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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2015 in all areas

  1. Twelve people, 10 journalists and two policemen, have been killed, and 10 others wounded in the shooting massacre at the Paris headquarters of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Three of the wounded are in critical condition. The hooded gunmen stormed the offices at 11.30 am Paris time (10.30 am GMT), reportedly having forced a staff member to open the door at gunpoint. “They shot Wolinski, Cabu… it lasted about five minutes… I took cover under a desk… they spoke perfect French… they said they were Al-Qaida,” cartoonist Corine Rey, aka “Coco”, was quoted as saying by the weekly Humanité. The woman told the paper she was the one who let the men inside, with them pointing a gun at her. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLATWPV4iaI A witness, Benoit Bringer, told TV station iTELE two black-hooded men were seen entering the building with Kalashnikovs rifles, with "lots of shots" being heard a few minutes later. One of the men was captured on video shouting "Allah!" as four shots rang out, Reuters reported. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBlHjrmMddw Two assailants were then seen leaving the scene, and exchanging fire with police officers, killing one, before fleeing in a car towards the eastern Paris suburbs. The car was later found in the nearby 19th district, in northeastern Paris. The attackers are still on the run.
    2 points
  2. Profil user neserios: HoBiTuuL O adresa de contact a acestuia: cs_hobituul@yahoo.com Topic-ul in care vi s-a prezentat: Ne-a prezentat steamul aici : Vand Steam - Magazin Steam (Buy, Sell, Trade) - CSBD Community O scurta detaliere a evenimentului: Eu i-am cerut cu multa vreme in urma link de la contul de steam iar el nu a postat! Normal domnul revolution m-a sanctionat cu warn pentru ca ma intereseaza de bani mei si a altor membri! Sper sa fim dezpagubiti amandoi (eu de warn si domnul hobit sa primeasca ban!) Am facut eu asta pentru ca el nu stie si am vrut sa-l ajut , cum fac mereu Dovezi: http://vvcap.net/db/x7Bi-YQaLBKknRPUE4gn.png + http://vvcap.net/db/TTU892xK_-GS5yB6fh0H.png
    2 points
    2 points
  4. What is your favorite class zombie? (Zombie Plague)
    1 point
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. Hello my friends, 06.01.2015 - this date was the best, becouse i hunted my first wolf! But is so interesting, he is not a grey but foxy xD:/ And one wild boar again.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. WelCome To Csblackdevil EnJoY Your Stay And Have Fun , We Hope You Stay Here
    1 point
  9. HI welcome to CSBD
    1 point
  10. i only see votes for blur , that means you guys dont know anything else , so why bother vote for something you even smell once ) ill vote v2 , nice text , that flame just blow me mind ze border its ok-ish though you can go further with it ... good luck.
    1 point
  11. next time, i hope that 50 cops will die.
    1 point
  12. Awsome bro. I will be waiting to show this to my friends they will say ... "Nigga , what ?!"
    1 point
  13. frate e tepar aseara am vrut sa cumpar de la el steam si mia dat teapa
    1 point
  14. Jihad in the way of Allah, you are not muslim you can not understand the things of war they Talking about our religion In magazines and some official newspapers if you understand language Frensh then read this : if you want i will translation = Islamism threatened by rap and nipples = The Quran is the shit
    1 point
  15. Nu a fost cometa , a fost meteorit , e o diferenta enorma. Si a fost la Pro TV dar nu ai urmarit tu )
    1 point
  16. Eu nu cred, daca era sa fie o cometa, era deja la PRO TV.
    1 point
  17. All happends because exist ISIS , AL-QAIDA and other terrorists. All terrorists will face the judgement of God in any Name of Him. That`s why Palesine need to pay the price , all stuffs will stop when humans will understands cuz` cariing a war will not solve anything. All shoud left the war , ISIS shoud die , Hammas and all others shoud die too. Love the Name of God , not the war.
    1 point
  18. Bine ai venit printre noi !
    1 point
  19. La multi ani Sethhh. ! iti doresc multa sanatate atat tie, cat si familiei tale. Fie ca toate dorintele sa ti se implineasca. Sa ne traiesti 1000 de ani !
    1 point
  20. Pentru evitarea unor posturi de genul "e tepar / nu cumparati de la el " pune link cu contul tau de steam. Multumesc EDIT RevoluTioN.: In cazul in care nu esti interesat de oferta prezentata mai sus inceteaza sa ceri SteamID-ul, in regulament nu este mentionata aceasta "regula". Cei interesati ii pot lasa un PM in care sa ii ceara steamID-ul, nu este obligat sa il faca public. Cum sa nu fiu interesat , sunt interesat sa vad daca chiar are acest cont steam , sa nu iau teapa sau ceva. Daca iau teapa sau ceva cine ma dezpagubeste? Si warn pentru ce? Ca ma intereseaza de bani mei?
    1 point
  21. Each man had his vote but i Vote for Streetzm StreetZm.Csblackdevil.com
    1 point
  22. Zm.CsBlackDevil.Com is the best choice for me xD
    1 point
  23. among the best server and the best Zombie Plague Addons it's greatly ZmOldSchool.CsblackDevil.Com we know that the other server they are using the same addons and Same Plague Like ( WalkingDead , NewLifeZM , ThunderZM , StreetZM ,ect.) - I tested all servers of the Community But ZmOldSchool Stay always the best Plague Addons configured on world must be clear and tell the truth.
    1 point
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