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Everything posted by Hellwalks

  1. Happy Valentine's Day to all our wonderful girls The fact you are here make you a better woman and make us a better community. Love and peace for all!
  2. Welcome Alexandru,Enjoy!
  3. Hi Lamine, welcome to CsBlackDevil.
  4. Happy birthday StarScream, have the best day ever!
  5. Hi Manuel, enjoy in the CSBD community!
  6. Accept! .-. The member Hackstory. cannot receive any new messages
  7. V1 has too much blur... I Choose v3, (you could add offset to that creation because it's too dark)
  8. Welcome George , Enjoy in our community. Regards.
  9. Things happen for a reason....

  10. Hello Alex, nice to meet u.
  11. Bine ai venit!
  12. Welcome!
  13. Welcome Darius!
  14. Welcome to others forum e.e
  15. Salut, bine ai venit!
  16. V1,wonderful effects and perfect background
  17. Welcome!
  18. Hellwalks

    [Rezolvat] Help

    Refresh the page, and make sure if the problem is just in that topic
  19. Avatar dimensiunea maxima care sprijina acest forum este de 150 x 280, daca incercati sa puna un mai mare, acesta va fi plasat, dar pixelat.
  20. Nick: Hellwalks Server: HellZone.CsBlackDevil.Com Poze: don't judge me, I'm still noob in mods that are not ZP =( , just trying sth new...
  21. Be sure that the time-line in Ae is less than 10 sec. Try to save the Ae project to QuickTime media if you are saving it to .avi or other format, And when you place it from video to layers in photoshop, be sure that the reproduction times is "unlimited".
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