¤ Your Nickname (same as in forum): VollmeR
¤ Your Address Skype, Facebook: Facebook
¤ Age: 24
¤ Languages That You Can Speak: German, English
¤ Your Location: Germany
¤ Experience As Admin (last server GT link): I have much experience, and have been admins many times & i was an once time an owner myself.
¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (24:00 To 12:00 PM): Yes
¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server: VollmeR - GameTracker
¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I know that I've done some things wrong and I also want to talk to the people I've done badly and show them that I've improved, I'm also willing to explain everything. I would like to continue to support the server with my work as I did then + I have seen that support is urgently needed now, especially at night, but also during the day. I am willing to start as an Administrator and get tested for a week or more.
¤ Are you on our NewLifeZM discord server and will you be active in the NewLife Staff-Chat channel: Yes
¤ Password/Key for Admin [Read The Rules to find it]: "NewLife Top2"