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[Accepted] Reclamatie REX


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¤ Numele tau: NDS

¤ Numele adminului: REX

¤ Data si ora: 22:40, 14 septembrie 2022

¤ Motivul reclamatiei: BAN ABUZIV

¤ Dovada (screenshot sau demo):

As dori sa detaliez evenimentul intamplat. Un jucator a luat mod asasin, iar eu m-am grabit si am intrat intr-un iglu (harta era zm_ice_attack3). REX a incercat sa intre in iglu, dar era pus lm, iarDupa 3 secunde, vine assasinul si il omoara.  M-a amenintat cu ban data viitoare, iar eu i-am spus sa inceteze amenintarile (asa cum se poate observa in dovezile de mai jos), si faptul ca nu exista o regula scrisa in regulament ca trebuie sa iau lm ca sa intre si el. Regula este intr-adevar una de bun simt, si in cazul in care se poate aplica, intr-adevar, trebuie aplicata, dar avand in vedere ca asasinul era in spatele lui, nu puteam sa risc sa scot laserul si sa fim amandoi omorati. 

Evident, adminul s-a suparat si m-a amenintat cu ban, si a fost sprijinit de un coleg de-al sau. Dovezile de mai jos sunt absolut concludente in acest sens.

Pe langa banul inutil, care repet, se poate observa in figurile urmatoare, mai exista cateva lucruri pe care doresc sa le reclam.

1) atitudinea superioara a adminului fata de un jucator. Chit ca el este admin, si eu un simplu player, asta nu ii da dreptul sa ma ameninte cu ban numai pentru ca el a fost omorat. 

2) amenintare directa. Nu este in atributul adminului sa isi bata joc de jucatori.

3) sustinerea unui admin pentru un alt admin. Vollmer l-a sustinut incontinuu pe adminul REX, chiar daca stia ca ce a facut este gresit.

Doresc sa mai adaug urmatoarele aspecte: ca orice om normal, la 25 de ani, am venit de la munca, am mancat, si am spus sa intru sa ma joc, sa am o seara relaxanta. Evident ca nu e scopul meu sa stau pe site toata ziua sa fac reclamatii. Cred ca intelegeti ce inseamna sa faci snapshot, sa le convertesti sa aiba dimensiune redusa, sa intri pe forum, sa explici motivat si clar problema in cauza. Am fost si eu admin pe alte servere si am experienta mare in acest lucru, dar asa ceva numai la admini de rang mic si incepatori am vazut. Sunt un tip normal, ca restul, care reclama un lucru gresit. Faptul ca mi-am luat din timpul propriu sa reclam acest comportament complet abuziv (dureaza cam 30 de minute sa faci o reclamatie temeinica) conduce in mod evident la faptul ca exista o nemultumire reala si corecta in spatele acestui eveniment. In rest, cred ca si ceilalti admini cu care am mai vorbit, Casper, Geany, pot sa confirme faptul ca sunt un jucator linistit. Va rog luati in considerare cele precizate anterior si sa judecati cu buna credinta ce s-a intamplat.

Va multumec!

P.S: avand in vedere ca sunt 7 poze si am reusit sa incarc numai 5, voi incarca urmatoarele 2 poze intr-un reply. 



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I was going back InGame and saw REX writing ("nds next time ban"), so i did asked him what has happened. So he told me that @NDS has blocked + stopped  @real rexx from moving by putting an laser-mine on him, after that he got banned by @real rexx.


So in exactly good steps this has happened:


  1. @NDS putted up a lasermine.
  2. @real rexx got into the same iglu & blocked / could not move by @NDS's lasermine.
  3. After that REX wrote him "nds next time ban".
  4. Then i came back from AFK and have read the text above.
  5. And then i wanted to make sure that @NDS knows what he has done wrong.
  6. After that @NDS got banned by @real rexx


Nothing more & nothing less.

Edited by VollmeR
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first i bought tryder when he was asssissin And he couldn't kill me 

and from where he start to put lm on me and he say "nope" 2 time i think ,

and the assassin come to kill me ?

i asked him but he keep do this 





Edited by real rexx
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Afirmatiile facute de Vollmer si rex pot fi combatute prin simpla logica.

In primul rand, nu pot sa imi dau seama ce legatura are runda in care a cumparat asasin cu runda in care un asasin l-a omorat.

In al doilea rand, cand am cumparat lm-ul respectiv, nu a fost runda in care el a fost asasin, si nici rex. A fost o runda normala.

In al treilea rand, Vollmer a spus ca a incercat sa imi explice ce am gresit. A incercat sa imi explice amenintandu-ma cu ban pe o regula nescrisa? Regula este de bun imt si aplicabila in momentul in care se poate, eu aveam  lm pus si asasinul era la 3 secunde in spatele lui. 

In al patrulea rand, as dori sa comentez cu privire la motivul banului, respectiv "block me all the time". Oare titulatura all the time este valabila pentru o singura data cand el a incercat sa intre in iglu si nu a reusit ca era deja pus lm? Motivul pentru ban se da clar, concis si in concordanta cu realitatea. Altfel, are aceeasi valoare cu orice ar fi putut scrie fara simt de raspundere (de exemplu, motiv ban : qefgdfeear sau rhhbfgbfdff). expresia "all the time" dezinformeaza si este incorecta si in neconcordanta cu o atitudine corecta, matura din partea unui admin, fiind prima data cand moare din cauza lm-ului meu.

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Acum 22 minute, VollmeR a spus:



I was going back InGame and saw REX writing ("nds next time ban"), so i did asked him what has happened. So he told me that @NDS has blocked + stopped  @real rexx from moving by putting an laser-mine on him, after that he got banned by @real rexx.


So in exactly good steps this has happened:


  1. @NDS putted up a lasermine.
  2. @real rexx got into the same iglu & blocked / could not move by @NDS's lasermine.
  3. After that REX wrote him "nds next time ban".
  4. Then i came back from AFK and have read the text above.
  5. And then i wanted to make sure that @NDS knows what he has done wrong.
  6. After that @NDS got banned by @real rexx


Nothing more & nothing less.


REX could have used m5 to unstuck

And i ask again, since when do we ban players for block? Since when?


Acum 19 minute, real rexx a spus:

first i bought tryder when he was asssissin And he couldn't kill me 

and from where he start to put lm on me and he say "nope" 2 time i think ,

and the assassin come to kill me ?

i asked him but he keep do this 






What you say here does not have any logic. I dont think players put lm on others, it simply happens; happened to me lots of times
I either used m5 to unstuck or slayed the player; not ban 🙂

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Acum 23 minute, real rexx a spus:


I didn't find time to slay  him and do m5 i tell him to remove lms but he said nope 


You didnt had time to slay him, but you had time to talk with him
m5 is faster than talk


Acum 12 minute, real rexx a spus:

But he was protected from my lm he have the time to remove his lm ?

He said nope nope 

Again, like Geany said: he cannot be forced in any way to remove the lm to let others in, since the round started
This thing started just because you was killed. How is it fair from you? Banning a player for not letting you in

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Acum 8 ore, tsemaa a spus:


You didnt had time to slay him, but you had time to talk with him
m5 is faster than talk


Again, like Geany said: he cannot be forced in any way to remove the lm to let others in, since the round started
This thing started just because you was killed. How is it fair from you? Banning a player for not letting you in

The decision it’s your tsema.  I’m end.

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