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[ Ramadan Kareem 🌙❤️ ​]

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Ramadan Mubarak and Kareem for you all Muslims guys❤️ 


May God accept our fasting during the month of Ramadan and make it a good month.

O Lord, complete Ramadan with us and you are satisfied with us and forgive us our sins.

Oh God, make our affairs easy for us in the name of the month of generosity and worship, the month of Ramadan.

O Lord, may we have Ramadan while we feel safe and secure, full of love and peace, O God, Amen.

Our Lord, help us to fast the month of Ramadan and make us able to fast its day and pray its nights.

O Lord, make Ramadan fasting a blessing for You, O Generous One.

O Lord, grant us Ramadan, grant us peace, and receive it from us, accepting our fasting.

Amen Ya Allah!  ❤️ 


 [   شهر رمضان الذي أنـزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان . [  البقرة: 185]   ]


The month of Ramadhan [is that] in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for the people and clear proofs of guidance and criterion. So whoever sights [the new moon of] the month, let him fast it; and whoever is ill or on a journey - then an equal number of other days. Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful.



What's Ramadan?


The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It is marked by self-reflection, spiritual devotion, abstinence, and charity for Muslims across the world. 

Fasting from dawn to sunset is among the Pillars of Islam and one of the principal deeds performed during this auspicious month. Once the sun sets, the fast is broken with Iftar.

In addition to refraining from food, drink, sexual relations, and tobacco, Muslims also recite Ramadan prayers throughout the month. This includes the usual namaaz offered five times a day, along with other prayers specifically offered during this month.

Ramadan is an incredibly special month for Muslims across the world. They often prepare for it by stringing lights around mosques and decorating their homes. Readying themselves for Ramadan also often involves spiritual and mental preparation to be a better person and a pious Muslim.


What Ramadan Prayers Entail?

During the month of Ramadan when Muslims fast, everything they do is considered an act of worship, including sleeping.

This is because Muslims abstain from eating, drinking water, sexual pleasure, and tobacco. They are also expected to refrain from sinful activities. Therefore, every action they perform outside of these is considered pure, holy, and an effort to seek the blessings of Allah.

Muslims begin the day with sihoor whereby they have a meal before dawn to tide them over through the day. Once the sun rises, they must go about practicing patience and “sabr”, repenting for their sins and seeking Allah’s blessing throughout. The constant consciousness of hunger, thirst, and abstinence is a way of purification while becoming more grateful for water and food.

Ramadan prayers thus go beyond the traditional prayers or namaaz that are offered five times a day. It is believed that the gates of Paradise are opened during Ramadan while the gates of hell are locked shut and the devil is chained. Muslims thus perform good deeds in a bid to earn the grace and blessings of Allah and enter the gates of Paradise. This involves offering charity as part of their worship.

Furthermore, Muslims read the Qur’an and pray duas throughout the month while performing Tarawih.

Tarawih refers to nightly prayers or Sunnah which entails reading long portions of the Qur’an in a group setting. The goal is to recite the entire scripture by the end of the 30-day period. Though Tarawih is optional, Muslims across the world come together for it as it is believed that the reward for those who read Tarawih is immense.

Sharing iftar is also considered a way to earn the dua of other Muslims, thereby receiving Allah’s favor and blessing.

Muslims thus have iftar together and share meals with each other during the month. They often host iftars in their homes where they invite and feed guests.



The Importance of Prayer

Ramadan prayers offer an opportunity to deepen one’s connection with Allah and seek forgiveness for sins. Muslims believe that performing prayers during Ramadan earns them greater rewards than at any other time of the year.

Tarawih prayers also enhance their understanding and appreciation of the Qur’an. Reciting and listening to it helps them reflect on the Qura’an’s message, thereby deepening their faith and cleansing their souls.

Abstinence during Ramadan is an opportunity for renewal and growth as individuals can focus on enriching their souls and repenting for their sins. It reduces the distraction of having to plan, prep, and cook three meals daily. This offers Muslims the opportunity to appreciate every morsel they consume at the end of the day.

Sharing iftar together also helps build the community, providing Muslims with a sense of belonging that deepens their faith while strengthening their social bonds.

Furthermore, Ramadan prayers are good for health as prayers are found to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression by providing individuals with a sense of emotional comfort and routine.

Muslims also connect with themselves and each other better when they congregate for Ramadan prayers.

The physical act of engaging in Ramadan prayers can also help maintain fitness and mobility. The various movements in namaaz and Tarawih involve bowing, bending, prostrating, and standing straight which can increase blood flow and improve posture.

Prayers thus offer physical, emotional, and mental benefits as they require movement and reduce stress while offering a sense of community and tranquility.



