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What is Deep Web? What dangers hiding? Internet is not just what you see. It's also what you do not see. There is a lot of information that does not appear in regular search engines and that usually remain hidden to the public. Is called Deep Web. And it has lots of useful information, yes. But dangers to be avoided at all costs. The Deep Web forms all the pages that search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc are not able to index. This is possible because many pages or documents are designed paraqué those seekers remain hidden. That is, the people who create them do not want to be po[CENSORED]r or easy to find. Many of those pages directly, require a password to be viewed. The Deep Web is not small. Quite the contrary. In 2000, the Deep Web represented 45 times more information than the surface web, but today that number has greatly changed by the growth of phenomena such as social networks, blogs ... and Google itself. Today the most famous search engine in the world is a giant that brings out a lot more material than it did in 2000, so these figures are very outdated, but in any case, it is true that the Deep Web remains a huge area that remains hidden internet. But ... what's in the Deep Web? What can be found there and why their creators did not want it to be easy to get that information? Much of the information is Deep Web databases whose creators want to keep out of the search engines. Another important part is stored information of organizations large amount of information, such as NASA. You can also find plenty of weather, economic data, etc. Other information that is hosted on Deep Web information is confidential Wikileaks type. And, considering the characteristics of the Deep Web, there is also information about criminal activities: drug dealing, pornography, pedophilia, sale and manufacture of arms, etc. This information is a serious danger to a child. Fortunately, this type of criminal pages constitute a small percentage of the Deep Web, but it is important to be alert to avoid at all costs that our youngest children have access to that information. Is not normal for a child to access the Deep Web, because you have to configure the computer to dive this hidden part of the Internet. Remember that all the material on the Deep Web is not accessible current form, which must be accessed through a proxy server. The most common way to dive for the Deep Web is through the Tor network. It is a network that allows for anonymous connections and access such information without a trace. To get around the Deep Web is necessary to have more advanced computer skills in common, so there is no danger that a child accesses it. But it can arouse the curiosity of teenagers who want to enter the world of the Deep Web. In this case, it is very important to talk to them and warn them of the dangers that can be found in these hidden web. It is likely that a teenager who wants to enter the Deep Web is not going to announce it to their parents or teachers, but from small they are used to make a responsible use of ICT will be safer if you want to dive in this hidden part of internet. In this sense, education and awareness of the opportunities and risks of the Internet is essential. And it's not over, when necessary, talk to them about the Deep Web. Like everything else, the Deep Web can be useful in many cases, since there are a lot of interesting information impossible to find in regular site, but before entering this hidden web, the teen must know the red lines ever must cross and how to act when faced with risk. ------------------ My experience in the deep web was not very good, there will not find secret files, none of that, 70% of what I saw was pages for murderers, drugs, weapons and child pornography, really is a place for crazy people and insane. I saw bloody pictures, tortured people and experiments of all kinds, can not really believe that there are people like that, the deep web may be a useful place to find things, but when you exceed the limit will find more of what you want.5 points
Hello everyone, I would like to know which kind of server you want to see next here in CS Black Devil Community. Your Suggestions/Replies will be collected to know which server gonna make me and a friend of me here to have fun. P.S.: Don't Spam/Lock The topic. Regards -Vince3 points
