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  1. Music Title : Ali Ssamid - Guerrero (Official Music Video) Signer: Ali Ssamid Release Date: 20 May 2022 Official YouTube Link : Information About the Signer: - Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video): -
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  2. .Pro. .Respects The Rules .Good Behavior I'll Give You a Chance Good Luck
  3. A team of researchers from Riga is developing technology that will one day help change the course of asteroids heading for Earth, Euronews reports. High-precision hand-built chronoscopes in the laboratory of the Latvian start-up Eventech are used today to track the movements of satellites. But this year, the company won a contract from the European Space Agency (ESA) to develop tools capable of assessing the possibility of deflecting the course of an asteroid before it gets too close to our planet. In turn, NASA plans to launch the first phase of the AIDA mission next year to deflect the trajectory of an asteroid and assess the impact of such an operation, called the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART). Also, as part of DART, on July 22, 2021, a Falcon 9 missile from SpaceX, Elon Musk's company is to launch a 500-kilogram probe, equipped with a camera, in the direction of the asteroid Didymos to hit and change its current course, which risks approaching Earth in 2123. Eventech chronoscopes should be ready for the HERA tracking mission, scheduled five years later, to determine if this impact has really changed the course of the asteroid. "Our new technology, which will equip the second ESA spacecraft called the HERA, will measure whether the impact removed Didymos from the previous course, thus avoiding hitting Earth," said Imants Pulkstenis, Eventech engineer. "It's much more interesting to go where no man has ever been than to make consumer electronics for huge profits," he added. Eventech chronoscopes are part of Latvia's tradition of space technology, dating back to the Soviet era, when Sputnik - the first man-made satellite to orbit the Earth - was launched in 1957. They measure the time it takes for a pulse of light to reach and return from an orbiting object. Eventech devices can record time measurements of up to a picosecond - or a thousand billionth of a second - allowing them to be converted to distance measurements with an accuracy of up to two millimeters. Every year, about ten chronoscopes are produced by the Latvian laboratory to equip observers around the world. They make it possible to observe the Earth's atmosphere, increasingly crowded by new waves of private satellites, to which are added traditional scientific and military devices
  4. Nickname: @MF™Maviea Video author: Maviea Name of the game: FreeFire link vedio : Rate this video 1-10: 10
  5. Apex Legends has gone pocket-sized with Apex Legends Mobile, an entirely separate version of the battle royale game for Android and iOS devices. Apex Legends Mobile is quite different from its older sibling, featuring a unique roster, maps, modes, and progression track--some of which unfortunately detract from the overall experience. However, Apex Legends Mobile streamlines the process of playing a battle royale to create a fairly rewarding experience that's fun to play. Apex Legends Mobile is a battle royale game first and foremost. You and your squadmates pick from a roster of hero characters called "legends," before then dropping onto a map. To win, you need to loot supplies and weapons, escape the encroaching energy wall that slowly corrals squads into an ever-dwindling space, and be the last team standing. When you fall in battle, your allies can grab your banner from the deathbox you leave behind and respawn you, keeping the whole team in the fight. There's a satisfying heft to shooting and smoothness to movement, and the unique strengths and weaknesses of each playable legend encourage teams to stay and work together. Color-coded attachments and ammo types ensure the momentum of the match is constantly moving forward--at a glance, you know whether a pile of loot contains anything you might want or need--so you aren't wasting time navigating menus and can get back to the action. All of this, of course, is directly pulled from the already superb Apex Legends. If it ain't broke, don't try and fix it. The game features two other modes beyond battle royale: Arenas and Team Deathmatch. Arenas is a 3v3 mode in which teams compete in a collection of rounds where items, legend abilities, and weapons need to be purchased with currency at the start of every match. Arenas offers a much higher skill threshold than the standard battle royale mode, as there are no respawns. TDM, meanwhile, is far more approachable, putting players into 6v6 matches where you can change your weapon or legend whenever, with infinite respawns. Arenas is great. TDM isn't. Arenas leans into why the battle royale's combat is so compelling: Teams have to work together, intelligently using their firearms, abilities, and knowledge of the map to plan an attack, execute, and adapt if necessary. None of that exists in TDM, which is your standard mindless shoot-'em-up game mode seen in practically every shooter--it lacks the same uniqueness and brand of flavor Respawn has captured