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  • Your name: The_Saw
  • Claimed Admin name: AldofromTropoja
  • Date and time:in picture 08/01/2019
  • Reason of complaint: he ban me because i say why no slay sniper no hide  ( this admin retard ) i dont insult loool are u ok AldofromTropoja ? another time admin should learn how to accept request admin because player can't do anything just use command
  • Proof (screenshot or console or demo)  https://imgur.com/a/VxlN7i6
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I banned The Saw because he insulted me! As you can see here on this post on imgur https://imgur.com/gallery/PruMPWm he sad that i am an retarted admin, and this is an insult.

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There when u sad me to slay the sniper there were only afk and someone that was freeze by me.

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Viking if u see on the first word that read in that peacture says 

[ADMIN] AldofromTropoja: made tito frost due to camping. 

This player tito was the last one who could move i freezed him cous of no attack on sniper..


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Posted (edited)



The sniper have hp 200 and he will die , if the player are afk why he don't hide so ? he try to fly to dont get dommage because there are player who try to attack him, u wasn't spec sniper we say all player to sniper hide and no slap or slay there is player who say also to sniper hide as PG and other player

Other way , when i say this admin retard , it is an insult loool maybe u have to traducte english words before using command or do rules 

By google traduction => retard : delay or hold back in terms of progress or development, where is insulting mother or sister or or ? lool

  • Insulting admin or player mother, sister, or insulting god or religions, or attempting to start racist topics (500 min).
Edited by The_Saw
  • Haha 1
Posted (edited)

Firstly u dont have proof that the sniper was flying but someone else that sad "hide,Slay" couse he didn's se that all other zombies were afk  expect someone. 

Secondly know Those Who Are Disabled, im sure u know. Peopels call them Retard's cosue thay do not have full opportunities to be like others. I do not want someone to call me Retard couse this is an insult, and if this is an insult then this is against our Community.

The thirt 

A word used to describe someone who is profoundly stupid. A type of stupidity that is an insult to intelligence itself. Politically correct people would like you to be rude to someone in a less offensive way, perhaps by calling them dumb instead. 
Edited by AldofromTropoja
I added the link.
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So Stay there, wait for 500minutes, then Request Unban.

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first thing : it is different between retard and retarded and i thnik that rules say insult player 's mother , god get a ban else if u thnik that is an insult u should give me gag like ( noob , bot ... )

why we say to sniper hide ? why i ask u why no slay sniper because he don't hide ? u ask me for proof ? u have prrof that u say to zm to attack or slay slap ? u was there and when we say to sniper to hide and u don't do anything u start to freeze player without saying attack and slap 3 times , if u was afk u should see all player befor do command the sniper was 200 hp and he run we use all madness to attack hm he was blocked but he use jet to run as i say if he attack afk why he use jet ?

11 minutes ago, AldofromTropoja said:

So Stay there, wait for 500minutes, then Request Unban.

you arent the person who give me order to do what i want , u should wait until admin reply to this topic , u have do mistakes and u should just reply with poof else i think that you should respect player


i was there watching everything i was not afk,

i slaped 3 times that guy then i freez him then u sad to slay the sniper. You sayd this because in your mind you thought there were players who were not afk but i was specing everybody. 

why do you extend the amount.? You called me retard.
thats a word used to describe someone who is deeply stupid. 

The rules says:

                  Insulting admin or player mother, sister, or insulting god or religions, or attempting to start racist topics (500 min).

It means if u insult one of this : Admin,

                                             Player mother , sister 

                                             God or regilions 

its is not if u insult admin's mother its if u insult Admin.


  • Sad 1

Show me proof that you slap or say zm attack , i have do 3 screen with different time shoot and never show this action ( slap , slay , say ), u say that u are not afk so why no slay sniper he have 200 hp and use jet ? there is a proof that sniper have 200 hp and player say slay no hide so what else u want to see , i don't care about u ban me or do mistakes but server becomse bad because of new admins that use command for nothing,

I have 3 proof that u have do mistake and u have just proff that i say : this admin retard , befor i say retard admin ( sniper kill player and use jet and he have 200 hp if he was hide he will die he don't use lm nd player spent amo to take madness so u let him to kill all ) when i ask u to why u have retard to slay sniper that i mean u start to freeze directly player but the other was die because the sniper was attacking and use jet without hide 

u juste have proof that i say retard and for u its ur problem if u take it like a bad word ( i say this admin and other line retard and not retarded ) so u can also think when i say to you other word as insult so sorry u can judge me with a word that is not a bad in english.


