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Posts posted by MF™Maviea

  1. Getty Images Palestinians pack their belongings as they prepare to flee Rafah in southern Gaza

    Israel and Egypt are locked in a row over the Rafah border crossing, blaming each other for its continued closure as Gaza's humanitarian crisis worsens.

    Israeli forces have taken control of the Gaza side of the crossing.

    On Tuesday Israel's Foreign Minister Israel Katz said he had told the UK and Germany about "the need to persuade Egypt to reopen" the crossing.

    But Egypt says it is Israel's military operations in the area which are preventing aid from passing through.

    Cairo said Israel was trying to shift the blame for blocked aid.

    Mr Katz said the Palestinian armed group Hamas, which attacked southern Israel on 7 October last year, sparking the current war, could no longer "control the Rafah crossing", citing security concerns over which Israel "will not compromise".

    "The world places the responsibility for the humanitarian situation on Israel, but the key to preventing a humanitarian crisis in Gaza is now in the hands of our Egyptian friends," Mr Katz wrote on X.

    Egypt's Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry quickly responded to the comments with a statement that underlined its "categorical rejection of the policy of distorting facts and disavowing responsibility adopted by Israel".

    Mr Shoukry asserted that Israel was "solely responsible for the humanitarian catastrophe currently endured by Palestinians in Gaza", which he said was "a direct result of indiscriminate Israeli atrocities committed against the Palestinians for more than seven month".

    He called on Israel to "assume its legal responsibility as the occupying power by allowing aid access through the land ports that are under its contro



  2. RSPCA A very thin tan coloured Staffordshire terrier with exposed ribs stands on a vet tableth

    A couple who neglected three dogs, one of which died from starvation, have been banned from keeping animals for seven years.

    Jake Craven and Megan Findlay both admitted two offences under animal welfare laws and were sentenced at Scarborough Magistrates' Court.

    A vet who examined the dead dog, called Rex, said it "would have suffered unnecessarily as a result of inadequate nutrition".

    Two surviving Staffordshire bull terriers, named Coco and Tinker, are now being rehomed after being nursed back to health by the RSPCA, the charity said.


    The RSPCA initially visited the couple in March 2023 along with a housing officer as keeping dogs was in breach of their tenancy agreement.

    When the housing officer returned to the flat a fortnight later she was unable to gain entry.

    In June, RSPCA inspector Tom Hutton found the couple, who later separated, living on wasteland near the Grand Hotel.

    Findlay told the inspector they were homeless and Rex had died, so she had wrapped him in a blanket and put him inside their tent.


    • 2024-chevrolet-silverado-high-country-662a906e773a5.thumb.jpg.5d4e542876a61529885a4ca2f7c75145.jpg

    Chevrolet Suburban High Country 4WD 2024 cu șapte locuri poate fi opțional cu un turbodiesel de 3,0 litri și șase în linie, oferind o economie de combustibil impresionantă față de V8 standard pe benzină.
    În echiparea High Country, Suburban se poate suprapune cu ușurință în preț cu Cadillac Escalade de bază de pe aceeași platformă.
    Cu câteva opțiuni verificate, inclusiv Super Cruise, dieselul Suburban este pentru a consuma sute de kilometri de autostradă într-o singură liniuță, în timp ce remorcă ceva mare care cântărește până la 7.800 de lire sterline.

    Un motor diesel sub capota unuia dintre camioanele în formă de locomotivă care au devenit vehiculul standard pentru familie în ultimul deceniu este o opțiune destul de comună în zilele noastre. Dar un diesel sub capota unui SUV de familie spațios și destul de luxos este puțin mai greu de găsit, mai ales că SUV-urile de acest tip și preț sunt gata să devină electrice.

    Chevy Suburban a făcut parte din peisajul nostru suficient de mult încât să necesite o mică introducere – cel puțin ideea de bază a lui. Dar cea mai recentă iterație a sufrageriei mobile a lui Chevy există într-o eră a unor crossover-uri mult mai mici pentru navetiști de sub ea - și iahturi de lux cu șase cifre poziționate abia peste el ca preț.