in Arenas and battle royale. Even as an on-ramp for new players, the mode is not compelling, since TDM has to be unlocked and you'll likely have a few hours under your belt by the time you do. And with a firing range and non-ranked playlists, TDM isn't an ideal warm-up mode either. Apex Legends Mobile offers rewards to players in a number of tracks. Daily and weekly challenges are available to further your progression in both the free and premium tiers of a battle pass, experience points earned by playing the game contribute to your player level, Apex Packs unlock cosmetics for legends and weapons, and there is also the perk system. All those different types of progression are a lot to keep track of, but it ensures that you're often earning something or working towards unlocking some sort of reward with every match you play. Most of it is your typical live-service game fare and provides a compelling enough reason to turn on the game every day and play a quick match or two, though the perk system, in particular, presents an interesting twist. In Apex Legends Mobile, playing as a certain legend nets you points towards unlocking unique perks for them, allowing you to further customize a character to fit your ideal playstyle. You can make the speed demon Octane even more difficult to catch by equipping the ¡Vámanos! perk, for example, which gives him a speed boost if his armor is ever shattered, or dabble in a riskier playstyle with his Stunt Mode perk, which changes his Stim so it can be toggled on and off--allowing you to maintain your enhanced speed at the cost of constantly losing health. Each character can only be equipped with three of these perks at a time, and they're divided into categories to prevent any unfair combinations from forming (at least, from what I've seen). The system adds a welcome complexity to every character in Apex Legends Mobile--none of these perks can fundamentally alter a legend's place in the meta, but they do add fun considerations in every match. Plus, perks ensure you're still feeling a sense of progression and variety even if you're only playing with the same two or three characters. Regarding characters, Apex Legends Mobile starts with a healthy ensemble of 10 (though only a few are unlocked from the get-go). Thankfully you unlock new characters far faster than you can in Apex Legends, so you won't be stuck with the same faces for long. Interestingly, Apex Legends Mobile has an exclusive legend named Fade. Fade is a fun characte and a much-needed addition for Mobile--with no cross-progression or cross-play between this game and Apex Legends, having a strong incentive like a new legend to play ensures Mobile remains a complimentary choice for long-time Apex Legends players. Jumping into this game doesn't feel like simply starting over in the literal same experience, largely for how Fade affects the in-match meta. The only true downside to his inclusion is that he contributes to Apex Legends Mobile's offensive legend overstuffing. This is also an issue in Apex Legends, but is especially egregious in Mobile where half of the starting roster is geared towards attacking other teams (in Apex Legends, only three of the starting legends were offensive characters). The roster is seriously lacking in options for players wanting to focus on defense, recon, or support. Whereas Apex Legends' control scheme is designed in a way to encourage players to use the ping system, Apex Legends Mobile is, at least mechanically, more focused on the fact that players can only play with their thumbs. As such, all inputs need to be condensed so you can play with just two fingers. Apex Legends Mobile implements some smart quality-of-life improvements to streamline the mechanics of its battle royale. The game is never playing for you--victory remains a rewarding result as it is still largely determined by individual skill and a squad's teamwork. Instead, Apex Legends Mobile automates the process of looting deathboxes, for example, quickly grabbing the attachments and ammo that fit your equipped guns. If you want to slowly scroll through a deathbox's contents for grenades, extra healing, or attachments you can't use right now but may want to hold onto for later, you still can, but Apex Legends Mobile speeds up that process for anyone who may not be dextrous enough to do so in the midst of a firefight. Features like this ensure the small amount of real estate available on a smartphone's screen isn't wasted on buttons that may not add as much to the experience as the actual shooting. Though most are aimed at speeding up the looting process, allowing you to get back to the fight as quickly as possible, a few exist on the combat side, as well. For instance, you automatically aim down sights when shooting, removing the hassle of needing to press and hold down an additional button while trying to hit a target that's further away. Playing on the screen is still not an ideal setup--this is a fast-paced shooter after all, and a touchscreen just isn't as responsive as a good ol' fashioned gamepad. Plus, even on a substantially sized phone screen (I play on a Samsung Galaxy S10), I still accidentally fire my gun on occasion when I only mean to look around--everything is just so close together that if my thumb drifts even a little, I