Name of the oponent: Mr.Shkodra Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Signature Size: 400/200 Text:------ Watermark: www.CsblackDevil.com2 points
Biohazard zombie , I really love that mode , I know it needs much time to po[CENSORED]te this server mode , but if you do it , I will help you very much.2 points
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Name: Sacred 3 Gender: Role / Action RPG (Fantasy) Platform: PC / Xbox 360 / PS3 Release Date: August 1, 2014 Fabricator: Keen Games Distributor: Koch Media Description Set about a thousand years after the events in the original title, the world presents Sacred 3 is so chaotic and warlike as you'd expect from a video game in which our only concern will be to annihilate all the enemies that cross on our way, relying on the skills to do the four heroes to us. Gameplay In this case: the Seraphim paladin, skilled in the use of swords and agile in the domain of certain magical qualities; the Safiri warrior who will stand as no damage while also causes its two-handed weapons; Lancer Ancariana interesting that will keep enemies at bay with quick strokes of the spear; and finally the goalkeeper Khukuri, which indicates as its role will focus on attacking Ashy Army troops from a distance. Each of these classes, you see, has its own peculiarities both agility, and shock resistance, ability to cause damage, etc .; although deep the differences are not large enough to change the way we face the action. What is motivated by a combat system that is so simple and fun options thanks to surprisingly intense and chaotic skirmishes in which we will run into during our trip through Ancaria. A world where we hardly even a minute of respite given the aggressiveness with which the enemies assail us, who have to fend using the usual options in the genre: basic strokes that can string together to cause more damage, movements dodging and blocking, powerful attacks to break the defense of noquearles rivals, or to avoid using weapons-best, grabbing ... and also two own special abilities of each class we have to turn to the beginning of the game. Trailer System Requirement Minimum requirements Operating System: Windows Vista SP2 / 7/8 Processor: Intel Pentium D945 (Dual Core 3400 MHz) / AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000 + (Dual Core 3000 MHz) Memory: 2 GB RAM Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 610 (1024MB) / ATI Radeon 4770 (512MB) DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard drive: 25 GB of free space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compliant Recommended requirements Operating System: Windows Vista SP2 / 7/8 Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 (Quad Core 3000 MHz) / AMD Phenom 9500 (Quad Core 2200 MHz) Memory: 4 GB RAM Graphics Card: Nvidia GeForce GT 640 (2048MB) / ATI Radeon HD 5570 (1024MB) DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard drive: 25 GB of free space Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c-compliant Other images1 point
Ai grija sa nu fie banat de VAC nu multa lume da CS:GO pe CS1.6,daca este banat de VAC nu ai ce face cu el si decat sa iti iei teapa mai bine nu iti da contul.1 point
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T/C Fr0z3n* = 10 Vote PlayFast = 3 Vote [ Fr0z3n* Winner ]1 point
Multi dintre noi , folosim calculatorul de mai mult de 3 ore / zi . Efectele negative ne pot afecta fizic si moral. 1. Insomnie: te intrebi deseori de ce, atunci cand esti foarte obosit nu poti adormi si stai cu ochii pe pereti o noapte intreaga? Unul dintre motive poate fi utilizarea computerului, in special seara; acesta poate deregla ritmul organismului tau si suprima eliberarea de melatonina, hormonul care regleaza somnul. 2. Sindromul vederii de calculator: utilizarea constanta a computerului poate conduce la ceea ce se numeste sindromul vederii de calculator, ale carui simptome sunt senzatia de oboseala vizuala, de usturime, dureri de cap, ochi uscati sau incetosati. Motivul este acela ca unul dintre efectele calculatorului asupra ochilor se traduce in diminuarea ratei de clipire, permitand luminii ecranului sa afecteze si mai mult ochiul. Se recomanda pauzele dese si reducerea luminii exterioare si interioare. 3. Dureri de cap: inevitabilul poate fi ocolit intr-o oarecare masura printr-o distanta de minimum 50 cm fata de motitor, pozitionarea acestuia la nivelul ochiului, o postura corecta si o pereche de ochelari de protectie. Durerile constante de cap reprezinta poate cel mai frecvent dintre efectele calculatorului asupra noastra, iar acestea conduc catre o dispozitie [CENSORED] sau un nivel de stres crescut care, la randul lor, afecteaza starea generala de sanatate. Voi ce credeti despre calculator ? Este benefic sau daunator ? Astept pareri .1 point