  • I love it 1

Firstly.>>The reason i didn't slay him is that i was warning him saying "HIDE OR SLAY". Yeah i don't have proof that i slaped him but you can ask everybody here who i am and how do i Respect rules I can never make such a mistake not to make a warning before Slay/gag someone couse i am not here for fun.

But u dont have proof to that i didn't warn him so do not filter without bases. 

U care that u got ban couse your reputation is down you insulted me and now you dont want to accept nothing while proofs say's everything.

1 hour ago, The_Saw said:

Show me proof that you slap or say zm attack , i have do 3 screen with different time shoot and never show this action ( slap , slay , say ), u say that u are not afk so why no slay sniper he have 200 hp and use jet ? there is a proof that sniper have 200 hp and player say slay no hide so what else u want to see , i don't care about u ban me or do mistakes but server becomse bad because of new admins that use command for nothing,


Secondly.>> In this picture u can see that i am the first who Freezed that player and then u sad slay !!!!! https://imgur.com/gallery/PruMPWm

1 hour ago, The_Saw said:

I have 3 proof that u have do mistake and u have just proff that i say : this admin retard , befor i say retard admin ( sniper kill player and use jet and he have 200 hp if he was hide he will die he don't use lm nd player spent amo to take madness so u let him to kill all ) when i ask u to why u have retard to slay sniper that i mean u start to freeze directly player but the other was die because the sniper was attacking and use jet without hide 



And the last.   This is you'r problem too couse u sad that. Do you know what u have done? U have insult an Administrator and for this you have to be punished.

I am saying this for the last time


Retard, when used as a verb is to refer to delay or hold back in terms of progress or development, or to be delayed[1]. As a noun, it is considered a dated, offensive and pejorative term when used to refer to a person who has a mental disability.


1 hour ago, The_Saw said:

u juste have proof that i say retard and for u its ur problem if u take it like a bad word ( i say this admin and other line retard and not retarded ) so u can also think when i say to you other word as insult so sorry u can judge me with a word that is not a bad in english.



7 hours ago, AldofromTropoja said:

And the last.   This is you'r problem too couse u sad that. Do you know what u have done? U have insult an Administrator and for this you have to be punished.

I am saying this for the last time


Retard, when used as a verb is to refer to delay or hold back in terms of progress or development, or to be delayed[1]. As a noun, it is considered a dated, offensive and pejorative term when used to refer to a person who has a mental disability.



As u see u put the explain for word retard and u get the bad side ( or refer ) i say retard and not retarded

7 hours ago, AldofromTropoja said:

Firstly.>>The reason i didn't slay him is that i was warning him saying "HIDE OR SLAY". Yeah i don't have proof that i slaped him but you can ask everybody here who i am and how do i Respect rules I can never make such a mistake not to make a warning before Slay/gag someone couse i am not here for fun.

But u dont have proof to that i didn't warn him so do not filter without bases. 

U care that u got ban couse your reputation is down you insulted me and now you dont want to accept nothing while proofs say's everything.

Secondly.>> In this picture u can see that i am the first who Freezed that player and then u sad slay !!!!! https://imgur.com/gallery/PruMPWm


Haha u judge Me with ur proof ?? here is my proof that i say and spamming u when i say hide why no slay befor ur start freeze or slap and PIG say too slay no hide and he say goo https://ibb.co/RBxKY5k

There is also a warning befor this to hide by player but we don't have proof not me for hide slay and not for you when u use command

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8 hours ago, bolfosu said:

I make him retard and is not insult? have u check his health pappers and u was see he is retarded? u was lucky with only 500 minutes ?