accidentally pull the trigger. And if my teammates' habit of randomly firing into the air or at a wall where there is no enemy is any indication, I'm not the only one accidentally doing this. In a game like Apex Legends Mobile, where conserving your ammo is crucial and ensuring enemies you're sneaking up on can't hear you, shooting when you don't mean to is frustrating. Support for every gamepad controller and handheld attachment isn't available at launch, but Respawn says full support is coming eventually. Like the Switch version of Apex Legends, Apex Legends Mobile compromises on graphical detail, draw distance, and the speed at which assets are loaded in order to run on Android and iOS devices. This means long-range precision weapons are harder to use (especially with touchscreen controls), which unfortunately favors the meta towards needing automatic and semi-automatic firearms in order to win. Regular frame rate issues also persist, often dipping when you're redeploying, bouncing off a jump pad, or traveling on a zipline. Apex Legends Mobile can also stutter if multiple squads are fighting within the same enclosed space. Unlike the Switch version, Apex Legends Mobile does not support cross-play with the Xbox, PlayStation, and PC versions of Apex Legends, so these technical issues aren't as drastic a problem. However, these issues are annoying whenever they pop up (brief as they may be) and become frustrating when the result is a missed shot or poorly timed dodge. Overall, Apex Legends Mobile is exactly what's being advertised: This is Apex Legends, but on mobile devices. This means Respawn has made some serious concessions to its battle royale in order to make the whole thing work, especially when it comes to visuals and performance. And not all of the new additions to the formula, like Team Deathmatch, add anything compelling. But the perk system and first mobile-exclusive legend create a strong draw for Apex Legends Mobile existing alongside Apex Legends as a companion game. If you want to play Apex Legends on the go, this fulfills that need. Just don't come into it thinking this is the best way to play Respawn's battle royale game. https://www.gamespot.com/reviews/apex-legends-mobile-review-pocket-sized-royale/1900-6417885/
  6. Nick: @MF™Maviea Real name: Mahmoud How old are you?: 18 year Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): only Cs 1.6 Where are you from?(country and city): Egypt Describe yourself(at least 50 words): iam cute Note some of your qualities: nice,hard working honesty Tell us some of your defects: i don't see any flaws Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): (describe it) yas of course I was in GoG and devil harmony On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): I'm in server Midnighzn and project vgr's and Journlaists and devil harmony Which category/project you want to care off?: all the projects How well you speak english?(and other languages): yes i can speak English Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: N/A For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Most of the time Contact methods: discord/ Forum Last request: First request
  7. What is known about the Colombian woman who appeared lifeless in a Miami Beach hotel This Tuesday, the Miami Beach police, in southeastern Florida (USA), arrived at the Sherry Frontenac hotel, located on the po[CENSORED]r Collins Avenue in Miami Beach, and found the lifeless body of a woman, after her co-worker reported that she hadn't seen her for three days. (In context: A Colombian woman is found dead in a Miami Beach hotel). "The Miami Beach Police (MBPD) received a call from a woman requesting a welfare check for a co-worker, who had last been seen on Saturday, December 3," authorities said. The agents who answered the call reported that they had to use force to enter the bedroom because the door was blocked with a mattress. (Also read: Viktor Bout, 'merchant of death' who was exchanged for Brittney Griner). Although the case has been handled with secrecy, it emerged that the woman would be Marelbi Ruiz Lara, a 47-year-old Colombian who had only been in the North American country for a year. Apparently, according to Nelson Tabares, the victim's son, Ruiz lived in the hotel with her sentimental partner, Ricardo Mesa, who made some arrangements in that place. For Tabares, Mesa is the main suspect in the alleged homicide, but he took his own life last Wednesday, when a highway patrol stopped him for frantically driving. Apparently, Ruiz's boyfriend got out of the car he was driving and injured himself. (Of interest: Young Latino wakes up after nine months in a coma in California). At this time, however, authorities have not confirmed any link between Tabares' death and a reported suicide at a traffic stop in Sarasota. What is known about the death of the Colombian? Nelson Tabares spoke with "Telemundo" and explained that they still do not know anything about the causes of his mother's death: "About 6 in the morning, we called the officers and around 9, they returned the call and gave him the news to my sister that they had found my mother dead. They gave us no details, they only told us that we found her mother dead. (Also: The 'daddy's boy' who became a serial killer after killing his father). Thus, the