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About Gudzone

  • Birthday 05/06/1996


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  1. Hello bro How are You eeh ?, 

    I miss you 😭


    1. Gudzone


      Hi )), im back 

    2. Ronaldskk.


      :) the Legend back <3

  2. Happy Birthday Bro!

  3. i think i will present
  4. Felicitari !!! 

  5. RO Buna ziua dragi prieteni. In urma discutiilor cu alti manager am hotarat sa schimbam modelele la (Survivor / Assassin / Nemesis) Aven nevoie de parerile si ideile voastre. Va rog sa postati dupa modelul urmator: Nume model(Assassin/Nemesis/Survivor): Screenshot: Link descarcare: EN Hello dear friends. Following discussions with other managers we decided to change the models to (Survivor / Assassin / Nemesis) I need your opinions and ideas. Please post according to the following model Model Name(Assassin/Nemesis/Survivor): Screenshot: Download Link: ________________________________________
  6. Sunt de acord cu Satan. Mai glumim noi , una alta , dar , totusi trebuie sa ramanem exemplu pentru playeri si sa pastram comportament/limbaj adecvat. Pina la urma urmei , noi cerem asta de la playeri , dar , singuri nu facem asta. Suntem mari , trebuie sa respundem pentru vorbele/faptele noastre , sa le acceptam si sa le corectam. Nu vreau sa-ti fie scos gradul , dar suspend sunt deacord , trebuie sa fim maturi si sa suportam consecintele. Incearca decat pe viitor daca ai de glumit cu cuvinte mai "sofisticate" s-a faci asta in adminchat unde ne mai prostim si noi cite o data (iclusiv eu).
  7. Contra for now improvve ur dailly activity!
  8. Now i say u Contra , make activity. Edited: U send me PM , is not necesary , improve ur DAILY Activity!
  9. Yes , server now have problems, is true , first need to fix it , after i tell with my colegues about new skins.
  10. Pro for helper.
  11. This Plugin start voting for timelimit in 3 minutes after the beginning of a map. There are 5 options, and we can change it. Add new vote count system: Calculate the average number of minutes from the options which was voted. For example: 5 players vote for 20 minutes 4 players vote for 60 minutes 5x20 + 4x60 = 340 minutes 4 + 5 = 9 votes(total) Then 340 / 9 = 37,77 and rounds the result Final result - 40 minutes
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