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¤ Pseudonimul tău:$!The~@bdo!$
¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, abur:abdoandahmed3333@gmail.com
¤ Vârsta (trebuie să aibă sau mai mare de 14 ani):16 ani
¤ Limbile pe care le puteți vorbi:engleza, Egypt
¤ Locația ta:Bacau, Egypt
¤ Experiență ca administrator:2-3 ani 
¤ Poți să stai spectator sau să joci între orele 22:00 până la 12:00 PM:Nu mereu 
¤ Link-ul orelor pe care le-ați jucat pe server 
¤ Motivul că doriți să fiți administrator:help players
¤ Parolă: Secured!

i want adminstrator please


Contra. Ai o activitate buna dar ai gresit parola. Nu ai citit regulamentul Newlifezm. Si nu cred ca poti vorbi "egypt" iti spun fara suparare.  Eventual Araba. 
Stai in bacau sau Egypt? 


Even if you have the most perfect activity I will say contra:

Reason 1 : You are always breaking this rule > NOTE: For new request, you must wait one week has passed since the last request.

Reason 2 : You don't want to read rules.


Read all rules to find hidden Password then post it !


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Acum 3 ore, $!The~@bdo!$ a spus:

¤ Pseudonimul tău:$!The~@bdo!$
¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, abur:abdoandahmed3333@gmail.com
¤ Vârsta (trebuie să aibă sau mai mare de 14 ani):16 ani
¤ Limbile pe care le puteți vorbi:engleza, Egypt
¤ Locația ta:Bacau, Egypt
¤ Experiență ca administrator:2-3 ani 
¤ Poți să stai spectator sau să joci între orele 22:00 până la 12:00 PM:Nu mereu 
¤ Link-ul orelor pe care le-ați jucat pe server 
¤ Motivul că doriți să fiți administrator:help players
¤ Parolă: Secured!

i want adminstrator please


Acum 2 ore, HaCK.EM" All! a spus:

Este o activitate bună de făcut. Vrem să înțelegeți regulile norocului

#Big Contra U Create U Multi Acounts To Reply We Cann See he is From Egypt And Tolk Romana And He Tolk Not Egypt or English Langue He Just Copy Paste And Edit Nick And Link From Activiti And Fisnish . And Wait To Give Ihm Pro

Me Opion To Accepted U Admin Request

1. Stop Reply with Fake Conts

2. Stop Make All 24 Hours New Admin Request

Acum 34 minute, $!The~@bdo!$ a spus:

i read the rules from before

U Say u Read The Server Rules . When u Ready Know The Rules Why Spam All Time With Admin Request 24-24 Hours

3. Make Activiti in Forum , Ts3 and Server

4. Respect Admins +Rules

5. When u make Admin Request u Put Wrong Pasword Make Activit Ts3 , Forum + server Good activiti and Respect Admin (Rules) And Come After 7 Days Also 1 Weck And Make A New Request From Me Have #Contra

Contra Big Contra !! Good Loock

7 hours ago, K (No Sound)'' said:

Even if you have the most perfect activity I will say contra:

Reason 1 : You are always breaking this rule > NOTE: For new request, you must wait one week has passed since the last request.

Reason 2 : You don't want to read rules.


Read all rules to find hidden Password then post it !



  • I love it 2
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