family is awaiting the results of the autopsy to find out what happened. The truth is that the US authorities are investigating the case as a homicide. As for Ricardo Mesa, Tabares revealed that he was a very jealous man: “he was a person, so to speak, possessive, he was very jealous. Hence, we have him as the main suspect and that is what we told the authorities," the man told the aforementioned media. On the other hand, Adrian Gonzalez, who identified himself as a co-worker of the victim, told 'Local10' that the last time he saw Marelbi was on Saturday, when he excitedly told him that he was going to go to another job with their partner because they would receive a better salary. ELTIEMPO.COM (Keep reading: US and Colombia create task force for critical extradition cases.) https://www.eltiempo.com/mundo/eeuu-y-canada/marelbi-ruiz-lara-que-se-sabe-de-colombiana-que-murio-en-hotel-de-miami-724739
  8. Turtles are always close to the surface in the sea. Therefore, they could be the key to the timely prediction of strong storms in Asia. Artificial satellites are no longer enough. Faced with the ecological pressure that the climate crisis is imposing on the planet, human devices in space are proving not to have sufficient capacity to predict the damage that some severe weather events can have on Asia. And what's more: scientists who monitor hurricanes, tropical storms and other similar events are failing to identify where they form. Therefore, a team of scientists decided to look back at nature. From the conservation of turtles, they realized that those who have trackers can identify tropical storms in early stages. We suggest: What are bomb cyclones, another consequence of climate change See the birth of storms from the sea According to a study recently published in Hakai Magazine, the strength of tropical storms comes from the water. For this reason, the turtles that inhabit the Indian Ocean are ideal for predicting their birth and observing their development. As they swim close to the surface of the sea, from 25 to 200 meters deep, they can identify the temperature and conditions of the most superficial layer of the oceans. This alternative was born from a study conducted by Olivier Bousquet, director of research at the French Ministry of Sustainable Development. In the absence of information on climatic conditions in the Southwest Indian Ocean, he teamed up with biologists at Kélonia, a sea turtle observatory on Réunion, a French island about 950 kilometers east of Madagascar. Researchers knew that turtles spend a lot of time feeding in storms and giant whirlpools. According to Bousquet, the information collected based on the movement of the turtles would provide unprecedented data on how the structure of the oceans changes over time. We suggest: Injured by boats and fishing nets, a leatherback turtle dies off the coast of Spain The new sentinels of the climate crisis In 2019, the team of researchers released 15 tracker-tagged turtles to monitor conditions in this area. That's how the researchers realized that "tagged turtles could help climate studies by giving scientists a way to calibrate ocean models and satellite data," as documented by Smithsonian Magazine. WITH THIS STEP, THE BIOLOGISTS WERE EXCITED THAT THEY WOULD KNOW FIRST-HAND THE TEMPERATURE, DEPTH AND LOCATION OF THEIR MARINE ENVIRONMENTS. AND WHAT'S MORE: THEY COULD BETTER KNOW THE DIVING BEHAVIOR AND OTHER TYPICAL MOVEMENTS OF TURTLES, EVEN WHEN THERE ARE NO STORMS. Over time, the turtles fed the satellites 20 to 50 times a day with new information. Just as Bousquet expected. However, the movement stopped dead in its tracks. When investigating individual cases, the team realized that some of the specimens were trapped in fishing nets. "We were shocked," laments Bousquet. Despite the tragedy, the three-week voyage of some of them had produced an unprecedented amount of oceanographic information. But Ilona's three-week trip had produced a great deal of data. Despite the losses, researchers at the French National Center for Space Studies want to replicate the success of this project. For which, STORM: Sea Turtles for Ocean Research and Monitoring was designed. Other institutions, such as the Interreg ocean research program of the European Union and the University of Reunion Island, are joining these conservation efforts, so that the model can be replicated in other areas of the world —if industrial fishing allows it, Sure. https://www.ngenespanol.com/animales/las-tortugas-contribuyen-a-la-prediccion-de-tormentas-fuertes-en-asia/
