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  1. XyleN

    #Unban Request

    It sounds funny on your part that a 16 year old girl gives me orders and decides on me what to do, are you sure you gave Ban because of that? Did you even use a screenshot that I wrote, not really imagining what you think, and then you gave me a gag and wrote for the reason I even threatened you? Where does the threat materialize? And it's my right to act like an afk so the ct did not know I'm moving because he's there lasers, and I really do not need anyone's testimonials because it's already known in advance they's on your side, I'm here to play so stop this behavior, little girl's behavior needs attention , 5 times I told you not to contact me and you said "what if I turn" and I was sure you have two years of experience What behavior ?, I cursed her? Did I insult her? Did I treat her disrespectfully? I asked her if she was serious she froze me after I tried to kill the ct, I did not do any interest and drama, and you were not on the server so how can you know what the big deal is? She once helped me and I thanked you for it and I always respect everyone, and I never look for problems with other admins, everything that has happened so far, happened because of the admins from the Arab sector who treated me disrespectfully and it is my right to report them after insulting me for being Israeli I was guilty of answering me explicitly about this, the ban was not about the freeze, the ban was because I told her not to contact me and she gave me a ban and she even called the ban "terrible" in that I told her not to contact me so do not try to pass the fire on to me Yours, she needs to know how to respect players in their desires as I respected her and told her just not to contact me because I am not interested, she was looking to harass and tease me.
  2. XyleN

    #Unban Request

    Your nick: XyleN Your STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:438522203 The reason you have been banned: It started with it being a mod terminator and I was a zombie and I made myself not move to kill the ct that put lasers on the zombies to kill them so I made myself like I was part of those zombies to kill him and removed more than 700 hp, then sarah froze me and asked her Why, did she say "not attacking, if you have a problem report it" "easy", I said why she asks for it (the report) and she said "really?" I told her, no not really, imagination, what do you think, Because she was just looking to harass me and I already answered her the question and I got gag 6 minutes about it, after the gag I told her not to contact me please because I am not interested so she said what will happen if she does turn, I told her nothing and I am not interested, and she She asked again, and I replied that I did not want her to contact me anymore, then she gave me a ban for 2000 minutes and she used "reason" and wrote that I threatened her, and I just told her not to contact me because I am not interested and here to play. The admin who banned you: Den Sarah The time: Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo): just now (ss buttom doesn't work)
  3. hell nah, look how you behave and how you correspond on the server you are straightforward and when I ask one of the admin something you write me "what do you want?" "There is a problem?" "If you talk to my brother are you talking to me?" Like who you are at all you act like you're something you are not, you're just an admin and you act like you bought the whole world, I have no problem you're talking about Palestine but stop talking nonsense because we're in a computer game and you act like a little kid writing this, So act like an adult and like an admin because you're just attacking me straight I'm asking a question
  4. First thing as I say I do not like to ask for ammo and I ask it occasionally from people I know and not just like that, and secondly I am allowed to complain if I did not get the / get because it is called a bug and it is not my fault that I did not get the ammo from the /get , so I am allowed to complain, and you Can't say I'm looking for problems because I'm never looking for problems and only you have a problem that you are obsessed with me and will take care of me all the time so just leave me and do not contact me because I am not interested, I ask you to ask contact me, and I did not say that palestine is a forbidden word but you are constantly trying to put politics into the server and we are here to play so stop acting like a little kid because I am here to play and have fun not to look for problems and quarrels and you create it then stop,
  5. ¤ Your name: XyleN ¤ Claimed Admin name: flenn,WHATS GOING ON ¤ Date and time: 03/07/2022 17:38 ¤ Reason of complaint: I live in Israel, and there are admins who are looking to annoy and do unnecessary things and should not do, I have no problem that they use what they want and call themselves whatever they want but they change names to random players to free palestine, and write free palestine in chat and someone writes them pff idiots they put him gag, And they started it so why are they allowed and even forbidden to express themselves ?, we're here to play and have fun, they're ruining it.And when I ask for help from another admin or from Flenn, he is an admin and he is supposed to help me, he directly attacks me and asks me if there are any problems and answers me aggressively. ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/CKjauA4 , https://imgur.com/a/LFJX9AE , https://imgur.com/a/9OlRU9C And this is not the first time this has happened with flenn.
  6. [English version] ¤ Nickname: XyleN ¤ Name: Roey ¤ Age: 18 ¤ Country: Israel ¤ City: ¤ Favorite Games:CS 1.6, Fifa,CS GO ¤ Favorite Shows: ¤ Favorite Movies: fast and furious ¤ Favorite Songs / Favorite genre:vegedream ¤ What would you like to do in life: be an agent ¤ Favorite actor - why ?: ¤ Favorite actress - why ?: ¤ Do you smoke? / What brand of cigarettes do you smoke:no ¤ Favorite alcoholic drink: I'm not drinking ¤ Favorite juice: Coca cola ¤ In what country would you like to live: Israel(my country) or usa ¤ Favorite football team: Barcelona ¤ Car models: mercedes ¤ A brief description about you: I am a veteran player in Counter Strike, and I'm from Israel and I would be happy to help everyone: D ¤ How did you find NewLifeZm?: gametracker.rs ¤ If you won 1 million dollars, what would be the first thing you do?: buy newlifezm xd
  7. ¤ Nickname: XyleN ¤ Grade: player ¤ New Tag: OneClapOneKill ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link CLICK HERE!:https://www.gametracker.rs/server_players/
  8. ¤ Your name:XyleN ¤ Claimed Admin name:Reus Nyx flenn masoud ¤ Date and time:17/06/2022 16:40 ¤ Reason of complaint:they talked bad about my country and insulted me and another guy called Porsche ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://imgur.com/mxpYUc9 - https://imgur.com/vd49YRr P.S : You Must know the Rules Before Reporting Admin P.S : Every Report Needs a Clear Proof or Will Be Rejected


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