Calculatorul, in mod normal, e lucru foarte benefic in viata fiecaruia dintre noi, dar depinde in ce scopuri il folosim si cat timp il utilizam pe zi. Daca o sa punem mai mult accent pe calculator decat invatatul, prietenii, iesirile in aer liber sau cititul, atunci acesta devine "drog"1 point
Acest regulament se aplica pentru toate categoriile de membri inregistrati in comunitatea CsBlackDevil.Com. Regulamentul este aplicat in toate categoriile apartinatoare forumului deoarece indiferent de grad, regulamentul este scris si respectat de toata lumea. 1. Username/profil/avatar/semnatura 1.1 User name/Display name sa nu contina cuvinte vulgare sau tenta rasista. Sa fie diferit de cel al persoanelor din echipa administrativa a forumului. 1.2 Avatarul/Semnatura sa nu contina poze pornografice/tenta rasista sau care fac referire la acte de cruzime fata de oameni/animale. Interzise sunt si imaginile de tip 'NSFW' (not safe for work) deoarece printre noi sunt si membrii ce ne viziteaza de la locul de munca ori spatii publice, in aceasta categorie se incadreaza in general pozele adulte +18 1.3 Semnatura trebuie sa contina doar o poza deoarece semnatura nu reprezinta o galerie de poze si wallpapers. 1.4 Este interzisa atasarea clipurilor video in semnatura. 1.5 Inregistrarea mai multor conturi este sanctionata cu suspendarea permanenta a tuturor conturilor/stergerea contului. 2. Deschiderea unui nou topic (thread) 2.1 Asigurati-va ca sunteti in categoria potrivita inainte de a deschide un nou topic. 2.2 Folositi-va de 'Search' inainte de a deschide un topic deoarece este posibil sa existe deja un topic cu aceasi linie de subiect. 2.3 Dati un titlu sugestiv topicului deschis pentru a primi un raspuns cat mai rapid posibil. Exemplu: Daca intampini greutati la schimbarea avatarului, nu pui un titlu sec "problema" ci pui "problema schimbare avatar" astfel atunci cand un administrator ori moderator cauta problemele dupa cuvintele cheie "problema" , "avatar" , "schimbare" sa iti gaseasca mai rapid topicul si sa te ajute. 3. Limbajul 3.1 Folosirea unui limbaj vulgar aduce de la sine suspendarea permanenta pe forum 3.2 Nu toleram insultarea membriilor inregistrat in comunitate indiferent de limba (in engleza, germana orice alta limba). Provocarea la cearta/injurii fiind de asemenea pedepsita cu suspendare temporara ori permanenta de la caz la caz. 3.3 Jignirea cu tenta rasista este sanctionata cu suspendare permanenta. 3.4 Sanctiunile sunt aplicate si in cazul mesajelor private (PM) din forum 3.5 Limbajul neadcvat reprezinta si cenzura partiala a cuvintelor vulgare. 4. Reguli de postare 4.1 Off-topic/post-hunt/spam 4.1.1 Off-topic reprezinta un post ce nu are legatura cu subiectul topicului respectiv. Acest mod de a posta nu este permis. 4.1.2 Post-hunt face referire la posturile ce au la baza cantitatea lor nu si intelesul. Posturile ce contin un text sec ori raspunsurile "generice" se considera post-hunt. Exemplu: "salut" "tare" "frumos" "misto"Raspuns "generic" reprezinta afirmatiile ce nu sunt reale ori nu au nici o legatura cu subiectul, exemplu "Imi place jocul, l-am jucat si e fain" poate fi considerat raspuns "generic" deoarece nu este un raspuns dezvoltat ori inconstient despre subiectul respectiv. 4.1.3 Daca s-a incalcat regulamentul printr-un post, cei ce vor sustine printr-un text "closed si warn" , "Ban bann" vor fi sanctionati pentru post-hunt. Pentru a reclama/anunta utilizati comanda report situat sub avatarul celui pe care doriti sa il raportati. 4.1.4 Spam defineste postarea excesiva intr-o anumita categorie cu topicuri/posturi inutile sau cu acelasi subiect/raspuns. 