  9. The 316bhp Tiguan R might be the most exciting addition to Volkswagen's newly facelifted and hugely successful family SUV line, but this here e-Hybrid model is arguably the most significant. The reasoning behind this is simple, really: it’s a plug-in hybrid. So it should offer the sorts of fleet manager-friendly CO2 ratings that make PHEVs a tempting business choice, while also affording private buyers who are able to regularly charge its 13kWh battery flexibility and lower running costs. That powertrain is the same as you will find in the likes of the Volkswagen Passat GTE and Skoda Superb iV. It’s based around a turbocharged 1.4-litre four-pot petrol engine, which is mated to an electric drive motor and a six-speed dual-clutch automatic gearbox. Combined, these elements make for a system output of 242bhp and 295lb ft, all of which is deployed to the road via the front axle. Select E-Mode to run solely on electricity and, on a full charge, you will be good to travel about 31 miles or so. And once you run out, you can hook up to a 3.5kW wallbox to charge the battery again in just over three and a half hours. What's it like? That’s all grand, but there are of course a few penalties that arise from opting for a Tiguan with a plug socket. The drive battery is rather large, so the fuel tank has been moved to the boot floor. You’ll lose 139 litres of boot capacity as a result, leaving you with 476 litres. The battery itself also adds 135kg of weight. But anyway, it remains an impressively civilised machine to drive. Let the electric motor take charge of proceedings and you will find adequate thrust and a keen throttle response on offer at lower speeds, all of which is accompanied by a subtle whirring that could sound like a high-pitched Subaru boxer to someone with a very active imagination. As you roll out of town and decide to bury your foot a little deeper into the pedal’s travel, the manner in which the petrol engine then sparks into life and pitches in is pretty seamless, too. It’s a slick, refined powertrain this, and one that doesn’t really seem to run out of punch unless you purposely spin the engine’s revs right up to the redline. However, if you choose to engage GTE mode and absolutely nail the accelerator, you will notice a few things. First is a rather dramatic rearward weight transfer that makes the already quite light steering go a wee bit lighter; and second is a tendency for the car to tug from left to right ever so slightly as it deploys its power to the road. But really, these are fairly minor complaints, because the Tiguan quickly composes itself and the performance it then conjures is surprisingly potent. You won’t have too much trouble performing overtakes, that’s for sure. Its handling isn’t what you would call sporting but is entirely agreeable nonetheless. It changes direction keenly and accurately enough, with a bit of body roll and squealing of tyres if you find yourself barreling into a corner a bit too enthusiastically. Grip doesn’t feel drastically short either, but if you’re apeish with your inputs, you will set the traction control light flashing. The ride is pretty good, too. Its vertical body control over long-wave inputs is decent and the few bumps we could find on our test route were smoothed over in a decidedly nonplussed fashion. Should I buy one? Really, it’s quite easy to see how the Tiguan eHybrid would fit into your life as a pleasant, totally inoffensive family runabout. It’s punchy enough, economical and has a suitably plush cabin that could easily seat four tall adults in plenty of comfort - or two adults and three children, for that matter. Prices for the Tiguan eHybrid are yet to be announced, but a figure around £38,000 seems like a reasonable guess to me.
  10. Musician Name: David Gilmour Birthday / Location: March 6, 1946 Main instrument: Guitar, bass guitar, and drum set Musician Picture: Musician Awards & Nominations: Order of the British Empire in ranks - Medal of Honor Best Performance: - Other Information: David Jon Gilmour (born 6 March 1946), English guitarist, singer-songwriter and producer. Member and lead singer of the British band Pink Floyd.
  11. Real Name : Sami Yusaf Birth Date /Place/Age: July 1980 , Iran Artist Picture : Musical Genres : islamic music Awards : Yusuf received a Recognition Award for his contributions to promoting the message of peace Top 3 Songs (Names) : The Praised One , Hasbi Rabi , Other Informations : Beautiful
  12. Music: PS4 - Ghost Recon Wildlands Cinematic Trailer (E3 2016) Release date: Aug 2016/06/13 Signer: GameNews PlayStation Official YouTube link:
  13. Nick Movie: Blockbuster Time: / Netflix / Amazon / HBO?: Netflix Duration of the movie: / Trailer:
  14. Hi brother

    I want  change my name

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      Hi @walker™

      U have discord 

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    4. walker™


      @[Depo]this mfer never changed that song dude hes obsessed with it 

  15. Pokémon might be renowned for its cooperative gameplay, delightful spinoffs, and making an intimidating genre approachable, but the franchise also has a long history of creative and interesting gadgets. The series is bursting with technology. The original in-game pokédex clearly takes inspiration from early Palm Pilot-like devices, for example. And if you think about them, pokéballs are technological marvels: they somehow transform living creatures into particles that can be transported across the world (and in the TV show, the pokéballs can even shrink). So it’s not all that surprising that there have been many Pokémon-themed toys and hardware. We’ve collected just a few of the many memorable Pokémon gadgets in honor of the series’ 25th anniversary. The IRL devices range from gamified pedometers to custom video game consoles to actual pokéball replicas (though they can’t turn living things into particles just yet). There’s a lot of gear you can get if you want to catch ‘em all. Tiger Electronics and Hasbro released a toy pokédex in the