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Request Recruitment [Solutioned]


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uviTR2Y.png Nick: MasterKid
uviTR2Y.png Nume reak Alin
uviTR2Y.png Cati ani ai?
: 17
uviTR2Y.png Ce jocuri te joci? si cat de mult ca timp?(fiecare dintre ele): cs 1.6 am 12 mii si ceva de ore si pe cs go in care am 700
uviTR2Y.png De unde esti?(tara si oras): Romania,Bucuresti
uviTR2Y.png Descrie-te(cel putin 50 de cuvinte): Sunt un  om bun,imi place sa-i ajut pe altii,vorbesc si ma comport frumos ; cand trebuie sa fac neaparat ceva l am facut ca sa nu ma risc!
uviTR2Y.png Noteaza cateva din calitatile tale: Descurcaret,destept 
uviTR2Y.png Spune-ne cateva din defectele tale: Vorbesc mult cand nu inteleg un lucru mai greut chiar daca mi se explica mai intreb de cateva ori...si uneori renunt repede ca mi se pare prea greu:)

I speak a lot when I'm not understand a hard thing even if somebody explain me few time.And sometimes I give up very easy because I think is very hard
uviTR2Y.png Ai avut vreodata orice fel de responsabilitati(descrie): Am avut sv NewLife pt prima data si l am dus pe 8 mondial dupaia m am lasat un pic  si l am preluat de la wizz si de pe 245 l am dus pe 69 dar n am mai avut bani ca sa l pot tine in continuare:)

uviTR2Y.png Pe care categorie/categorii ai fost activ/a in ultima perioada?(descrie-ti activitate): Pe forum,si pe sv zombie.csblackdevil.com sunt mereu afk!
uviTR2Y.png Care categorie/proiect doresti sa ai sub responsabilitate?(alege din ACEASTA LISTA):
uviTR2Y.png Cat de bine vorbesti engleza?(si alte dialecte): Stiu franceza si la engleza ma descurc bn cu vb si cat de cat cu scrisul ? 
uviTR2Y.png Folosesti TS3? Ai un microfon activ?: Da,am primit si moderator pe ts3:) de la mr love dar n am mai intrat dar o sa intru nu este nicio problema
uviTR2Y.png Metode pentru contacthttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197997514586/ instagram:alin9558, facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100013269702949
uviTR2Y.png Ultima cerere: Este prima

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On 4/27/2020 at 3:37 PM, REVAN said:

Hello there, since you told us you know how to write in english, please, translate in a reply below mine your Description of 50 words.

Seems like our "applican't" doesn't want to answer, maybe he perceived your answer as an insult or i don't know or maybe couldn't be active anymore.


WtiKIUH.gif Thank you for your request @MasterKid™ ! 

mUfIxiH.png We are interested in people that could help us but you do not meet our requirements. Please return after 30 days with a new request when we hope you will be active and find yourself a project(the fact that you HAD a server can't be defined as a reason for you to obttain a administrative rank).

Click on one of the image to get to apply for a specific project if you want something new

lCYReC6.png            ukP9OPk.png            opD9toi.png            D7MF0JI.png           VOuqEZq.png
Wish you all the best!


Maintain Your Creativity Reckoning Originality

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