Performing and Respecting Ramadan Prayers

Ramadan is the holiest month of the year so performing and respecting Ramadan prayers are extremely important for Muslims across the globe. If you’re unfamiliar with these practices, here are some tips to help you:

Start slow – Ramadan can be tiring if you’re not accustomed to it, so give your mind, body, and soul a chance to slowly catch up. Start with a small number of rakats during Tarawih, then gradually increase them as you become more comfortable.
Maintain focus – the main focus of Ramadan is to seek Allah’s blessings and forgiveness by performing prayers and good deeds while repenting for your sins. Maintain your focus on these aspects and try to reduce distractions when you are praying or reciting the Qur’an so you can fully immerse yourself in the practice.
Plan ahead – attending Tarawih can be difficult if you don’t plan ahead. So, create your schedule around Tarawih and namaaz so you can make the most of this auspicious month.
The key to Ramadan prayers is to treat it as a spiritual, meditative practice and go at your own pace until you can reach your goal. Pray and recite the Qur’an to the best of your abilities but don’t forget to extend compassion to yourself and everyone around you.


Final Thoughts
Ramadan is a month of abstinence, devotion, prayer, and spirituality. Religion and faith are extremely personal so it is important to deepen your connection with Allah in a way that soothes your soul. While it only lasts for one month, the lessons you learn while focusing your energy towards namaaz and Qur’an can be a transformative experience.

It can help you lead a more healthy and fulfilling life too! Ramadan Kareem!


Ramadan Mubarak again guys!
Now I leave the comments open for you

So that you can hope and pray that Allah will grant you success and facilitate your path
[ The most important thing is to pray for victory for the people of Gaza and Palestine! ]


أدعوا لاهل غزة يا شباب أدعوا لفلسطين بالنصر على العدو الغاشم الصهاينة الأنجاس

وأجعل أخي المسلم هذا رمضان باب هداية وتوبة لك والحق على نفسك صلي يا اخي صلي

اقسم بالله العظيم ماراح ينفعك غير صلاتك يوم القيامة, 

أن صلحت الصلاة صلحت سائر الاعمال جميعها

لا تستهين بالصلاة يا اخي الكريم, مهما عملت ذنوب ومعاصي لكن لا تترك الصلاة

مازلت مسلم لا تترك الصلاة يا اخي الصلاة ميزان للايمان والكفر

صدقني انا واكتب هذه الكلمات قلبي يتقطع على تارك الصلاة 

صلي ولا تتركها واجعل هذا رمضان بداية الهداية والثبات 

وأدعوا الله دائماً بالثبات على دين الله وحُسن الخاتمة

أسال الله ان ينتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال والثواب والصيام 

جزاكم الله الف خير والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

اخوكم محمد من العراق.


And special thanks to @Cyberpsycho , who was always with us and supported us.

He was one of the best administrators I have seen!

Thank you so much Cyberpsycho!

And thank you guys for your patience!





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thanks @7aMoDi 

Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims ❤️❤️❤️ 

أدعوا لاهل غزة يا شباب أدعوا لفلسطين بالنصر على العدو الغاشم الصهاينة الأنجاس


وأجعل أخي المسلم هذا رمضان باب هداية وتوبة لك والحق على نفسك صلي يا اخي صلي


اقسم بالله العظيم ماراح ينفعك غير صلاتك يوم القيامة, 


أن صلحت الصلاة صلحت سائر الاعمال جميعها


لا تستهين بالصلاة يا اخي الكريم, مهما عملت ذنوب ومعاصي لكن لا تترك الصلاة


مازلت مسلم لا تترك الصلاة يا اخي الصلاة ميزان للايمان والكفر


صدقني انا واكتب هذه الكلمات قلبي يتقطع على تارك الصلاة 


صلي ولا تتركها واجعل هذا رمضان بداية الهداية والثبات 


وأدعوا الله دائماً بالثبات على دين الله وحُسن الخاتمة


أسال الله ان ينتقبل منا ومنكم صالح الاعمال والثواب والصيام 


جزاكم الله الف خير والسلام عليكم


رحمة الله وبركاته

And special thanks to @Ballantines, who was always with us and supported us.


He was one of the best administrators I have seen!


Thank you so much Ballantines!


And thank you guys for your patience! ❤️❤️

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اولا السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

🌙Secondly, thank you for your efforts, my brother Mohammad🌙

 🌙I would like to say Ramadan Kareem to all Muslims🌙
🌙واريد ان اقول شيئا لاخواني المسلمين استغلوا هذا الشهر الفضيل للعبادة ولطاعة الله ولا تجعلوه لارتكاب المعاصي 🌙

🌙 و آمل  ان يكون هذا الشهر خيرا علينا ويفك هذا الحصار عن اهل غزة🌙

🌙  واتمنى لكم التوفيق  🌙


Ramadan Uni GIF by University of Balamand Dubai

Edited by NINJAAAA
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@7aMoDiقبل وكل شيء اتقدم بالشكر

احسنت النشر وبارك الله فيك

كل عام وكل الأمة الإسلامية بصحة وسعادة اللهم بلغنا رمضان وأعنا على الصيام والقيام وقراءة القرآن أتقدم بأحر التهاني لكم وأعاده الله عليكم باليمن والبركات  


للزملاء الأكارم اسأل الله الذي تفضل عليكم بحسن وطيب النفس أن يشملكم  بالرحمة والمغفرة وسعة الرزق وتمام العافية رمضان كريم