late ‘90s, and I still consider it one of my favorite toys of all time. It was modeled after Ash’s pokédex from the first season of the TV show, though with a few different features to allow it to actually function as a real-life toy. It had a keypad and a number pad for searching information, a small screen that showed the pokémon you were looking at, and could show information about each pokémon like its height, weight, type, and some attacks it could learn. It made me feel like I was a bona fide pokémon trainer, and I remember spending hours reading up on different pokémon with my pokédex.My Pokémon Pikachu was a staple of my childhood. Released in 1998, it was a pocket-sized gadget that was kind of like a Tamagotchi, except you took care of a digital Pikachu. But it also had a built-in pedometer that you could activate just by shaking the device up and down. (Or, like in the commercials embedded above, jumping.) That shakeability meant that I was constantly bouncing the little device to earn a currency called watts. You could gift watts to Pikachu or, oddly, gamble them away at a slot machine. You can learn more about it on this delightful Nintendo Japan website that’s still around. Nintendo released an upgraded model, the Pokémon Pikachu 2 GS, in 1999 in Japan and 2000 in North America and Europe, according to Bulbapedia. It had a color screen and could connect to Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal via the Game Boy Color’s infrared port, allowing you to trade watts for items.Just look at this point-and-shoot camera. It has a giant Pikachu on one side, two poké balls hold the flash and the lens, and an adorable Diglett is the shutter button. The camera shot 35mm film, and each photo would also have a pokémon-themed border, according to the manual. (You can see that border, which featured Pikachu, Meowth, Squirtle, and Blastoise, in this album.) A couple eBay listings peg its release date as 1999.Hey You, Pikachu was a Nintendo 64 game that let you talk to Pikachu with the help of the Voice Recognition Unit, or VRU, that was bundled with the game. It was released in 1998 in Japan and 2000 in North America. You can see the VRU in the picture above — users clipped a large microphone to their controller, plugged that into a special module (which stored Pikachu’s 256-word vocabulary, according to Po[CENSORED]r Science), and then plugged that module into the Nintendo 64 itself. And speaking of Pikachu-themed hardware...The Pikachu-themed Nintendo 64, released in 2000, put a fun twist on the console’s design by making the on-off switch a poké ball and Pikachu’s right foot the reset button. I love how giant Pikachu is — it dominates almost half the console. And while I can’t remember ever actually using one of these myself, I imagine it must have been very satisfying to press Pikachu’s little foot to reset a game.The Pokémon mini was a tiny handheld console designed specifically to play Pokémon-themed games from cartridges. It was released in 2001 in North America and Japan and 2002 in Europe. It was 74mm x 58mm x 23mm — described on the still-active Pokémon mini Nintendo UK website as “well under half the size” of Nintendo’s iconic Game Boy Advance — and came in three colors. It even had motion sensing and rumble built in.The Pokémon Pikachu devices were succeeded by the poké ball-themed Pokéwalker in 2009, which was bundled with every copy of Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver. Like the Pokémon Pikachu, the Pokéwalker was a pedometer, let you accumulate watts, and allowed you to take care of pokémon. But unlike the Pokémon Pikachu, you could transfer pokémon back and forth from the Pokéwalker, meaning you weren’t forced to only care for Pikachu. You could also find new wild pokémon and items directly on your Pokéwalker by spending watts to play mini-games.Nintendo released another poké ball-themed device in 2018 alongside Pokémon: Let’s Go, Pikachu! and Pokémon: Let’s Go, Eevee!: the Poké Ball Plus, an actual, functional game controller that’s compatible with the Nintendo Switch. You can play both games with the controller and catch pokémon by making a throwing motion with your arm. Similar to the Pokéwalker, you can also store pokémon inside the Poké Ball Plus, and they’ll even cry from inside it if you shake it around. The controller is also compatible with the huge mobile hit Pokémon Go.
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  16. ehttps://www.msn.com/ar-ae/sports/other/كرة-سلة-الاتحاد-إلى-نهائي-كأس-مصر-بعد-الفوز-على-طلائع-الجيش/ar-AAUYRgu?li=BB1aRqWG e Al-Ittihad of Alexandria qualified for the Egypt Basketball Cup final after defeating Tala’a El-Gaish in the semi-final match, 82-60. Al-Ittihad of Alexandria won the first quarter, with a score of 16-30, ahead of Tala’a El-Gaish. Al-Ittihad continued its progress in the second quarter, ending the first half with a score of 43-28. Tala'a El-Jaish reduced the difference in the third quarter, which ended with a score of 62-52. In the fourth quarter, Al-Ittihad of Alexandria regained control of the match, ending it 82-60. And Al-Ittihad of Alexandria reserved a seat in the final match, which will be held next Tuesday. Al-Ittihad is waiting in the final for the winner of the Al-Ahly and Zamalek match, which will be held shortly.
