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CS 1.6 Problem


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Try this: go to ''Computer/LocalDisk C :"  and Delete the folder ''System32"              "Jk" :v

Try t his : Try to reinstall your cs again BUT BUT, when u are here Change the name of the folder and put anything like this C :\Program Files\Counter-Strike Example




Edited by Doge Full4k
ajám :v
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hello dude your cs have been destroyed before a couple minuts . See this so you must to restart your pc or rienstall you cs  O r you can download a new Cs 1.6.

this is only way . Just forget your old Cs.  nothing can fix your Cs after amx_destroy 

Edited by Blackfire [✖‿✖] ²
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Acum 49 minute, ScaaaaarlXr'D™. a spus:

Hello .

Type "sv_timeout 999999" in console .. if this doesnt work then delete ur cs and download : https://cswarzone.com/cs/ 



Acum 42 minute, [N]audy a spus:

Your problem is simple. This happens when you have destroy in your CS.


Acum 7 minute, Mr.SnaPeR a spus:

you have been destroyed from an admin in server 

so you can watch this video but try to avoid destroy next time 


As the previous comments said this was destroyed in a server so it can not enter your Cs it is recommended that you delete your Cs from your PC and reinstall it

You can try some options that users are facilitating to see if any of them work


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