مبارك عليكم شهر رمضان الله يبارك لكم الشهر الفضيل ويتقبله الله بصالح الأعمال ويعودكم بأحسن حال


اللهم في هذا الشهر المبارك كن لأهلنا في فلسطين عونا ونصيرا أمنهم من كل خوف وعافهم من كل ضعف قوهم واحفظهم وتولهم واجعل الدائرة  لهم واحرسهم بعينك التي لا تنام يا حنان يا منان
اللهم امتنا النصر يارب العالمين  يارب العزة كن لغزة  يارب الطيبين كن لفلسطين اللهم اجمع صفنا ووحد رايتنا  أما أعدائنا يارب فشتت  شملهم  ومزق صفوفهم  وشتت جهدهم  واجعل


تدبيرهم تدميرهم اللهم أن تتقبل الشهداء بقبول حسن وأن تنزل السكينة على قلوبنا وقلوب أمهات الشهداء وثبت قلوب أبائهم اللهم اكتب عندك الشهداء شفعاء لنا ولأهلهم





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🇵🇸 اللهم حرر المسجد الأقصى، واجبر كسرهم 

🇵🇸 واشف مرضاهم، وتقبل شهدائهم برحمتك



Ramadan Mubarak to this servant’s family and this community Thank you, @7aMoDi for praying with our brothers in Palestine in these blessed days. May God accept our fasting, prayers, and good deeds, Amen 🤲

رمضان كريم أعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير والمسرات، كل عام وأنتم في رمضان أقرب إلى الله. رمضان مبارك عليكم وعلى كامل الأسرة الكريمة، تقبل الله منا ومنكم. كل عام وأنتم بخير جعل الله شهر رمضان حاملًا للخيرات والمسرات والبركات

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كل عام وكل الأمة الإسلامية بصحة وسعادة اللهم بلغنا رمضان وأعنا على الصيام والقيام وقراءة القرآن أتقدم بأحر التهاني لكم وأعاده الله عليكم باليمن والبركات  


للزملاء الأكارم اسأل الله الذي تفضل عليكم بحسن وطيب النفس أن يشملكم  بالرحمة والمغفرة وسعة الرزق وتمام العافية رمضان كريم


مبارك عليكم شهر رمضان الله يبارك لكم الشهر الفضيل ويتقبله الله بصالح الأعمال ويعودكم بأحسن حال


اللهم في هذا الشهر المبارك كن لأهلنا في فلسطين عونا ونصيرا أمنهم من كل خوف وعافهم من كل ضعف قوهم واحفظهم وتولهم واجعل الدائرة  لهم واحرسهم بعينك التي لا تنام يا حنان يا منان
اللهم امتنا النصر يارب العالمين  يارب العزة كن لغزة  يارب الطيبين كن لفلسطين اللهم اجمع صفنا ووحد رايتنا  أما أعدائنا يارب فشتت  شملهم  ومزق صفوفهم  وشتت جهدهم  واجعل 


تدبيرهم تدميرهم اللهم أن تتقبل الشهداء بقبول حسن وأن تنزل السكينة على قلوبنا وقلوب أمهات الشهداء وثبت قلوب أبائهم اللهم اكتب عندك الشهداء شفعاء لنا ولأهلهم

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Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims in the world🌙
I hope that it will be a blessed month for you and your families and that you will be in the best condition,

and that you will take advantage of it in obedience, reading the Qur’an, and staying away from bad deeds,

and the most important thing is prayer.

There is no benefit from Ramadan without prayer,

and I hope that it will be a month of change for the better.
I hope that it will be a month of relief for our people in Gaza and that victory will be theirs over the oppressive people
May God accept their martyrs, heal their wounded, and bestow upon them tranquility and His endless mercy

In the end, I say Ramadan Mubarak to everyone, and I hope that God will accept your fasting and obedience ❤️


 🌙رمضان مبارك لكل المسلمين في العالم
اتمنى انك يكون شهرا مباركا لكم ولعائلاتكم وان تكونوا في احسن حال ، وان تستغلوه في الطاعات وقراءة القران  والابتعاد عن السيئات ،واهم شيء الصلاة

،لا فائدة من رمضان بدون صلاة واتمنى ان يكون شهر تغيير للافضل
اتمنى ان يكون  شهر فرج على اهلنا في غزة وان يكون النصر لهم على القوم الظالمين
وان يتقبل الله شهدائهم ويشفي جرحاهم وينزل عليهم السكينة ورحمته التي لا سعة لها

🌙❤️ واقول في النهاية رمضان مبارك للجميع ،واتمنى ان يتقبل الله صيامكم وطاعاتكم

 God said in the Qur’an  / قال الله تعالى في كتابه الكريم



 صدق الله العظيم 

Edited by Bellingham
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كل عام وانتم بخير ، الله يجعله شهر خير و فرج و رحمة علينا و على أهلنا في غزة و كل المسلمين يارب

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رمضان كريم على الامة الإسلامية


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