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Everything posted by Palestine.

  1. Nick : ForniTe Grade :Helper Reason: second suspension Days :5 days Date :25/9/2022 to 30/9/2022
  2. Nick : ForniTe Grade :Helper Reason :Report Accepted Warning: Second suspension
  3. Report accepted! fornite will get a warning
  4. Fornite @JuanJose any explanation?
  5. you are not active enough so many of our admins havent seen you and I havent seen you play either We look forward to improving your activity
  6. send me your info in pm next one!!
  7. Your Activity needs further development and improvement For Helper!
  8. Perhaps this can help us and make it easier for the player to see the rules but on the other hand, this may keep the player away from visiting the forum and This hinders the player from seeing everything that is new on forum
  9. You have to improve your activity and follow the rules
  10. Nick : ZiMoTa Grade : Helper Reason : He bought the nemesis mod and said free but when they gathered the players he killed them Warning: 1/4
  11. Accepted send me your info in pm
  12. Your activity is good! You also dont break the laws
  13. We wish you more activity
  14. Nick : . Old grade : :Moderator New grade : Player Reason : Report Accepted
  15. Removed!
  16. You have 9 hours to respond @.....
  17. 1-What's your suggestion: Welcome! Because of the many mistakes that players make, the most common of which is shooting at the LM and destroying it. I suggest making a rule that players can't make damge for your LM, only you can damge your LM What do you think? 2-How will the server help:Reducing mistakes made by some players 3-Reason:Annoying some players when they smash their LM 4-Other details: nothing
  18. Nickname : Palestine Grade : moderator Old tag :El monester New Tag :{+_King_+OF+_Death_+}
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