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  17. The Duchess of Cambridge has re-worn a pair of boots she first wore over a decade ago. During an engagement in Wales this week, Kate Middleton wore a pair of £245 Aquatalia Rouge boots — the same pair she was first seen wearing during one of her first engagements as a to-be royal in 2011. She also wore the boots in 2012 to one of her first solo royal engagements after she married Prince William in 2011. The sartorial selection comes as the Duchess appears to be making a more conscious choice to rewear clothes from her royal wardrobe. Last year, Kate wore the same Alexander McQueen jacket to the Remembrance Sunday service that she wore in 2018. 2021 also saw the Duchess rewear a pair of Penelope Chilvers long tassel boots that she’s worn to various engagements for the past 18 years and she wore a sparkly green Jenny Packham gown to the 2021 Royal Variety Performance that she had initially worn in 2019. During the inaugural Earthshot Prize Awards last year, which was set up by William to award environmental innovators, the Duke and Duchess encouraged attendees to make sustainable choices with what they wore. To the awards ceremony, Kate donned an Alexander McQueen gown she last wore a decade ago, while William complemented his green velvet blazer and dark turtleneck with a pair of 20-year old trousers. Other celebrities at the awards included Emma Watson, who walked the green carpet wearing a custom Harris Reed outfit made of 10 upcycled wedding dresses from Oxfam. Dame Emma Thompson also made an appearance, sporting a dark blue suit paired with white trainers — a look she last wore in 2018 when she received her damehood. THE SITE
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  18. Link : https://mubasher.aljazeera.net/news/reports/2022/2/7/اختيار-بروفسور-فلسطيني-ضمن-2-من-أفضل The American Stanford University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world, announced the selection of the Egyptian Professor Ashraf Nabhan among the 2% of the list of the best scientists in the world for the year 2021 for the second year in a row, and the list also included the Palestinian engineer Bassam Daly, for their distinction in important scientific research . This classification, which is considered the most well-known worldwide, is based on bibliometric information (which uses statistical and mathematical methods to analyze data related to documents) contained in the Scopus database. The Stanford ranking includes more than 160,000 researchers among the more than 8 million scientists considered active worldwide, taking into account 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields. The classification excludes self-citations and takes into account the position of researchers in authoring the papers. Professor Ashraf Nabhan He is a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Ain Shams University, the Egyptian university in which more than one researcher ranked the list also in many fields other than medicine, and they were honored at that time, which puts the university on the global map of scientific and research excellence. Nabhan was on the list for two consecutive years, 2020 and 2021.Professor Nabhan has also been a member of the WHO Reproductive Health and Research Guidance Group since 2014 and served as Vice-President of the HRP Alliance between 2016 and 2018. He is also an expert on the Commission of the European Union (Horizon 2020) Research and Innovation Program since 2016.He graduated from Ain Shams University in 1988 and obtained a Master of Arts in Gynecology and Obstetrics from the University with an excellent grade in 1992, then received a doctorate in 1996 and received a professorship in 2009. Apart from his work at Ain Shams University, Nabhan has also been the Director of the Egyptian Centre for Medical Evidence (ECEBM) since 2011 and has been a consultant at the Centre for Infertility, Gynecology and Obstetrics (CIGO) since 2001. Eng Bassam Dali Daly received this classification after obtaining several patents during his academic work in Australia in the field of physical engineering and clean (renewable) energy such as wind, tidal, solar energy, cement, iron and aluminum manufacturing. This is in addition to special research in the field of carbon mitigation in heavy industries in his current field of work as a professor of mechanical engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia
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  19. Mauricio Pochettino accused his Tottenham players of lacking fight in the 2-2 Champions League draw at Olympiakos and suggested that they needed to work harder on the psychological side of their game. Spurs started badly at the raucous Karaiskakis Stadium only to fashion a 2-0 lead against the run of play – courtesy of Harry Kane’s penalty and a rasping drive from Lucas Moura. But as they had done at Arsenal in the Premier League at the beginning of the month, conceded for 2-1 just before half-time – a body blow to their psyche – and then shipped an equaliser after the interval. After the match, Pochettino did not hold back with his criticism. “I feel very disappointed,” the manager said. “In the first half, I wasn’t happy with the performance. From the beginning we had a plan, and we didn’t respect the plan. That’s what disappointed me the most. I told them at half-time. We scored two good goals but if you analyse the performance only, it wasn’t great. “We conceded a lot of chances and the way we conceded the first goal was so painful. We didn’t translate from Saturday [in the 4-0 home win over Crystal Palace] the aggressivity that is needed in these games. We were a little bit better in the second half, but conceded a very soft penalty.” Pochettino was asked about the similarities to the Arsenal game. “It’s easy to explain. When we don’t show the intensity that the competition demands, we struggle. We are not talking about the quality of players. We are talking about focus, concentration, anticipation. How many times did we anticipate the action? How many times were we not productive like we were against Palace? “It’s not about tactics or quality players but the level of fight. You need to match the opponent in aggressivity, excitement, motivation. That is the first demand – you need to work. It’s not only the responsibility of one person; it’s everyone’s responsibility. “It is not possible how we started tonight and it is a massive difference to Saturday. It’s a massive disappointment. We can talk about scoring twice and playing better second half, but this season we are conceding a lot of chances and a lot of goals. We need to change that. The only way is to be more demanding. Training needs to be harder. Psychologically harder.
