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Your vote counts to the future of the Design project! / Votul tau conteaza pentru viitorul proiectului de Design!  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it worth it re-opening all the mini-projects from Design? / Chiar merita sa re-deschidem toate mini-proiectele din Design?

    • Yes
    • No

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Hello there,


As you can probably know, the Design project was one of the biggest and the oldest projects of CsBlackDevil. Last year we introduced multiple mini-projects within Design section like GFX Pass, GFX Quests, GFX Gift Box, AOTW etc. As you can probably see, now, the Design section is empty, without any mini projects, only the important parts of the Design (Requests, resources, galleries, gifts etc). Why? because the inactivity occured, from all of us. Don't take me wrong, there were some of you and some of us that were and are still active at this very moment, but, from what we expected, something was different, something was out of the question and every mini-project became an empty category, except the Requests of course. Nobody was interested. The GFX Pass was one of our most abitious mini-project and an excellent ideea for us & you. It was like a Battle Pass from a game ( PUBG, Fortnite etc) and it only required from you to be active. You could've win even real money, and some of you won, and that's great! But the activity came only from the Request section, and multiple members didn't even notice I was tagging them in the User Timetable. 

Why they are deleted? Well, they are hidden, not deleted, with with the ideea of showing them again.


The only thing I'm asking, all of you: Is this worth it? 






Dupa cum bine stiti, proiectul Design a fost unul dintre cele mai mari si vechi proiecte ale comunitatii CsBlackDevil. Anul trecut am adaugat proiectului, mini-proiecte ca sa le zic asa, cum ar fi GFX Pass, GFX Quests, GFX Gift Box, Aotw etc. Dupa cum puteti vedea acum, sectiunea de Design este cam goala, fara niciun mini-proiect, doar categoriile importante cum ar fi cererile, resursele, galeriile, cadourile etc. De ce? Pentru ca a intervenit inactivitatea, din partea tuturor. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, au fost si inca sunt cativa dintre noi si voi care inca sunt activi pana si in ziua de azi, dar, din ce ne-am asteptat noi, ceva a fost diferit, a iesit ceva din ecuatie si fiecare mini-proiect era doar o categorie goala, inafar de categoria de Cereri. Nimeni nu era interesat in a participa. GFX Pass a fost una dintre cele mai ambitioase mini-proiecte ale noastre si o idee excelenta adusa pentru voi. A fost ca un Battle Pass dintr-un joc Battle Royale ca PUBG sau Fortnite si tot ce trebuia sa faceti, era sa fiti activi in diferite zone ale categoriei. Puteati sa castigati chiar si bani reali, si unde dintre voi chiar ati castigat, si chestia asta e foarte tare! Dar activitatea venea doar din partea de Cereri, iar multi membri nici nu stiau de ce sunt taggati in topicul User Timetable facut.

De ce au fost sterse? Ei bine, nu au fost sterse, sunt ascunse cu ideea ca intr-o buna zi sa le punem din nou pe picioare.


Singura mea intrebare catre voi este: Chiar merita?





REVAN,     GFX Coordinator & Administrator CsBlackDevil.

  • I love it 7
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The most project I love The most project I am designing is very fun and I love it very much and @REVAN It is really good because he is the owner of this project And I love the design because I really enjoy it  The project is difficult but interesting Really fun I wish you a good day




Yo @REVAN as you remember there was AOTW and SOTW you can bring them back again i really dont know why its hidden for now but also i dont trust some people to be honest and they will ask some to vote for them but you can change that by making administrators, GM and GFX Designers only who can vote and it will be for prizes you can choose what it is so if this will back i will vote for yes if not i will vote for no 

Posted (edited)



In my opinion the problem is the activity, but much users want to learn but they don't know how to do it. You can do a section with some "courses" about doing an avatar or a signature 

Edited by robila
  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @REVAN , as i know the "Design Project" ,and till now project was successfully. But in this period the project is inactive ( by design members ) Its a good thing that  u did not gave up for this project and still going on .

I want to make a little suggest or tell you something,may you can create a section at your category & project for tutorials ?! like how to post signatures & avatars & vote,every single thing . Because i can say 30% of community members are interested at Designing,so i think you gotta do a kind of tutorials to make to the members who're interested more easy for learning design !

As i started for my team #Journalists, i maked this tutorial "Tutorial Review" : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/326894-tutorial-how-to-post-review-in-world-of-games/ 


#All The Best 

-Your Friend,



2 minutes ago, Bandolero- said:

Hello @REVAN , as i know the "Design Project" ,and till now project was successfully. But in this period the project is inactive ( by design members ) Its a good thing that  u did not gave up for this project and still going on .

I want to make a little suggest or tell you something,may you can create a section at your category & project for tutorials ?! like how to post signatures & avatars & vote,every single thing . Because i can say 30% of community members are interested at Designing,so i think you gotta do a kind of tutorials to make to the members who're interested more easy for learning design !

As i started for my team #Journalists, i maked this tutorial "Tutorial Review" : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/topic/326894-tutorial-how-to-post-review-in-world-of-games/ 


#All The Best 

-Your Friend,



Need to excuse you for a moment, but right now, the activity in Design section is by far increased since last time when we were 5 designers (Now 14).


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E buna initiativa ta, insa mai mult de jumatate din staff-ul design nu sunt activi la cereri. Daca acum nu e activitate cand sunt doar CERERI, ce sa mai zicem cand vor vor fi deschise alte priecte? Parerea mea este sa nu ne grabim, si sa ne mobilizam crescand activitatea la cereri, si ulterior, conform progresului, daca il vom avea, se va putea deschide aceasta discutie.

  • I love it 2
  • 1 month later...

I know i seem like i just joined the design section , but i have been here since 2015 ,

i joined a long time ago , but i didn't get the chance to check the mini projects you talked about , 

but if it's as you say - then i am gladly voting yes , and i would like to see them reopen.

On 2/11/2020 at 8:27 AM, Destrix said:

For me design activity is very bad with my desires in a lot of designers because it is not very active so projects must be opened and re-achieved and new laws developed

Hey, hey, did you take your time to think this? Let's remember that not everyone can design in a big way, if it were, you would do it yourself, by this I mean the fact that designers respond to requests, well, but not to answer them every day, design takes time.. the longer the better the work

As for the mini-projects, I think it should take some time to reopen again, when you start to notice the activity in GFX again.

  • I love it 2
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