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Hi boys,i'm going to be short on this since you may all have seen the latest plugin on the server,which is ACTIVITY MENU -- /activity on chat. The minutes you play at night,are collected and can be used to receive multiple awards. A 5-digit random password is set on player & his setinfo _pw is already done automaticly. This is only the first version of the plugin & it exists only here and evilzm. @myCro @Aysha only,have the right to edit the topic. New players have a better idea of what they want. Makes Zombie Plague 6.2 more advanced. A bigger vision to the server. Compact & easy way. The minutes only count between 00-10 AM server time. Enjoy!
Name: 6 Free Batman Games (ARKHAM COLLECTION & BATMAN LEGO) Price: FREE Link store: Epic Games Store Offer ends up: 26/sept/2019
Joc: Counter Strike Nume dorit (in cazul in care serverul va ramane in comunitatea noastra): Numar de sloturi: 32 Mod de joc: Respawn Contact proprietar, administrator ( Y!M / Skype): sau Am nevoie de oameni care pot dona pentru platirea serverului, de restul am sa ma ocup eu (addons, optimizare server.. etc) Am nevoie de oameni seriosi, maturi, chiar daca aveti o varsta mai mica, nu e nici o problema, gandirea difera In fine, cum spuneam, am nevoie de o echipa serioasa, pusa pe treaba, admini cu experienta. PRETURILE MOMENTAN SUNT: FONDATOR - 6 EURO [8+FTP] OWNER - 5 EURO [7+FTP] CO-OWNER - 4 EURO MARESAL - 3 EURO GENERAL - 2 EURO COLONEL - 1 EURO MAIOR - FREE SERGENT - FREE SLOT - FREE VIP - 1 EURO / LUNA ATENTIEE !! GRADELE SUNT PERMANENTE PANA LA DESCHIDEREA SERVERULUI, SI NU VOR MAI FII SI PENTRU CEI NOI VENITI ! DE ASEMENEA, CAUT SI OWNERI/CO-OWNERI DACA NU POT DONA, MACAR SA AJUTE LA PO[CENSORED]RE. CAUT SI DESIGNER PHOTOSHOP + 15 ADMINI EXPERIMENTATI. !!! SERVERU VA FII DESCHIS CAND VOM AVEA BANII SI ECHIPA! MODEL CERERE; NICK: Prenume: Varsta: Y@M: Steam: Poti dona?: Grad Dorit: Cu ce ne poti ajuta ?: Experienta CS /FTP: DNS ? :
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CsBlackDevil Community [], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 65k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.
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