4.2 Dublu-post 4.2.1 Nu este permisa dubla-postare, utilizati butonul edit. Nu este considerata dubla-postare daca cele doua posturi au fost aplicate la un interval mai mare de 24 de ore. 4.2.2 Nu se considera dubla-postare daca intervalul este unul de cateva secunde deoarece se poate produce un conflict de conexiune ce are ca efect o rapida dubla-postare. 4.3 Utilizarea excesiva/abuziva a colors/smiley/fontsize este interzisa 4.3.1 Colors, fontsize sunt utilizate pentru a scoate in evidenta o idee, un fragment dintr-o propozitie nu pentru a "picta" orice post/subiect. 4.3.2 Membrii ce incalca majoritate regulamentele 4.1 / 4.2 / 4.3 pot risca sanctionarea prin stergerea partiala sau totala a posturilor de pe forum estimandu-se un procent de 90% spamuri. Astfel recomandam membrii ce incurajeaza Off-topic sau Post-hunt sa renunte la aceasta idee deoarece vor avea toate posturile sterse iar timpul este pierdut. 5. Pirateria (warez) 5.1 Interzisa este deschiderea oricarui subiect despre piraterie (warez) Urmatoarele subiecte vor duce la suspendare permanenta fara drept de apel:Instructiuni, discutii sau adrese despre cum ruleaza un program piratat, includem si crack-urile.Cererea sau publicarea de serial number-uri sau crack-uri.Cererea sau publicarea de DLC-uri.Cererea sau publicarea de trackere. (sursa torrente)Adrese de descarcare a unor aplicatii cu continut asupra careia nu aveti drepturi de autor. (exceptie adresele oficiale ce permit si lanseaza gratuit soft-ul lansat/creat de ei) Reclame serverelor private sau afirmatii ce sustin privatul gratuit. Exemplu: Afirmatiile de genul, hai joaca "moka" pe www.ewkew.ro decat sa joci pe oficial cu taxa lunara. 6.ReclamaSpam 6.1 Reclama face referire la prezentarea unui site in scopul de a atrage cat mai multi vizitatori. Orice post, semnatura, avatar sau mesaj privat de acest gen va fi sanctionat cu suspendarea permanenta a membrului. 6.2 Nu este considerata reclama precizarea unor pagini cu scop informativ. Exemplu: Intrati pe cea mai tare comunitate www.qwieojm.netos care e cea mai tare comunitate din lume! Exemplu: Da click sa castigi un iphone, Fa bani pe net cu click 7. Report 7.1 Utilizati functia report in cazurile incalcarii regulamentului ori considerarii unei nedreptati in caz de sanctionare. Neconformarea duce la ignorarea problemei si nerezolvarea ei. 7.2 Reportul nu reprezinta mesajele private catre echipa administrativa, nu utilizati functia de report daca nu intampinati cu adevarat o problema. 8. Regulamente pe sectiune 8.1 Unele sectiuni ale forumului sunt guvernate separat de un regulament local. Recomandam citirea cu atentie a regulamentelor pentru a va asigura ca nu veti fi sanctionati. In atentia cititorului! Necunoasterea regulamentului nu este o scuza plauzibila. Inregistrarea unui cont pe forumul CsBlackDevil.Com reprezinta acodrul in legatura cu regulamentul sus mentionat. Incalcarea regulamentului este sanctionat dupa caz cu warn/suspend in functie de nivelul incalcarii sau daca membrul respectiv mai are la activ incalcari ale regulamentului. Cererea de accese, grade pe forum este si ea interzisa. Persoanele din conducerea comunitatii vor selecta si contacta potentiali membri participanti la selectia si dezvoltarea echipei administrative. In orice alta situatie neprevazuta de regulament, conducerea comunitatii are ultimul cuvant. Regulamentul poate suferi modificari in timp, recomandam recitirea lui periodica.1 point
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Haideţi măi nu mai eu pun poze aici ? Hai încă una din #Timişoara1 point
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Mulţumesc tuturor pentru like-uri ) până la urmă facem facebook din asta , am revenit şi eu cu câteva poze noi :1 point
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Hello! I'm here to recommend this community to everyone, from each location! In Romania are usually many gaming communities, but no one is as nice as CsBlackDevil.Com! Here you may find a lot of nice gaming servers, that have as owners persons from Romania and many other countries! We are getting really excited when knowing that everyone would like to join us! Then, CsBlackDevil.Com forever!1 point
About Us
CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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