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Twelve people, 10 journalists and two policemen, have been killed, and 10 others wounded in the shooting massacre at the Paris headquarters of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo. Three of the wounded are in critical condition.



The hooded gunmen stormed the offices at 11.30 am Paris time (10.30 am GMT), reportedly having forced a staff member to open the door at gunpoint.


“They shot Wolinski, Cabu… it lasted about five minutes… I took cover under a desk… they spoke perfect French… they said they were Al-Qaida,” cartoonist Corine Rey, aka “Coco”, was quoted as saying by the weekly Humanité. The woman told the paper she was the one who let the men inside, with them pointing a gun at her.



A witness, Benoit Bringer, told TV station iTELE two black-hooded men were seen entering the building with Kalashnikovs rifles, with "lots of shots" being heard a few minutes later. One of the men was captured on video shouting "Allah!" as four shots rang out, Reuters reported.




Two assailants were then seen leaving the scene, and exchanging fire with police officers, killing one, before fleeing in a car towards the eastern Paris suburbs. The car was later found in the nearby 19th district, in northeastern Paris. The attackers are still on the run.
  • I love it 4

All happends because exist ISIS , AL-QAIDA and other terrorists. All terrorists will face the judgement of God in any Name of Him. That`s why Palesine need to pay the price , all stuffs will stop when humans will understands cuz` cariing a war will not solve anything. All shoud left the war , ISIS shoud die , Hammas and all others shoud die too. 

Love the Name of God , not the war.

  • I love it 1

Hamas is a organization for defense Palestinian state.

Hamas is the bad part of Palestine who is still fighting for nothing , kill people from Israel to revenge. Why? For God? Did God ask us a war? No. We shoud make peace but because some organizations like this...  war never stops.

  • I love it 1

All these Terrorists Act in name of "Allah"...are a shame for ISLAM religion true muslims are peaceful and against violence !!! 

  • I love it 1

Conform publicatiei Le Point, politia franceza are in acest caz doi suspecti franco-alegerieni, de 32 si 34 de ani, reveniti in aceasta vara din Siria. Un al treilea suspect, soferul teroristilor, ar fi un om al strazii, potrivit sursei citate.


The suspects has been caught , frech police has 2 suspects , french&algerians , 32 and 34 years old , last summer they came back from Siria. The third suspect , the driver is an homeless.



The suspects has been caught , frech police has 2 suspects , french&algerians , 32 and 34 years old , last summer they came back from Siria. The third suspect , the driver is an homeless.


Jihad in the way of Allah, you are not muslim you can not understand the things of war


they Talking about our religion



In magazines and some official newspapers



if you understand language Frensh then read this :




if you want i will translation


u6NsIgg.png   =  Islamism threatened by rap and nipples


kdCuAwS.png   =   The Quran is the shit

  • I love it 1
  • Heavenly

All happends because exist ISIS , AL-QAIDA and other terrorists. All terrorists will face the judgement of God in any Name of Him. That`s why Palesine need to pay the price , all stuffs will stop when humans will understands cuz` cariing a war will not solve anything. All shoud left the war , ISIS shoud die , Hammas and all others shoud die too.

Love the Name of God , not the war.

Hamas is the bad part of Palestine who is still fighting for nothing , kill people from Israel to revenge. Why? For God? Did God ask us a war? No. We shoud make peace but because some organizations like this... war never stops.

You are insultting Hamas I think you don't know about him "idem LOADING!" He is Organization for Defense Palestine. If you dont know about anyone PLEASE don't Talk about it. Be Carefull what you say about him. "HAMAS IS NOT TERRORIST"


Jihad in the way of Allah, you are not muslim you can not understand the things of war


they Talking about our religion



In magazines and some official newspapers



if you understand language Frensh then read this :




if you want i will translation


u6NsIgg.png   =  Islamism threatened by rap and nipples


kdCuAwS.png   =   The Quran is the shit


This is not a reason to kill 12 people.

God was tepted by the devil himself and God resists temptations. If someone slap you on left cheek you turn the right cheek to slap it too. This is faith.


hey man muslims are very peacfull and if they  are dead now they will go to  paradise and those how kill them they will go to the Hell 

  R.I.P all muslums


Potrivit informatiilor initiale, doi politisti ar fi fost raniti in schimbul de focuri, dintre care o agenta a politiei municipale ar fi in stare grava. Nu s-a putut stabili nicio legatura intre atacul de joi si cel de la Charlie Hebdo, dar cei doi politisti intervenisera in cazul unui accident de circulatie care implica o masina Clio gri. O masina de acelasi tip a fost furata miercuri de autorii masacrului de la saptamanalul francez

Potrivit unor informatii initiale, atacatorul ar fi rusit sa fuga in reteaua de metrou, insa ulterior politia a retinut un suspect in schimbul de focuri de joi dimineata, a scris L'Express. Potrivit cotidianului, omul era inarmat si echipat cu o vesta antiglont. Postul de radio RTL sustine ca suspectul ar fi "de origine africana", deci ar putea sa nu fie unul dintre cei doi atacatori de la Charlie Hebdo. Supozitia este sustinuta si de televiziunea BFM, care sustine ca barbatul retinut ar fi nascut in 1962 si ar avea antecedente penale.


Teroristii nu se opresc, vor ucide in numele lui Allah adica dintr-o prostie. 


George , tu spui ca Hamas si restul teroristilor sunt aparatorii patriei , dar ei instiga la violente si crime. 


Respect for true muslims , they have the real faith. All terrorists will face the judgement of God but before they`ll have a great life in prison. 




next time, i hope that 50 cops will die.

Ce sa spui si tu.. sau **** din tine. Daca la viitorul atac vor ataca civili si vei fi printre ei? Vei murii ca un ***  Tie un atac terorist ti se pare subiect de gluma?

Bravo , ai facut +1


Ce sa spui si tu.. sau **** din tine. Daca la viitorul atac vor ataca civili si vei fi printre ei? Vei murii ca un ***  Tie un atac terorist ti se pare subiect de gluma?

Bravo , ai facut +1

tu ai facut +1 la faza asta, fiecare are dreptu sa isi spuna parerea, e problema mea daca glumesc sau nu.

  • I love it 1

At first time when i saw this video in internet, i did not understand where is it and for what they made this terror.  


Why terrorists don't care if they die? These [CENSORED]s are probably thought that they were reborn. :D


I idem you but if they do some bad pictures on Mohammed we will not kill them 

EDIT : befor lots of people don't love muslims and now i guess all will hate islam about what the brothers did , now kills get 15 CAUSE 3 they are dead 

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