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  20. “It was great. We had more people, more films, more positive feedback — just so many new people,” Geoffrey Morris said of the 2019 Ridgefield Independent Film Festival. “The people who were here last year came again, and they told people, and the people who heard about it came.”There were 120 different films shown shown at four venues in town — the Ridgefield Theater Barn, the Ridgefield Library, the Ridgefield Playhouse and Keeler Tavern Museum — from Thursday, Oct. 10, through Monday, Oct. 14.This is the second year Morris’s TownVibe Fund has organized and run the film festival. Megan Smith-Harris was the festival director.Since people could buy passes good for numerous events, as well as tickets to individual screenings, organizers can’t say exactly how many people attended this year’s Ridgefield Independent Film Festival — known by the acronym RIFF.“Getting a really accurately count is hard,” Morris said. “...Ticket sales were a little higher.”He estimated about 4,000 attended this year’s festival.“In 2018, we had roughly 3,250 unique guests (not counting people who come to multiple films, of which there are many),” said Smith-Harris. “This year, I would agree with Geoffrey that for attendance we had around 4,000.”The festival also had a good turnout of people in the business.“As for filmmakers, we had 46 — this includes actors, writers, directors, producers, cinematographers, and executive producers,” said Smith-Harris. “Filmmakers came from across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and Norway.”The four-year-old event was again in the fall, rather than the spring, this year.“I think this time of year really helps. It used to be in May,” Morris said. “In May, it’s just starting to get nice, and people are ‘Let’s go outside and do something!’”Movies, awardsOf course, what ultimately makes a film festival work are the movies.“Our festival director is really a creative force, and picked some stellar movies,” Morris said.There were 15 awards, many with local sponsors, and some of the award-winning films had local connections.“Redding resident and filmmaker Cindy Meehl, won RIFF Best of Fest for her powerful documentary, The Dog Dog, which features Ridgefield resident, integrative veterinarian Dr. Marty Goldstein who launched Smith Ridge Veterinary Center in South Salem, and is internationally recognized as a visionary for his approach to integrative medicine for animals,” Smith-Harris said.“RIFF partnered with local animal shelter ROAR to spread the word about the film, and there was a full house at the screening held at the Ridgefield Playhouse on Sunday, October 13.”The festival’s Best Narrative Feature award went to Sell By, an hour-and-a-half romantic comedy directed by Mike Doyle, an actor and director who grew up in Ridgefield.For RIFF’s Script-to-Screen initiative, Sacred Heart University in Fairfield provided what Smith-Harris described as a “very generous $25,000 production grant.”Scripts for short films were accepted throughout the year, and one script was selected for production. The finished film will be screened next year at RIFF and other film festivals around the country.The winning script this year, Family Matters by Sarah T. Schwab, was performed as a staged reading at the Ridgefield Theater Barn on Saturday, Oct. 12. Two of the children's roles were played by Ridgefield actors Dean Trevisani and Colby Knipes.Another screenplay competition was Scene-in-CT, open to screenwriters anywhere in the world as long as the screenplay was in English and had at least one major scene set in the state of Connecticut. This year's winner was The Land That Time Like Totally Forgot by Norwalk-based writer Steven Tspaelas. That script also had a live reading at the Theater Barn on Saturday, with a cast of ten actors.“We had a great partnership with the Theater Barn this year. We had things going on there every day,” Morris said.On the first night of the festival, Pizza, A Love Story, a documentary on the famous New Haven pizza scene, was screened at the Theater Barn, with a question and answer period afterwards with filmmaker Gordon Bechard.“The place was full, standing room only,” Morris said. “Then we had the Playhouse on Friday.”The Ridgefield Playhouse went from noon to 10:30 p.m. Friday, showing a series of five longer films with an hour and a half of “curated shots” in the middle of the afternoon.The Ridgefield Library showed three films Friday, five on Saturday and three Sunday.The Keeler Tavern showed two documentaries Sunday and a series of seven shorts Sunday night.Monday Keeler Tavern had a series of eight shorts at 1, and a series of nine shorts at 3, followed by an 84-minute documentary about a religious missionary’s return to Guatemala“We had the library every day, we had Keeler Tavern,” Morris said. “It’s great that we have those resources, to show films at those places
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  21. Hell o brother 

    I haven't changed my name in a while, why I didn't get a chance to change it

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