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Everything posted by DIXON COCO

  1. welcome
  2. I think that the only thing that needs to be more attractive is the nemesis mode since very little is bought to add more ability to be able to kill and for the players to understand the nemesis more. The rest is fine, how is it, modifying zm and humans would be more chaos and complications already we have bombs for humans and zm
  3. Proooo Good activity
  4. I will give you a professional, you have good activity and read the rules carefully so as not to have problems pro for admin
  5. make sure you meet the requirements for the application English is mandatory to be admitted inconsistent activity respect the rules and come back in 1 week with good activity reject
  6. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  7. I give you a chance friend I see that you have been doing a good job and supporting us with the vote for sv do not waste the opportunity friend read the rules carefully to avoid problems proooo
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