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The lockout in the Major Leagues was expected to be resolved in 24 hours or that the negotiations could extend for months, all this because of not reaching an agreement between Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Baseball Association (MLBPA).

According to Meridiano's review, for these reasons MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred sent a statement to the media and fans in general explaining the situation and highlighting the importance of starting the 2022 season on time.

This contingency had not been present for 26 years, the date of the Great Unemployment of Major League Baseball players. This year one of the main reasons for the agreement not being given is the refusal of the salary cap by the players.

Manfred stressed that he remains optimistic and hopes that both parties will reach an agreement in the shortest possible time for the good of baseball.

Statement from the Major League Baseball Players Association

The commission announced in its statement that the measure is a form of pressure on players to accept the decisions of the team owners and lose their benefits earned elsewhere.

“This closure is a drastic measure, regardless of the moment. It is not required by law or for any other reason. It was the owners' choice, plain and simple, calculated specifically to pressure the players to renounce their rights and benefits, "the statement said.

“These tactics are not new. We have been here before, and the players have risen to the occasion time and time again, "added the text.

This statement made clear the position of the Players Union in the negotiations they have with Major League Baseball.

LINK:  https://www.el-carabobeno.com/rob-manfred-anuncia-cierre-patronal-en-mlb/

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