I think that u arent there to judge between us , so u should use proof to answer not making stress to admins to reply Thanks 

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I tell what I understand and correct me if I am wrong:

In sniper round, in start of the round, the sniper hide. And after a while he go out and start shooting zm.

his hp was 200 so he use jetpack to run from a zombie who still attacking him.

(Untill now, I dont see why admin should slay the sniper because he hide in the beggining of the round)

After that, Aldofromtropoja slap 3 times the last zombie who wasnt afk because he didnt attack, and then he freeze him.

At this time, as the screens show, The_saw say to aldo "retard" and aldo ban him for 500 min for insult admin.

Am I right ? or there is something I missed ?

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7 hours ago, AldofromTropoja said:

Firstly.>>The reason i didn't slay him is that i was warning him saying "HIDE OR SLAY". Yeah i don't have proof that i slaped him but you can ask everybody here who i am and how do i Respect rules I can never make such a mistake not to make a warning before Slay/gag someone couse i am not here for fun.

But u dont have proof to that i didn't warn him so do not filter without bases. 

U care that u got ban couse your reputation is down you insulted me and now you dont want to accept nothing while proofs say's everything.

Secondly.>> In this picture u can see that i am the first who Freezed that player and then u sad slay !!!!! https://imgur.com/gallery/PruMPWm


PS : u say tht u arnt afk and u are watching player so how to explain that yesterday u play at the time  ( banned time ) for 60 minute and u have low score so there is two thnig : first u don't attack or you are afk proof : https://www.gametracker.com/player/AldofromTropoja/

Proof 2 : https://imgur.com/gallery/is7Xh8q u banned other player that he insult you but as u see he say to yoou that he was talking with player who change name not you so as i thnik u come and focus player and get ur own judge to use command ?

¤ Date / Time :08/01/2019 - 21:32:28

  • Haha 1
4 minutes ago, Viking 007 said:

I tell what I understand and correct me if I am wrong:

In sniper round, in start of the round, the sniper hide. And after a while he go out and start shooting zm.

his hp was 200 so he use jetpack to run from a zombie who still attacking him.

(Untill now, I dont see why admin should slay the sniper because he hide in the beggining of the round)

After that, Aldofromtropoja slap 3 times the last zombie who wasnt afk because he didnt attack, and then he freeze him.

At this time, as the screens show, The_saw say to aldo "retard" and aldo ban him for 500 min for insult admin.

Am I right ? or there is something I missed ?

The sniper was blocked and zm attack him with madness when he  run he still use jet to run because there is other player who attack him down , so sniper was blocking and never use LM else why no hide if player are afk !!!!

16 minutes ago, Viking 007 said:

I tell what I understand and correct me if I am wrong:

In sniper round, in start of the round, the sniper hide. And after a while he go out and start shooting zm.

his hp was 200 so he use jetpack to run from a zombie who still attacking him.

(Untill now, I dont see why admin should slay the sniper because he hide in the beggining of the round)

After that, Aldofromtropoja slap 3 times the last zombie who wasnt afk because he didnt attack, and then he freeze him.

At this time, as the screens show, The_saw say to aldo "retard" and aldo ban him for 500 min for insult admin.

Am I right ? or there is something I missed ?

Image result for zm_snowbase3

sniper was blocked there down in place that can get 2 player to block him so he use jet and jet to run for first time we was many and we use madness that hp become 200 but he sucess to run and he use jet i thnik map is not big to use jet when he attack afk even player afk are in the same place 

else why two or more player say why no hide to him if we khnow that all player are afk .... i suppose that are player was afk so i feel that he will give me ban ? so that i say hide looooooooool

  • Haha 1

I understand, so the sniper hide first and then he run while zm were attacking.

Normally he should when he run, he should hide again.

Now we come back to subjet of the report, it's the ban for 500 min because of insult admin.


I see that there was no need to insult admin using the word "retard". If you see an admin not applying rules correctely you can take proofs and report him, not insult him.

Even if you say "noob" to an admin he can ban you because rules are clear : Gag for insult players. ban for insult admin. and ban for insult mother/sister .. of players.

So the ban is clear and correct.

Report rejected.


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