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 I want to apologize in front of owner of csblackdevil and also at all , . I abused during this time and I have created problems. I hope to be forgiven and not be enemies of everyone. Thank you very much for a 3rd chance!

Kind regards Crazy


Thanks you


  • I love it 8

Refund the money to the people you scammed and maybe you will be forgived for what you did.


Right now you are "Big Scammer"


PS : Guys dont trust him until he refunds the money to the people he scammed .

  • I love it 7

The First Step to redemption is to admit your guilts ... and i think he did .  Im not saying that you should forgive him but ...After all .. you need to forgive and forget

Posted (edited)

idk what you did but from de oder ppl post i understand something.

what you did is terrible dat makes you cyber criminal ...

Edited by V3Rsii/Veggas@CSN:Zombies

I still remember in my old server you scammed us with addons and stole our server......You can only be trusted if you refund the money..
Although the money wasnt mine but the server was.....
I forgive you but for others to forgive you, you need to start refunding their money to make it up to them

  • I love it 1

Trust is one of the most importent thing that a person have.

And all people lost trust on you.

We don't know each other in real.

We just talk and help people.

If anyone trust you without knowing you in real and you let them down then you lost too much.

  • I love it 2
Posted (edited)

Cate ore in fata pc-ului am stat pentru codurile tale de ne picai mereu , ****tule nush cum ai tupeu sa postezi ca iti ceri scuze , 3 servare din csbd ai distrus cand krond nu avea solutie de a opri codurile alea , fane un bine si da drumu din comunitate *****ule ... 


EDIT: Cenzurat


Edit by Mr.Love : Sa iti fie rusine pentru limbajul prestat aici, si sa imi fie rusine MIE pentru ca m-am gandit la propunerea ta de a fi moderator.

Edited by Mr.Love
WARN +5 / Utilizarea unui limbaj abuziv
  • I love it 9
Posted (edited)

oooooo salut domnu crazy hotu catelus cu paru cret fura rata din cotet si se jura ca nu fura si la`m prins cu rata`n gura ..dute omoarate sarmane.....deci eu daca as` pune mana pe tine ti-as rupe tot in tine ...sarmanule ce esti dute , frate de aicia din comunitate ca nu ai ce sa faci aicia HOTULE.. esti un copil frustrat si vai samar de tine , u veziti de blidu tau ..nemancatule ! hai pa ! cap de pluta

Edited by Mr.Love
warn +5 limbaj
  • I love it 6

We all know that he done very big mistakes and he is been appologized.  To keep this sentence front on our eyes 

we should take right decision for us , but unfortunately he is having a chance again to us i'dont know what to say for this 

he is done a mistake .I think we All Should forgive him becouse his mistake was just on second not was 3rd. On 4th we will not allow 

to this man or the other. To everyone every member of this community should follow this pact . even me and Sir Mr.Love / Sethhh. 

lets give him 3rd chance 

godbless you all.

  • I love it 1
Posted (edited)

Domnule PlayFast, dute si cauta-ti ceva de munca nu mai sta pe banii parintilor... si termina cu atacurile astea fata de mine. salut 

Dar de unde sti tu ca Playfast sta pe bani parintilor saracie? sau poate te uiti prea mult la desene, ar fi frumos din partea ta sa iti vezi de cersit in continuare. 

Unii oameni impreuna cu compania Dur#x isi cere scuze pentru nasterea TA

Edited by Mr.Love
warn +5 limbaj
  • I love it 8
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