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¤ Numele dvs.:[dovlecel]*pandacul*666

¤ Administrator acuzat: BLACK CLOVER

¤ Ora și data:17:45 15/08/2023

¤ Motivul raportului:A cumparat cineva mod si m am bagat in cutie cu lm iar un jucator a intrat peste mine spargand lm  meu , imediat a intrat zm cu mod si l a luat , eu reusit sa pun rapid lm pentru ca eram in spate si asta i a zis in chat sa imi da slay ca am spart eu lm si imbecilul  (BLACK CLOVER)ca altfel nu il pot numi mi a dat slay direct  fara sa analizeze ceva, si nu este prima data. I am zis lui ex1t pe server , el mi a zis sa fac report. Dupa toate astea i am zis lui BLACK COVER sa i fac report si mi a dat kick in 2 secunde. am dovada 

ps: am scris in romana , am vazut ca avem admini romani competenti .

¤ Dovada:https://imgur.com/a/ZjqwsOO


in primul rand te rog sa nu jignesti pe nimeni.
da am fost pe server in momentul respectv, adminul i-a dat slay fara sa vada ce s-a intamplat. parerea mea este ca adminul nu a procedat corect. 
dar decizia finala ramane la Wesker sau Ballantines.



first of all, please don't offend anyone.
yes, I was on the server at the time, the admin gave him a slay without seeing what happened. my opinion is that the admin did not proceed correctly.
but the final decision rests with Wesker or Ballantines.

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you have 3h till im home to answer at this topic or you get remove!

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Posted (edited)

someone say : admin

and i say yes 

and he asked me to slay dovllecel cuz he destroy his lm

and i slay him

when the player say slay dovlecel he didnt talked to me and he didnt say anything to slay him when i slay devlecel he say  he destroy my lm too i dont know what i have to do

i forget the name player who asked me to slay dovlecel and i forget to take a ss too


Edited by Ala geutif
Posted (edited)

@Ala geutif to be honest first you should have checked if he really did it, or just warned him!

but about @odoamne i know this guy breaks rules and he has shot my lm alot of times! He also blocks other players. In mods when he has to hide he shoots others lm to go in.

He did it with me and others too alot of times.

Rest the Decision is in @Wesker9 & @Ballantines hand.

Edited by Soul_Crusher
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