    Iar dimensiunile actualului Suburban sunt încă surprinzătoare pentru ceva ce se va vedea în mod invariabil folosit ca șofer zilnic, făcându-l să pară un artefact de la sfârșitul anilor 1990, când proprietatea unui iaht de teren a conferit statutul în suburbie.

    Acest lucru face ca motorina Suburban High Country să pară un anacronism în epoca liniilor de SUV care se electrizează rapid. Dar, după cum am descoperit după ce am petrecut o săptămână într-unul, există încă un loc pentru asta în peisajul american.

    Modelul actual, care a intrat în a douăsprezecea generație în 2020, nu a căutat să reinventeze formula Suburbanului care a fost destul de statică în timpul crizelor petroliere, Watergates, mai multe crize ale petrolului, un Război Stelelor sau trei, mai mult de două războaie din Golf, mai mult. Războiul Stelelor și câteva valuri ale nebuniei Pokemon.

    Imprumutând o platformă din gama de camioane Chevy, modelul de bază Suburban oferă locuri pentru până la nouă pasageri, în funcție de configurația scaunelor pe care o alegeți, precum și suficient spațiu pentru bagaje în spate pentru a servi drept transfer de la hotel.

    Cu o prezență rutieră impunătoare, Suburban este destul de aproape de cel mai mare SUV pe care îl puteți cumpăra de la General Motors, dacă nu doriți neapărat vizibilitatea conducerii unui Escalade, cu toate reflexiile sale cromate orbindu-i pe piloții companiilor aeriene sus.

    src = autoweek

    • Nick: @MF™Maviea
    • Real name:  Mahmoud 
    • How old are you?: 18 year
    • Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): only Cs 1.6
    • Where are you from?(country and city): Egypt 
    • Describe yourself(at least 50 words): iam cute 
    • Note some of your qualities: nice,hard working honesty
    • Tell us some of your defects: i don't see any flaws 
    • Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): (describe it) yas of course I was in GoG and devil harmony 
    • On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): I'm in server Midnighzn
    • and project vgr's and Journlaists and devil harmony 
    • Which category/project you want to care off?: all the projects
    • How well you speak english?(and other languages): yes i can speak English
    • Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: N/A
    • For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Most of the time 
    • Contact methods: discord/ Forum 
    • Last request: First request
  3. Ange Postecoglou will "never understand" any Tottenham fans wanting their own team to lose even if it helped deny Arsenal the Premier League title.

    Spurs host Manchester City on Tuesday in a match which could prove crucial to the outcome of the title race.

    A win or draw for Tottenham against Pep Guardiola's side would put north London rivals Arsenal in pole position to finish ahead of defending champions City.

    The Gunners currently hold a one-point advantage at the summit but have played a game more than City, who would return to top spot with victory at Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, with one game remaining.

    Spurs, meanwhile, are chasing fourth-placed Aston Villa, who they trail by four points, with a Champions League place on the line.

    It has left some Tottenham fans with mixed feelings heading into their penultimate game of the season but Postecoglou was clear with his views.

    "I understand rivalry. I was part of one of the biggest ones in the world in the last couple of years with Celtic and Rangers," the Spurs boss said.

    "But I've never, and will never, understand if someone wants their own team to lose. That's not what sport is about. It's not what I love about the game."

    Postecoglou believes "100% of Spurs supporters" want his side to win against City but acknowledged "people are allowed to feel the way they do".

    The 58-year-old Australian, however, said he has not "lived my life" taking "pleasure from other people's misery".

    He added: "Real success looks like trophies. Anything else in between, bragging rights, whatever, it is absolutely meaningless to me.

    "What do you think is going to happen? What do you think we are going to do as a team, or any team on this planet? Aren't we going to just try to win? It's a simple premise. How that makes people feel, I'm not really fussed and I don't really care."



    Ange Postecoglou points to the temples of his head during their Premier League fixture against Liverpool

  4. Ahead of the winner being announced at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Tuesday, The Post spoke to four handlers and what it takes to get in the ring.  

