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Everything posted by VollmeR

  1. The first Thing I always do is give out the Warning that you're not allowed to shoot the LM's, you're Welcome to ask anyone about that. Secondly, immediately afterwards you started Arguing with me in another Language instead of simply Explaining what your Problem was directly in English, and since there were probably Insults involved and your Behavior was inappropriate and disrupted the Game, I eliminated you. Little info: This isn't Proof, it just shows that I Eliminated you. Thank you for Reading. 🙂 Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR
  2. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  3. If the Majority of the Players want the Map to be changed, then the Admins Job is to carry out this Order. I've always done it that Way and it's right that an Admin does that. @7aMoDi acted correctly and changed the Map after a fair Voting. Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR
  4. #Voted. Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR
  5. Hello All. Today is the Birthday of @7aMoDi lets celebrate him! 💚 Best regards Your Friend VollmeR
  6. Rejected! Reason: Improve your Behavior first, follow the Rules and try again in 14x Days. Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR.
  7. You are not suitable to become an Admin, I have had several Conflicts with you and always gave you a Chance, but to become an Admin you need good Behavior, sensible Language and Perseverance, and you don't have that. //Contra. Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR
  8. Accepted!
  9. You need to wait 7x Days to Request again! Rejected.
  10. Rejected!
  11. ★ Nickname: Mac DeMarco 3;32 ★ CSBD username: @Mac DeMarco ★ Rank: Administrator ★ Admin - Rules: Admin - Rules | Player - Rules ★ Enter Groups That Are Required: Social - Groups
  12. ★ Nickname: Jessie. ★ CSBD username: @Jessie. ★ Rank: Administrator ★ Admin - Rules: Admin - Rules | Player - Rules ★ Enter Groups That Are Required: Social - Groups
  13. Accepted! Contact me via Discord or Forum please. Best regards Daddy Boss - VollmeR.
  14. Accepted!
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