBlackDevil it`s just a game , a were we have a gaming experience. Yes , swear me , I`m a bad guy :| , this kink of topics makes us, others sick , it`s disgratiouse. We are about gaming not about things like that.
    1 point
  10. hehe & i'm your bad friend ryt ... , well i was thought im ur but anyway i wish u a best of luck inwutr udoing
    1 point
  11. Classic, Zombie, Deathrun. I play all mods, but this is which i play more
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. _spY^ _spY^ _spY^ and [H]aulles[L]egyOONa[r]u*666 From StreetZM ! Every Week Will come and eat your Legends "WalkingDead" & "Thunder" & "NewLife" & "Highlife" etc... all zm servers ! Remembre me i'll be a "Nightmare" xD !
    1 point
  14. I support Palestine , Gaza / Free Palestine & Gaza
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. GoodBye Wish you The best in your life ! Triig Slama
    1 point
  17. Sorry for title of this topic i pressed "enter" xD it s not important that you will read is the important =) Hi / Salam Walejkum / Salut / Hola / مرحباٌ =) ! ALL Can read this not only musilms ! Dear All Who Will read this ! It's not kind of racist or joking to other religion it's just to who want know about "ISLAM" High-end Minds ! and >> =) =) IT's more than information it's fact about end of life what will happen with us ! etc... you will read & i hope you will understand what i'm sharing with you & there is 99~% you don't know it ! all my brothers & Friends ! Do you know the answer to these seven questions? Question 1: Where is heaven? The answer is above the seven heavens, and separate from the seven heavens because the heavens go away and perish doomsday The Paradise does not perish. Paradise and the roof is the throne. Question 2: Where the hell? Answer: seventh position under the ground in a place called: prisoner. And not hell next to paradise, as some think. The earth on which we live is the first ground and there are six other Eradin and this Aleradin six exist under the ground on which we live separate them. Question 3: What is the Ultimate Tree? The answer is: a great tree assets (roots) in the sixth heaven and extends above the seventh heaven, leaves and fruit as elephants ears (large jar) comes on a bed of gold, and is out of paradise. Prophet (pbuh) then saw Jibreel peace be upon him again in his true form, after that he had seen before in Mecca in a place called Ajyad. Question 4: Who are (houris)? Answer: They are the wives of the believers in Paradise, the age of mankind and not the jinn and not of angels, if one of them had seen the world lit up between the East and the West. And meaning (virgins), Poplar: Howrah collection and are very beautiful pupil and very white & dark of the eye. The eye gathered Aaina and meaning an wide eyes. Question 5: Who are the (neonatal Immortals)? The answer: they served the people of Paradise, not of mankind and not the jinn and not of angels, the less the people of Paradise status of his ten thousands of newborn Immortals. Question 6: What is the norms? The answer: a broad wall of the Committee, the Muslim who abides on him with their sins into good deeds equal length of time, eat and drink, and then enter Paradise after that. Question 7: How long is the Day of Resurrection? Answer: Fifty thousand years, he says: {slalom angels and the spirit in him when he was fifty thousand years}. Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them said: Judgment Day Fifty position each of them stand a thousand years. you read Imagine the situation: I asked Aisha Messenger of Allah about the descent of this verse: (on the ground is changing the earth and the heavens). Where we will be? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and said: We'll be on the path. Traffic on the straight time Lٱ there are only three places only: Hell Paradise path of the Prophet, peace be upon him and says: "Be the first to pass the path I and my nation," the nation's first pass on the path the nation of Muhammad. Defined path; "Day of the Transfiguration of the heavens and the Earth," there will be only two places Heaven and Hell, and in order to reach heaven you must pass the hell focused bridge over hell his name is "straight" displays all hell if I passed him and went to the end and found the door of paradise in front of you and the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him standing receives the people of Paradise (O Lord paradise). Specifications path; 1.- accurate (higher) than the hair. 2.-A of the sword. 3.-severe darkness beneath hell dark black "hardly be distinguished from rage." 4.-holder sins on your back the whole stereoscopic thus making slow traffic to their owners if they are many, God forbid, or if the lightning quick snack. 5.-upon hooks (hooks) and rub (tapered forks) injure the foot and Tkhaddchha (atone guilt word Sacred outlook Sacred etc ...). 6.- High-hearing voices screaming for each of his foot and still falling in the bottom of hell. Prophet, prayer and peace be standing at the end of the straight at the door of paradise sees put your foot on the first path calling you, saying: "O Lord, him. O Lord, him" - - Habibi you, O Messenger of God - God, blessings and peace for the beloved Mohammed sees slave people in front of him them from falling and some of them survive and do not care .. The slave sees his father and mother, but also do not mind them all that interested in that moment is just the same. / '! Told that Ms. Aisha remembered doomsday wept asked her Prophet, peace be upon him, "Why do you, Aisha?" She said: "I remembered the Day of Judgment Will we will remember our fathers ?? Is remembered beloved beloved doomsday ?? Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him said:" Yes, but in three places: at the balance - when blowing newspapers - when the path "be patient and patient to mesmerize the world, minimum mesmerized mirage ,, Flanjahid ourselves and assign each to meet at the Commission presented the heavens and the earth, /! Do not forget that Takaddoa intention to make this letter ongoing charity God, make us who crosses path safely., /! {{{{{{{{god weask you good end}}}}}}}} Do you think after all this that there is a worthy you Chil or bear any grudge against him and lost business because of it? Tip (Let the creation of the Creator) i ask yourself how and how much the rest of my life, but do you ensure that live an hour later. Thank you for paying attention & i hope i availed you Dear friends ! Any question i'm here to answer... thank you again
    1 point
  18. This happened today
    1 point
  19. Welcome to our entertainment CSBD
    1 point
  20. Nick: Crastto Name of Server: StreetZM Picture of Score:
    1 point
  21. 1 point
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