    The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is a three-day event — but preparing for the weekend is a year-round endeavor.

    While the annual competition selects the hardest-working pooch as Best In Show — 2024’s champ will be chosen Tuesday at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Flushing Meadows — there’s another rare breed in the mix: the breeder-owner-handlers working hard to make sure their canines shine.

    Here are four humans behind the dogs who train just as hard as their pups.

    It’s a lot of work. It’s a lot of pressure. It’s so much stress and anxiety,” Jamie Goodrich, 41, from Central Square, New York, told The Post. “There’s not really an easy part, other than trusting your dog that it’s not gonna poop in the ring.”

    Breeder-owner-handler Jamie Goodrich from upstate New York has been showing her own dogs for about 10 years, and currently handles her Akita named Aero.
  5. Anadolu Palestinians flee Jabalia refugee camp, in northern Gaza Strip, and head towards western Gaza City (13 May 2024)
      Fierce fighting has been reported in Jabalia in northern Gaza, after the Israeli military went back into areas where it said Hamas had regrouped.
    Residents who fled said they had seen tanks advancing towards Jabalia's refugee camp, which has come under heavy bombardment since Saturday.
    Palestinian armed groups also said they were battling troops in the camp.
    Meanwhile, the UN has said 360,000 people have fled Rafah, in the south, since an offensive began a week ago.
    The Israeli military has ordered the evacuation of the eastern third of the city, which is swollen with more than a million Palestinians taking refuge.
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  7. China reveals plan to end Ukraine conflict
    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) sits opposite Xi Jinping, President of China, during talks at the State Guest House. ©  Michael Kappeler/Getty Images

    World powers should focus on restoring peace and stability in Ukraine rather than seeking “selfish gains,” Chinese President Xi Jinping said during a meeting with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday.   

    The chancellor arrived in China on Sunday, accompanied by a large delegation of ministers and business executives.   

    Meeting with Scholz at Beijing’s Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Xi told the German leader that all parties should work together to restore peace in Ukraine as soon as possible. The Chinese leader also outlined four principles that he believes will prevent the conflict from escalating.  

    “First, we should prioritize the upholding of peace and stability and refrain from seeking selfish gains,” Xi said, as quoted by the Xinhua news agency.   

    The next step, according to Xi, would be to stop “adding fuel to the fire,” which would enable conditions for the restoration of peace. 




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  8. Volkswagen ID.3 GTX

    Volkswagen has (finally) confirmed its ID.3 hatchback will get a range-topping ‘GTX’ version to serve as the all-electric sibling to the Golf GTI. 

    Pencilled in to arrive later this year, two versions will be offered from launch. Things will be headlined by the GTX ‘Performance’ - and while very few details are known at this point aside from a rear-wheel drive layout, rumours are currently swirling around a 300bhp output. That would put it on par with the Golf GTI Clubsport 45.

    "Of course, an electric drive and a turbocharged petrol engine each have their unique character," said VW board member Kai Grunitz. "Yet the ID.3 GTX Performance and the Golf GTI Clubsport share the same fascinating lightness when they accelerate. With the ID.3 GTX, Volkswagen is transferring the almost 50-year tradition of its compact GT models into the world of electric mobility."

    The ID.3 GTX will boast some pretty noticeable styling changes over the standard car too, including distinctive light signatures, more aggressive diffusers and model-specific 20-inch 'Skagen' alloys. Oh, you also get a healthy serving of 'the fast one' badges to go with the more sculpted bodywork. 


    Equally, the interior will adopt a set of leather sports seats while decorative red stitching - a hallmark of hot VW models in the past - will run throughout the cabin. The marque’s preference for minimalism continues, though, so most of the buttons are packed onto the steering wheel, while the remaining functions can be accessed through the 5.3-inch driver’s display or 10-inch infotainment screen.

    The ID.3 GTX is also expected to stray close to the £45,000 barrier when production does eventually begin - around £10,000 more than the standard car and £9,000 more than the 429bhp MG4 XPower. Which would you go for, folks?


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