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    Palestine, State of
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About Mo7amD

  • Birthday 10/18/2002


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    ان الله وملاىكته يصلون على النبي يا ايها الذين امنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما
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    فلسطين غزة

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  1. Well wait do you have facebook?

  2. If the servant needs the skin of a knife, a new weapon, and the skin of supervisors, I have it all

  3. ¤ Your nickname (as in the forum): Muhammad ¤ Your Skype address, Facebook: I don't have it ¤ Age: 17 ¤ Languages you can speak: English and Arabic ¤ Your location: Palestine [Gaza] ¤ Lots of experience how many text (last GT connector to the server): 3 years I had a server ¤ You can stay as a spectator or play between these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): Yes ¤ Link to the hours you've played on (click here, type in your nickname): https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/top_players/?query=WCG^NOMAN ¤ The reason you want to be in charge: I help and love this server ¤ admin password/key [read bottom on it]: [NewLifeZM2025] #1 NEWLIFEZM
  4. If you want a new weapon for normal players, a knife skin and a boss skin, just send me
  5. If you want a new weapon for normal players, a knife skin and a boss skin, just send me

  6. Sorry I wrote it more than once😐

  7. كيف احط صورة لملف الشخصي؟
  8. عمر بنفع اخد VIP مجاني؟

    عايشة كتبت لواحد استمر في الطلب لمدة 3 اشهر

    يعني كل اسبوع اطلب لما يسيرو 3 اشهر؟؟

  9. What is the problem?


  10.  I can put belts and skins for weapons, tell me what's your problem 

    My name on Facebook is Noman Osama Al Banna

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dark


      Yes men im  Jesus Vasquez 

    3. Mo7amD


      I found a new knife and weapon skin and a good admin look

    4. Mo7amD


      I will show you it on Facebook

  11. ¤ Your nickname (as in the forum): Muhammad ¤ Your Skype address, Facebook: I don't have it ¤ Age: 17 ¤ Languages you can speak: English and Arabic ¤ Your location: Palestine [Gaza] ¤ Lots of experience how many text (last GT connector to the server): 3 years I had a server ¤ You can stay as a spectator or play between these hours (from 24:00 to 12:00): Yes ¤ Link to the hours you've played on (click here, type in your nickname): https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/top_players/? ¤ The reason you want to be in charge: I help and love this server ¤ admin password/key [read bottom on it]: [NewLifeZM2025] #1 NEWLIFEZM
  12. ¤ Your nickname (as in the forum): Mohammad ¤ Your Skype address, Facebook: I don't have ¤ Age: 17 ¤ Languages you can speak: Arabic and English ¤ Your location: Palestine [Gaza] ¤ Experience as Administrator (Last GT Connector to Server): 3 years I had a server ¤ Can you stay a spectator or play between these hours (24:00 to 12:00 noon): yes ¤ Link to the hours you played on the server (click here, you must type your nickname):https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/top_players/?query=WCG^NOMAN ¤ The reason you want to be in charge: I help the players and I love this server ¤ Administrator Password / Key [Read the rules to find it]: [NewLifeZM2025]
  13. the tag : IN UR DREAMS
    PW : freepalestine


  14. ¤ Your nickname (as in the forum): Mohammad ¤ Your Skype address, Facebook: I don't have ¤ Age: 17 ¤ Languages you can speak: Arabic and English ¤ Your location: Palestine [Gaza] ¤ Experience as Administrator (Last GT Connector to Server): 3 years I had a server ¤ Can you stay a spectator or play between these hours (24:00 to 12:00 noon): Definitely yes ¤ Link to the hours you played on the server (click here, you must type your nickname):https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/top_players/?query=WCG^NOMAN ¤ The reason you want to be in charge: I help the players and I love this server ¤ Administrator Password / Key [Read the rules to find it]: NewlifeZM2025 I will be in 30 hours🙂


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